Emperor Lothair I
(c.795 - 855)
-===Medilands Kings of Lotharingia ===-
LOTHAIRE , son of Emperor LOUIS I "der Fromme/le Pieux" & his first wife Ermengard (795-Kloster Prüm 29 Sep 855, bur Kloster Prüm).
Thegan's Vita Hludowici I...
Yom Tov Lippman Heller - "Tosfot Yom Tov"
(1579 - 1654)
רבי גרשון שאול יום-טוב ליפמן הלוי הלר ולרשטיין (ה'של"ט 1579 - ו' באלול ה'תי"ד 1654) - (מכונה "התוספות יום-טוב") היה מגדולי חכמי אשכנז ופולין ומגדולי פרשני המשנה, בעל פירוש "תוספות יום טוב" על המשנה אשר...
Margareta Ingesdotter Fredkulla
(c.1080 - c.1129)
Fredkulla==*Fredkulla meaning peacegirl, her marriage to king Magnus of Norway was arranged in order to ensure peace with Norway.*Born Princess of Sweden*By marriage 1101 to King Magnus III, Queen Cons...
Sognepræst i Starup Poul Hansen Anchersen
(1570 - 1635)
4. 1602 [Cap.* c. 95] F. S. Mag. Paul Hansen Anchersen (Ancharius); St. Rostock 88, Wittenberg 88; Mag. ss. 23/3 91; l ~ Starupgd. 29/6 95 Catharina Friedrichsdtr., f. c. 77, † 7/8 99; F. Fr. Foese (Fr...
Roger II, 1st Earl of Shropshire
(1022 - 1094)
Roger II 'The Great' de Montgomery==* Son of Roger de Montgomery, I Seigneur de Montgomery and Josceline Tofulus de Turqueville * Earl of Arundel & Shrewsbury, Governor of Normandy* Roger de Montgomery...
Pierre Joubert, a1SV/PROG
(1663 - 1732)
No valid source for marriage to Isabeau Richarde Franschhoek, the town, has a more recent history, only being proclaimed as such in 1881.
Birth Date 1664
Death Date 30/6/1732
First Name Pierre ...
Siegfried I, count of Luxembourg
(aft.919 - 998)
Siegfried of Luxembourg From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Salme 2-I, VK555, I-Y3657, mtDNA U3b1b, Mälardalsson
(c.720 - c.750)
Salme 2-I, 700 - 800 CE
Shared Ancestor, 550 BCE
You and Salme 2-I share a common paternal line ancestor who lived around this time.
Rare Connection
1 in 207
Only 1 473 customers are this closely ...
Prince of Smolensk Davyd Rostislavovich Смоленский
(1140 - 1197)
- in different cities (Novgorod, Torchesk, Vitebsk, Vyshgorod), but most of all - in Smolensk, where he sat 17 years, from 1180 until his death. In 1185, after the defeat of Igor's, heeding the call of...
Saint Bridget of Sweden
(1303 - 1373)
St. Birgitta Birgersdotter Lejon Till Finsta
Daughter of Birger Persson (Finsta) and Ingeborg Bengtsdotter Lejon, Folkungaätten
Birth: December 31, 1303 in Sköldnoragård (Skällnora), Upplands Väsby...
Katarina Fincke
(c.1335 - d.)
Ritari Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimo. Riddare Olof Jönsson Tawasts hustru. 'Knight Olof Jönsson Tawast's wife. HUOM! Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimon alkuperä ei ole tiedossa. Hänen nimensä oli todennäköises...
John Allen, Sr.
(bef.1710 - bef.1778)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor # A130882
DAR shows John Allen (DAR Ancestor # 130881) (1739-1827) as son of John Allen (DAR Ancestor # A130882) (1710-1778) an...
Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway
Skaugum, Asker, Akershus, Norge
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Johann the Younger # 4808 * Kongehuset In Norwegian_________________________________________________________________________________
Gerberge of Burgundy
(c.965 - 1018)
Gerberge of Burgundy
Daughter of Conrad "the Peaceful", king of Burgundy and Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes
Project MedLands, SWABIA GERBERGA (-7 Jul 1018). Herimannus...
