Gilla-Brighid O'Mulloy, King of Fircall
(c.944 - c.1018)
Lord Gilla-Brighid O'Mulloy Ireland
Nils Jensen Ærboe
(c.1660 - c.1728)
Nils Jensen Ærboe=* Niels Jensen (Erboe) Født omkring 1660 (41 år gl. ved manntallet år 1701) * Død 1728, Ibestad, Troms.Hvor Niels Jensen Erboe var fra har ikke vært mulig å finne ut og heller ikke hv...
Rabbi Yochanan Ashkenazi Treves, "HaGadol"
(c.1265 - c.1314)
He was a descendant of R' Itzhak ben Meir, grandson of Rashi and the first to be called "Treves".Immigrated to Trier, Germany in 1306 Dear Yigal,Asher אשר Klein קליין has sent you a message (May 31, 20...
Guy Ó Catháin
(c.1245 - 1303)
◦ "of Ulster". Sources: 1. Cokayne, G.E. "Ross" in "The Complete Peerage" Vol. XI, pp.146.
Victoria Eugenie, Queen of Spain
(1887 - 1969)
Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg (Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena), *By Marriage Queen Consort of Spain== Royal house ==* House of Battenberg (Cadet branch of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt)==Links:==* The Peer...
Margaret Kirby
(1756 - 1842)
After husband's death in 1821, the 10 slaves are apportioned out in the probate of the will. A mother and child went to/bought by? Margaret Kerby/Kirby. Only states "mother and child," but presumably b...
Alice of Chester
(1094 - aft.1141)
ALICE of Chester From Medlands: of RANULF Vicomte du Bessin "le Meschin" & his wife Lucy --- . Guillaume de Jumièges records that Richard married "la sœur de Ranulfe le jeune comte de Chester"[690]. Th...
Cde. Fernando Flaínez
(b. - c.1054)
Fernando Fláinez
Son of Flaín Muñoz and Justa; husband of Elvira Peláez and father of Diego Fernández.
MUNIO Flaínez, son of FLAÍN Díaz & his wife --- (-[31 Oct 961/19 Jun 962]). … m...
Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto
(b. - 836)
- /!\[ENG]/!\- , son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836). The primary source which confirms the parentage of Lambert has not yet been identified. He succeeded as Coun...
Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster
Прапрапраправнук Александра Сергеевича Пушкина.
Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster (born 29 January 1991) is a British aristocrat. He is the third child and only son of the la...
(b. - 768)
Not the daughter of Garnier I, comte d'Artois
LANTBERT , son of --- . He was related to Liutwin "der Heilige" Bishop of Trier, who died in [717]. Graf. Vogt of Kloster Hornbach and Kloster Met...
Adelaide de Chesney
(1088 - 1150)
Osbert de CONDET 1, 2 was born 1080 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 1129 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. Osbert married Adelaide de CHESNEY on 1103 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England.
Adelaide de ...
Sir Robert Bruce of Airth, Kt
(1395 - 1449)
of Clackmannanref ILG*____________* 'Sir Robert Bruce1 *Father Sir Edward Bruce1* ' Sir Robert Bruce married Janet Livingstone, daughter of Sir Alexander Livingston, Lord Callendar, Justiciary and (Mis...
Bela II "The Blind", king of Hungary
(c.1108 - 1141)
Béla II Arpád, King of Hungary (1) M, #113938, b. circa 1109, d. 1141Last Edited=8 Mar 2007 Béla II Arpád, King of Hungary was born circa 1109. (1) He was the son of Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia and Pr...
Teresa Díaz de Lara de Haro
(b. - 1294)
doña Teresa Díaz de HaroEsta persona podría ser la misma persona que Ana de Haro .==fuentes==* FMG MedLands Vizcaya ==enlaces==* hermana tuvo efte Conde don Lope llamada doña Terefa, que cafô con el Co...