N.N. d'Austrasie
(c.740 - d.)
Hedwig of Babenberg
(aft.850 - 903)
Hedwig von Babenberg (Hadwig, Hatui) 1. ([850/55]-24 Dec 903). "Hathwiga" is named as wife of Otto in the Annalista Saxo, which in an earlier passage records that Heinrich I King of Germany was the son...
Árpád(házi) II. András - Andrew II, King of Hungary
(aft.1176 - 1235)
Adèle de France
(c.893 - d.)
Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comitis Heriberti gener…Roberti" and in a later passage to the sister of "dux Hugo Cappatus" as the wife of "comitis Heriberti de Peroni, Campanie et ...
Catharina Östensdotter Sursill
(c.1562 - aft.1614)
Sursill oli kolmasti naimisissa1. pso tunnettiin nimellä Lauri Siniluoto. Hänelle on soviteltu myös sukunimeä Sinius asuinpaikan mukaan. Katariina jäi leskeksi ennen vuotta 1580. Tästä avioliitosta on ...
Sviatoslav of Vitebsk
(c.1070 - aft.1129)
Svyatoslav Vseslavich (baptized as Georgy / George; b.c.1070 - d. after 1129), Prince of Vitebsk 1101-1129, son of Vseslav Bryachislavich; from Rurik VIII tribe, died in exile.
Capt. Lewis Ellzey
(1702 - bef.1786)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor #: A203732
Lewis Ellzey was the son of Thomas Ellzey and wife Isabelle Thomasin. He was born c. 1701-1702 in Stafford County Virginia. ...
Mårten Abrahamsson Djäkn
(c.1350 - aft.1423)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 122-126.
Satakunnan vouti, Suomi, Pohjanmaa, Finland
Alain IV "Fergant" de Cornouaille, duc de Bretagne
(c.1067 - 1119)
Alan IV, Duke of Brittany From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAlan IV Fergant (died 13 October 1119) was Duke of Brittany, from 1084 until his abdication in 1112. He was also Count of Nantes and Count...
Louis XVI, king of France
(1754 - 1793)
LOUIS XVI KING OF FRANCE & CO-PRINCE OF ANDORRA The Peerage * Wikipedia: English Francais King of the French Reign 1 October 1791 – 21 September 1792> Predecessor Louis XV Successor: Monarchy abolished...
Duncan II, King of Scots
(c.1059 - 1094)
Duncan II of Scotland, Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim (Modern Gaelic: Donnchadh mac Mhaoil Chaluim)[1] anglicised as Duncan II (before c. 1060 – 12 November 1094) was king of Scots. He was son of Malcolm III...
Henry IV the Great, king of France
(1553 - 1610)
Portrait of Henry IV as Hercules slaying the Lernaean Hydra by the circle of Toussaint Dubreuil French, c. 1600 oil on canvas Musée du Louvre
Added by Janet Milburn 1/31/21 (A rather humorous depictio...
 Photo by Julian Vannerson. Public domain. Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Robert_Edward_Lee.jpg
Gen. Robert E. Lee, CSA
(1807 - 1870)
Robert E. Lee was an American Confederate general who served in the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, during which he was appointed the overall commander of the Confederate S...
Mathilde von Sponheim, duchess of Carinthia
(1097 - 1160)
1. Mathilde de Carinthie, née en 1108 et morte le 13 décembre 1160 ou 1161, est une princesse de la maison de Sponheim, fille du duc Engelbert de Carinthie et de Ute de Passau (v. 1050 - † 1140)1. Elle...
Holger Drachmann
(1846 - 1908)
1846 Født og døbt i Holmens sogn
1908 Død på Brünniches Klinik i Hornbæk
Kilde: Wikipedia
Holger Henrik Herholdt Drachmann (9. oktober 1846 - 14. januar 1908) var en dansk di...