Peter Paulsson Juusten
(bef.1565 - c.1614)
LÄHDE: Raastuvanoikeuksien renovoidut tuomiokirjat > Viipurin raastuvanoikeuden tuomiokirjat > Tuomiokirjat 1622-1633 (x:1) 16.7.1627 : Paulus Strålman, Peer Påållsons Juustens framl. hustru, Peer Påål...
Rabbi Eliezer Lippman Heilprin, A.B.D. of Tarnogrod
(c.1640 - 1695)
Note: There is a potential confusion between Margola Heilperin (Schor) and Margela Mirele Halperin . Because both are married to different Eliezer Halperins. The former is married to Rabbi Eliezer Lipp...
Mary Ann Manton
(1799 - 1866)
Daughter of William Wadwell and Elizabeth Henson. Wife of William Manton.
Ericus Falck
(c.1510 - 1570)
Erik (Ericus) Falck (Falk), född 1510, död 1570, var en svensk biskop. Falck var son till Anna Eriksdotter. Hans morbror fogden Benkt Eriksson blev avrättad vid Stockholms blodbad.
Falck var stud...
Henry, 7th Baron de Percy
(1228 - 1272)
Henry Percy was born. Henry married Alice De Warren and had a child: Henry Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick===Notes Buried at the Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary of Sallay in CravenFrom >The Abbey of Sai...
Julia, Princess of Battenberg
(1825 - 1895)
Piers Legh, III
(1415 - 1478)
Piers LEGH, III @ find a grave
'Pedigrees Made at the Visitation of Cheshire, 1613 (1879)
S'r Piers Leighe of [Lyme] Ha[n]dley barronett slayn at Ag...
Thomas Gibson, of Queen’s Creek
(c.1614 - aft.1652)
No evidence he was the son of Thomas Gibson, Sr & Elizabeth Gibson
Thomas Gibson was born in England and died 24 Sep 1652 in Chesquack, York, Virginia.
His (Thomas, Tradesman) grandson Thomas (son ...
Agnes Kimzey
(c.1730 - d.)
Warning: Information below is contrary to information about this family in the DAR public database.
Agnes Lane Kimzey Long died between 1850 and 1860. She is 85 years old in t...
Dubun ap Bryddgwyn
(c.20 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Lledi...
Otto Reinhold Ludwig von Ungern - Sternberg
(1744 - 1811)
Haus Wenden-Grossenhof (Hiiu-Suuremõisa), Dagö (Hiiumaa), Estland. Rahva seas tuntud nimega Ungru krahv, kuulus Hiiumaa mereröövel.
Eestimaa kubermangu balti saksa päritolu aadlik, kes on tuntud tema ...
Berthold I der Bärtige, Herzog von Kärnten
(c.1010 - 1078)
Medlands Berthold I. von Zähringen (c1000, † 6. November 1078 i Weilheim an der Teck), having been promised the Duchy of Swabia by the Emperor received instead the Duchy of Carinthia and Margravate of ...
Sir Andrew Douglas of Hermiston
(1225 - 1277)
Sir Andrew Douglas of Hermiston was born before 1240.2 He is the son of Archibald of Douglas.2 He died after 1259.1Child of Sir Andrew Douglas of Hermiston*William Douglas of Hermiston+1===Citations* 1...
James Forbes, 2nd Lord of Forbes
(1424 - c.1460)
Aleksis Kivi
(1834 - 1872)
Kirjailija. Tuusula.
Författare. Tusby, Finland.
Author. Tuusula, Finland.
Aleksis Kivi (oikealta nimeltään Alexis Stenvall, 10. lokakuuta 1834 Nurmijärvi – 31. joulukuuta 1872 Tuusula) ...
Henrik Fincke
Fincke- suku polveutuu äidin puolelta eräästä Finckestä, joka mainitaan Suomessa 1370-1385. Drotsi Bo Jonssonin (Grip) palvelija sai isännältään 1381 rälssin tiloihinsa Turun hiippakunnassa. Hän on luu...
(b. - c.1448)
Klas Pedersson Flemingin vaimo. Tuntematon. Klas Pedersson Flemings hustru. Okänd. 'Klas Pedersson Flemings wife. Unknown. HUOM! Klas Pedersson Flemingin vaimo ei ollut N. N. Klasdotter Djäkn, kuten jo...