Sean K. MacPherson
Notes "Hotelier Sean MacPherson Takes a Personal Approach" By Megan Sullivan - February 25, 2014
As the son of a New Zealand surfing champion, New York City hotelier and restaurateur Sean MacPherson ...
Catherine Parr, Queen consort of England and Ireland
(c.1512 - 1548)
Catherine Parr was born between 1512 and 1514 at Kendal Castle, Kendal, Cumberland, England.3 She was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr and Maud Green.2 She married, firstly, Sir Edward Burgh , son of Si...
Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne
(c.1035 - c.1070)
Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne=* Son of Robert I le Vieux, duc de Bourgogne and Hélie de Semur, duchesse consort de Bourgogne * Henrique de Borgonha ( 1035 - 1074 ) was an infant of the Duchy of ...
 Photo by the Dutch Ministry of Defence. CC0 1.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lancering_Invictus_Games_2020-7_(cropped).jpg
Harry, Duke of Sussex
Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California, United States
Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales Prince Henry of Wales (Henry Charles Albert David), commonly known as Prince Harry, is the younger son of King Charles III and the late Diana, Princess of Wal...
Gerberge du Gâtinais, comtesse d'Anjou
(913 - 952)
, d'Orléans, de Gâtinais, Comtesse d'AnjouParents: (uncertain) Geoffroy, Vicomte d'Orléans. Comte de Gâtinais & his (unknown) wifeSpouse: Foulques II d'AnjouChildren: 1. Geoffroy2. Guy3. Adalais4. Drog...
Beata Markusdotter
(c.1564 - c.1624)
Beatan vanhempien sukupuu perustuu seur. lähteisiin:# # Aarno Raittila Karkun Rainion talon sukuhistoria 1500-1600 luvulla 29.10.2014 # #
Kristina Jönsdotter Garp
(c.1380 - aft.1435)
Turun linnan voudin Klaus Lydekesson Djäknin vaimo. Kristina Jönsdotter . Nämnes 22.1 1435, såsom hustru till slottsfogden i Åbo, häradshövdingen i Masko hd i Norr Finland Klas Lydekason eller Klas Djä...
Ranulf II de Poitiers, Comte de Poitou, Duc d'Aquitaine
(c.850 - aft.892)
RAMNULF [Rainulf] ([815]-killed in battle near Brissarthe Oct 866). He was installed as RAINULF I Comte de Poitou in [839]. >m ([845]%29 [ NN du Maine ] --- du Maine, daughter of RORICO [I] Comte du Ma...
St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog
(c.400 - c.490)
For the version of his family found in the Welsh Genealogies, See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
ID: I51199 _ _
Name: Brychan ap ANLACH
Given Name: Brychan ap
Surname: Anla...
Hugh XI of Lusignan, count of La Marche
(c.1221 - 1250)
Hugh XI of LusignanFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHugh XI of Lusignan, Hugh VI of La Marche or Hugh II of Angoulême or Hugues XI & VI & II de Lusignan ( 1221 – 6 April 1250) succeeded his father ...
Foulques IV "le Réchin" de Château-Landon, Comte d'Anjou
(1043 - 1109)
COMTES d'ANJOU 1060-1189 (COMTES de GATINAIS) GEOFFROY [II] de Gâtinais, son of HUGUES du Perche Comte de Gâtinais & his wife Beatrix de Mâcon (-30 Apr [1043/47]).
m ([1035]%29 as her first husband, E...
Countess Emilia van Oranje- Nassau, Gravin, Princess de Portugal
(1569 - 1629)
Emilia of Nassau (10 April 1569 – 16 March 1629) was the third and youngest daughter of William the Silent and his second wife Anna of Saxony. Manuel of PortugalIssue # Maria Belgica of Portugal # Man...
Judith of Brittany
(aft.982 - 1017)
of Brittany (982–1017) was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde of Anjou , and the mother of Robert the Magnificent .She was the first wife of Richard the Good , Duke of Normandy, w...
Jakob Kurki till Koljala i Vanaja
(bef.1325 - 1383)
Alilaamanni. Satakunta.Jakob Kurki, hoiti laamannin virkaa 27.2.1362 Nils Turenpojan (Bielke) puolesta; 20.6.1373 Turussa kaupanvahvistajana; 26.1.1383 vahvistettiin rajalinja Jakobin omistaman Vanajan...
Edward 'the Exile', Ætheling of England
(1016 - 1057)
Edward the Exile (1016 – 19 April 1057), also called Edward Ætheling, was the son of King Edmund Ironside and of Ealdgyth. He spent most of his life in exile in the Kingdom of Hungary following the def...
 Czar Brodie released this work into the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain. This applies worldwide.
John Forbes, 6th Lord Forbes
(bef.1475 - 1547)
Gytha of Wessex, Grand Princess consort of Kievan Rus
(c.1053 - 1107)
Gyda, daughter of Harold Godwinsson and Eadgyth Swanneshals([1050/55]-). Gytha is named as King Harold's daughter in Fagrskinna, which also states that she married "Valldimar Konongr sun Iarozlæifs kon...
Count Ridoredh de Bretagne, Comte de Nantes et Vannes
(830 - 857)
His son Alain is not in this site with MAKES the ancestors wrong from Alain
This needs to be corrected
Pasquitan, Pascweten, or Paskwezhen (died 876) was the Count of Vannes and a claimant to th...
Tigridia verch Calpurnius
(aft.318 - 400)
Tigridia of Ireland Queen-Consort of Cornouaille in Brittany
Tigridia verch Calpurnius was born c.330.1 She married Gradlon Mawr ap Cynan Meriadoc the King of Cornouaille (an independent region withi...
William Sinclair of Roslin
(c.1327 - aft.1358)
Sir William St Clair , 8th Baron of Rosslyn Succeeded 1331, died 1358Married Isabella de Strathern, daughter of Malise, Earl of Caithness, Strathern, and Orkney. Malise had no male heirs and after Will...
Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León
(1047 - 1109)
ALFONSO VI King of Castile & León (Compostela c1038/40-Toledo 30 Jun 1109, bur Sahagún, León, San Mancio chapel in the royal monastery of Santos Facundo y Primitivo)
s/o FERNANDO I "el Magno" King of ...
King Charles VIII of Sweden
(c.1408 - 1470)
Charles VIII of Sweden, Charles I of Norway== Charles VIII of Sweden (1408 Uppsala - 1470 Stockholm, in reality Charles II), Charles I of Norway , also Carl (Swedish: Karl Knutsson), was king of Sweden...
Olav III, King of Norway
(c.1050 - 1093)
Olav Haraldsson, III Olaf III (Old Norse: Óláfr Haraldsson, Norwegian: Olav Haraldsson; c. 1050 – 22 September 1093), known as Olaf Kyrre (Old Norse: kyrri, English: Peaceful), was king of Norway from ...
(b. - c.796)
His wife
Alchilda Of Northumbria
(736 - 800)
Spouse Eafa OF WESSEX (720 - 796)
Child Ealhmund of Kent (758 - 786)
Daughter Of
Father King Æthelbert II OF KENT (696 - 762)
Mother Bassa (715 - )
Helena Torildsdotter, princess of Sweden
(c.1055 - 1140)
Helena av Sverige
Född Omkring 1065
Död Omkring 1140 Vreta kloster.
Hon var syster till Blot-Sven och maka till kung Inge den äldre. Var drottning i två omgångar omkring 1080–1084 samt omkrin...
Richard "Strongbow" de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
(c.1125 - 1176)
"Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke (of the first creation), Lord of Leinster, Justiciar of Ireland (1130 – 20 April 1176). Like his father, he was also commonly known by his nickname Strongbow (Fr...
Erispoë "the Elder" de Broërec
(aft.760 - c.812)
Erispoë I de Poher et Browerec=was born about 760 in Bretagne, France. He died in 812. He was married about 784.*He had the following children:# M i ) Count Rivallon III de Poher # M ii ) Nominoe de...
Philip de Braose, 2nd Lord of Bramber
(1073 - 1134)
PHILIP [I] de Briouse (before 1073-[1131/39]).