Juana la Palomilla Núñez de Lara
(1285 - 1351)
Ferdinand de la Cerda (1275–1322)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMarriage and IssueFernando was married to Juana Núñez de Lara, who is also known as Lady of Lara. The couple had four daughters,Joh...
Juozas Jagminas
(1878 - 1958)
Vikipedija: Juozas Jagminas - Lietuvos karinis veikėjas, karo gydytojas, pulkininkas.
Aleit von Deken zu Neuenhof und Idampere
(b. - 1486)
Aleit von Deken zu Neuenhof und Idampere
Vanhemman Aleitin kiistaton aviomies, Bernt Tuve, Edisen herra, on Aleitin kanssa namisissa ilmiselvästi jo vuonna 1486. Edisen herra Bern kuoli noin vuonna ...
Prisnibor I.
(bef.1175 - d.)
Erich Gritzner in Steglitz.
I m 32nd volume of the yearbooks has the Geh. Archivist Dr. Lisch occasionally undertook other research on the basis of the four first volumes of the Mekl...
Sir Thomas Isaac
(c.1306 - 1353)
Thomas de Isaac was the son-in-law (not the son) of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland.
Mentioned in MedLands only as the husband of Matilda, Robert the Bruce's daughter. Matilda is described as ha...
Margrethe Jørgensdatter Harbou
(c.1565 - c.1600)
Sir Edward Filmer
(1566 - 1629)
There is a Brass on the tomb of a Sir Edward Filmer and his wife Elizabeth in the Church at East Sutton Kent.This particular Sir Edward Filmer was born in 1565 and died 2nd November 1629.His wife Eliza...
Sir Robert de Hales
(c.1325 - 1381)
Sir Robert Hales, also called Robert de Hales, was born about 1325 in Hales Place, High Halden, Kent, the son of Nicholas Hales.
In 1372 Robert Hales became the Lord/Grand Prior of the Knights Hospita...
Mundskænk Olaf Ebbesen Pincerna
(b. - c.1247)
Mundskænk Olaf Ebbesen Pincerna Oluf Ebbesen
Far: Ebbe Olafsen Glug , d. eft. 1199
Mor: N.N.
Død ca. 1247
Begravet Sorø Klosterkirke, Alsted, Sorø, Danmark
Notater Skænkede på kong Valdemar II ...
Nikolai Suursööt
(1899 - 1943)
Nikolai Suursööt (aastani 1934 Ponomarjov ; 12. märts 1899 Orenburgi kubermang – 22. november 1943 Ussollagi vangilaager, Molotovi oblast, Venemaa) oli eesti laulja (bass).
(c.945 - 1002)
Ælfthryth (c. 945-1000, also Alfrida, Elfrida or Elfthryth) was the second or third wife of King Edgar of England. Ælfthryth was the first king's wife known to have been crowned and anointed as Queen o...
Annabella Forbes
ANNABELLA FORBES [Note]=== Annabella Forbes is the bastard daughter of John, Lord Forbes. The Scots Peerage IV: p. 55 She married Matthew Lumsden of Tillycairn and she and her husband had a charter for...
Pentti Tyniuksenpoika Piri
(1550 - 1597)
Syntynyt: N. 1550, Lapua Alanurmo Piri
Avioliitto: Karin Järvi, Kauppi Paavont noin 1570
Kuollut: 27.1.1597, Nuijasota / Mestattiin Kontsaan Saaressa, noin 47-vuotiaana. La...
William Comyn, Earl of Buchan
(1163 - c.1233)
William Comyn was one of four sons (and three daughters) of Richard Comyn, Justiciar of Lothian and Hextilda of Tynedale. He was born Scotland, in Altyre, Moray in 1163 and died in Buchan in 1233 where...
Richard Clough
(1808 - 1881)
Fernando II, Rei de Portugal
(1816 - 1885)
Ferdinand II August Prinz von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld was born on 29 October 1816 at Vienna, Austria. He was the son of Ferdinand Georg August Prinz von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld and Marie Antoinette Koh...