A charter dated 1073 recorded the donation by "Braiosa Willelmus" to St Nicholas of Bramber, confirmed by "Phylippo filio eius"[1134].
N. N. Jakobsdotter Kurki
(c.1340 - 1370)
Herman Svärd ja N. N. Jakobsdotter avioituivat vuoden 1360 tienoilla. Tapio Vähäkangas: Jeppe Kurjen esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset
Prince Alexander the Good Musat, Prince of Moldavia
(c.1383 - 1432)
[ ]Alexander cel Bun (Alexandru cel Bun; Alexandru I Muşat) was a Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia, reigning between 1400 and 1432,[1] son of Roman I Muşat. He succeeded Iuga to the throne,[2] and, as a ru...
Dynius Magnusson
(c.1420 - 1501)
Dönsbyn-suku luultavasti omisti 1400-luvulla sen maa-alueen, jonka Gereke Skytte ja virolainen Padaisten luostarin apotti panttasivat 1347 (Lakukullan tila). Suku aateloitiin 1467. Sammunut miehenpuole...
 Photo by the Strauss-Peyton Studio. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Charlie_Chaplin_portrait.jpg
Charlie Chaplin
(1889 - 1977)
Charlie Chaplin was a comedic British actor who became one of the biggest stars of the 20th century's silent-film era.
Who Was Charlie Chaplin?
Charlie Chaplin worked with a children's dance troupe...
Raban Shimon II haZaken ben Gamliel, President of the Sanhedrin, הי״ד
(-10 - 70)
Shimon II ben Gamliel I , שמעון השני בן גמליאל הראשון , was a Tannaist sage and leader of the Jewish people. He succeeded his father Gamliel I as the Nasi of the Sanhedrin after his father's death in ...
William Stewart of Balquidder and Baldoran
(c.1455 - 1528)
Biography William Stewart of Balquidder and Baldoran was born circa 1455 in Balindoran, Campsie, Stirlingshire, Scotland. His parents were James Beag Stewart 1st of Baldorran and Annabella Buchanan . H...
Oscar Jørgensen
(1883 - 1963)
Ingeltrudis (Baba) de Frioul
HEINRICH, son of --- (-killed in battle Paris [before Sep] 886, bur St Médard at Soissons). ... ... ...
m BABA, daughter of --- (-after 864). The Annalista Saxo names Adalbert and his "pater Heinr...
Milesius Galamh (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
(c.-1853 - c.-1806)
He was the legendary ancestor of the Irish people. His original name was Golam (or Galamh), meaning "no stranger." His was called Míl Espáine (Soldier of Spain), contracted to Milesius.John O'Hart (182...
Knut I Ericsson, King of Sweden
(1145 - 1196)
Knut Eriksson, död 1196, kung av Sverige ca 1167-1195, son till Erik den helige och drottning Kristina.Då fadern dräptes, flydde Knut troligen ur riket. Han återkom omkring 1167, dödade Karl Sverkersso...
Oda of Thuringia
(816 - 913)
Oda Billungen von Thuringia, 817 - 869
Oda Billungen von Thuringia was born in 817, in Luneburg, Bremen, Sachsen, Germany.
Oda married Liudolf "the Great von Worms von Sachsen (Liudolfing) circa 849,...
Mary Anne Trump
(1912 - 2000)
Mary Anne (MacLeod) Trump was the Scottish-born American mother of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump.* Wikipedia: Mary Anne MacLeod Trump ==Sources==* Bannerman, Alexander, Julie He...
Heikki Kovalainen
Helsinki, Finland
Heikki Johannes Kovalainen , born Suomussalmi in 1981, is a Finnish racing driver. He raced in Formula 1 between 2007 and 2013 for the Renault, McLaren, Team Lotus and Lotus F1 teams.In 2010, he moved ...
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland
(1599 - 1658)
comments Given name has also been reported to be Oliverus .
links Cromwell's death and funeral order
Diary of Thomas Burton esq
No. VII. [supra, p. 480.]
The Death, Funeral Order, and Procession, o...
Heilwig von Dagsburg
(c.971 - c.1046)
ID: I28863*Name: =Heilwig Von Dagsburg=*Surname: Von Dagsburg*Given Name: Heilwig*Sex: F*Birth: ABT 0964 in of Dabo, Moselle, France*Death: 1046*Ancestral File #: 96LJ-LV* _UID: C1338172DDBDD611BF69444...
 Atlantic Records - Public Domain
Roberta Flack
(1937 - 2025)
Roberta Cleopatra Flack (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025)[3][4] was an American singer who topped the Billboard charts with the No. 1 singles "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face", "Killing Me So...
Richard FitzGilbert de Bienfaite, Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge
(1024 - 1090)
Earl Richard "de Tonbridge" FitzGilbert - also known as de Clare - was born about 1024, lived in Bienfaite, Normandy, France and died about 1090 in St. Neots, Huntingdonshire, England . He was the son ...
 Unknown artist, Salisbury Roll. Public Domain.
Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury
(1400 - 1460)
"Richard Neville, jure uxoris 5th Earl of Salisbury and 7th and 4th Baron Montacute, KG, PC (1400 – 31 December 1460) was a Yorkist leader during the early parts of the Wars of the Roses"==============...
Jane Seymour, Queen consort of England
(1508 - 1537)
a short summary from WikipediaJane SeymourQueen consort of EnglandTenure 30 May 1536 – 24 October 1537Proclamation 4 June 1536Spouse Henry VIII of England (1536-1537)IssueEdward VI of EnglandFather ...
Count Bernard of Anhalt, Duke of Saxony
(c.1140 - 1212)
BERNHARD von Ballenstedt, son of ALBRECHT "der Bär" Markgraf von Brandenburg [Ballenstedt] & his wife Sophie von Winzenburg (1140-Bernburg 9 Feb 1212, bur Ballenstedt St Nikolai). A 13th century geneal...
Hon. John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States
(1767 - 1848)
John Quincy Adams was the Sixth President 1825-1829 ⢠Son of John Adams 2nd PresidentBorn: July 11, 1767 in Braintree, Massachusetts. Died: February 23, 1848, after collapsing on the floor of the Hou...
Aube d'Auvergne
(c.893 - c.942)
rom: www.celtic-casimir.comCte Geoffroy II DU GÂTINAIS Born: 890, Orleans, Loiret, Orleanais/Centre, France Died: Abt 942 Another name for Geoffroy was Geoffroi DE GASTINOIS. Marriage Information: Ge...
Richard Stear, SV/PROG
(1779 - 1823)
Die eerste Stears stamvader Richard Stear(s):Arriveer Tafelbaai 25 Sep 1812 aan boord General Wellesley vanaf Plymouth. Skoenmaker. Woon later in Swellendam.Die tweede Stears stamvader, John Richard St...
Murdoch Mackenzie, 5th of Kintail
(c.1363 - c.1416)
Murdoch Mackenzie 5th Laird of Kintail was born in 1363, in Kintail, Ross-shire, Scotland, his father, Murdoch Dubh MacKenzie 4th of Kintail, was 23 and his mother, Lady Isabel MacAulay of Lochbroom, w...
Adeliza de Toeni, heiress of Belvoir
(1064 - 1135)
Parents: Robert de Toeni, Lord of Belvoir (1030 - 1088) & Adeliza FitzOsulf du Plessis, Heiress of Belvoir (1027 - 1088)
-------------------- NOBILITY.htm
ROBERT de Tosny (-1088). Europäische Stammt...
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise made a strong impression in the teen comedy Risky Business (1983) and then had his first box-office smash as the fighter jock Maverick in Top Gun (1986). Cruise and his cocky grin were prope...
Charles X Gustav, King of Sweden
(1622 - 1660)
English Svenska * King of Sweden: Reign 6 June 1654 – 13 February 1660> Predecessor: Christina Successor: Charles XI
Lt. Kenneth MacLeish
(1894 - 1918)
Lt. Kenneth MacLeish
Richard d'Amiens, comte d'Amiens
(c.755 - 825)
unsure; various trees have him as son of * Waudbert VIII, comte de Lommois and Richarde de Ponthieu * Godefroid Le Danois
Adelinde of Spoleto
(c.729 - aft.787)
Adelindis von Buchau==* Meg Keith wrote on 5/16/2016: re her birth place of Argenburg, North Rhine Westphalia, PreußenUnfortunately Argenburg is one of those place names which appear only in family his...
Sir Ralph de Chesney, I
(c.1044 - c.1086)
Ralph de Quesnay in Geneagraphie
Chesney of Rudham and Horsford, Norfolk, England
The biography on William de Chesney, Sheriff on wikepedia gives this: Robert FitzWalter de Windsor, Sheriff of No...
Abraham Senneor
(1412 - 1493)
The Senior Coronel & Saraiva Family Segovia Castilla y Leon Spain, c. 1386 - See Complete Family Tree and BiographyTogether with I saac Abravanel, wrote the letter of objection to Isabella and Ferdinan...
Sir William le Boteler of Wem
(c.1245 - 1283)
For marriage to Angharad verch Gruffudd, see Peter Bartrum, (December 26, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator) _____________________ Vital Statistics * Son of Ralph le Boteler and Maud (Matilda) Pantulf, daugh...
Håkon IV, king of Norway
(1204 - 1263)
(complete English text at bottom)* = English =King Håkon IV of Norway lived from 1204 to 16 December 1263. He is also referred to as Haakon or Haco or Haquinus, or Håkon the Old. Born into a Norway tor...
John Hamilton
Not the same as John Hamilton
JOHN HAMILTON Servant to John Burn in Brumbletown
Without justification it has been claimed that John Hamilton, here treated, was that son of John Hamilton of Allansh...
Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine
(1044 - 1115)
alt names: Dirk van Saksen, Dietrich von Sachsen, Theodoric de Lorraine==Wikipedia===* English: Theodoric II, Duke of Lorraine ====*Nederlands: Diederik van Opper-Lotharingen ====*Deutsch: Dietrich II....
Björn Ironside
(c.777 - 859)
refer to other language tabs for Swedish / Danish / Norwegian örn Ironside was a legendary king of Sweden who lived sometime in the 9th century. He is said to have been the first ruler of the Munsö dyn...
Eleanore de Normandie
(c.1011 - 1035)
Eleanore de Normandie, Gravinne van Vloandern * Parents: Richard II 'le Bon' and Judith de Bretagne.* Spouse: Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' de Flandre Children: 1. Judith de Flandre, 2. One (uncertain) daught...
Valentine "Wall" Hatfield
(1789 - 1872)
Valentine “Wall” Hatfield
Russell County, Virginia, USA
May 1872 (aged 82–83)
Justice, Mingo County, West Virginia, USA
Hatfield Cemetery
Newtown, Mingo County, West Virginia,
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia
(-356 - -323)
Alexander III of Macedon , popularly known as Alexander the Great (Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας or Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος, Mégas Aléxandros; 356–323 BC), was an Ancient Greeki[%E2%80%BA] king (basileus) of Mace...
Ankaret le Boteler, baroness Strange of Blackmere
(1308 - 1361)
Ankaret Boteler
AKA le Boteler, le Botiller, le Strange, de Ferrers
b. 1316?,
d. 8 October 1361
Father William, 1st Lord Boteler2,3 b. 11 June 1274, d. 14 September 1335
Mother Ela de Herdebu...
Eudes "Odo", comte d'Orléans
(c.780 - 834)
EUDES ([770/80]-killed in battle [Touraine] Jun 834). His birth date is estimated on the assumption that he was already mature when named for the first time in 810/11, but bearing in mind h...
Deborah Franklin
(1708 - 1774)
Deborah (Read) Franklin (about 1708 – December 19, 1774) was the spouse of Benjamin Franklin, a prominent inventor, printer, thinker, revolutionary and Founding Father of the United States. He signed t...