Drottning Silvia av Sverige (Sommerlath)
Stockholm, Sverige
Hennes bror Ralf Sommerlath, er bosatt i Belgia.
Wikipedia: English Svenska:
Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim)
(1575 - 1639)
In the latest edition of "The Unbroken Chain", it is explained that R' Efraim Zalman Shor's daughter was NOT married to Jacob Koppel Halevi Heller of of Neumark. Rather, R. Jacob Koppel, ABD Neumark wa...
Basil Arthur Lockley
(1893 - 1916)
NZBDM Birth: Basil Artur Lockley Born to Mary & Basil Lockley
L/Corporal in AIR, file number 12/4041. Son of Basil Lockley, of Cambridge, New Zealand.
New Zealand and World War One Roll of...
Rabbi Elijah Solomon Horowitz-Winograd, of Lida
(1842 - 1878)
Rosenstein, Neil (2016). The Unbroken Chain, Vol III, page 43 - listed as "Elijah (Iliya/Eliya) Solomon Winograd
Yavnin, Samule (1882). Nachalat Olamim . Warsaw: Hebrewbooks.org. p. 95 (transcription...
Sir John de Crawford, II
(1167 - 1248)
John Crawford died without male issue in 1248. So part of his estate went to his daughter Margaret. Margaret married Sir Archibald de Douglas. The other part of the estate went to his other daughter, n...
Toda Fortúnez
(b. - c.1076)
Toda Ortiz (Fortúnez), probably a daughter of Fortún Sánchez.
Count Gerhard I Herzog von Lothringen, Graf von Metz, Graf im Julichgau
(c.920 - 963)
, son of GOTTFRIED Graf im Jülichgau & his wife Ermentrude of the Franks ([930/35]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, G...
Rainier de Lorraine
(820 - 890)
Pave Maijanen
(1950 - 2021)
Pekka Juhani ”Pave” Maijanen (s. 3. syyskuuta 1950 Lappeenranta) on suomalainen muusikko, joka on uransa aikana toiminut laulajana, lauluntekijänä, basistina, kosketinsoittajana, rumpalina, kitaristina...
GD Henryk Sienkiewicz
(1846 - 1916)
Henryk Sienkiewicz w Wikipedii po Polsku Henryk Sienkiewicz on Wikipedia in English Henryk Adam Aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz (May 5, 1846–November 15, 1916) was a Polish journalist and Nobel Prize-win...
Godfrey I, count of Namur
(1066 - 1139)
Count Godfrey was also known as Godefroy. >> GODEFROI de Namur, son of ALBERT III Comte de Namur & his wife Ida von Sachsen (-19 Aug 1139). The Chronicon Huberti names "Godefrido filio Alberti comitis ...
John Stewart of Bonkyl and Garlies
(1246 - 1298)
The Battle of Falkirk, (Blàr na h-Eaglaise Brice in Gaelic) which took place on 22 July 1298, was a major engagement in the First War of Scottish Independence. An English army commanded by King Edward ...
Fulk FitzWarin, Lord of Whittington and Alderbury
(c.1110 - 1170)
Fulk I FitzWarin (d.1170/1), a supporter of King Henry II (1154-1189), of Whittington in Shropshire and Alveston in Gloucestershire, son of the "shadowy or mythical" Warin of Metz, Lorraine.[2] Fulk I ...
Gauthier de Brienne, Comte de Brienne, Seigneur de Ramerupt
(c.1103 - bef.1161)
GAUTHIER [II], Comte de Brienne
s/o ERARD [I] Comte de Brienne & Alix de Montdidier (- c1191])
3 EUSTACHE (->1133)
4 ERARD [II] (-8 Feb [1190/91])
5 EUSTACHE (-1166 or >)
6 ANDRE (-killed in ba...
Dr. Regina Barkan
(1880 - aft.1942)
Ph. D Jena 1923
Barkan, Regina, Nietzsche der Imperialist
Verl. der sozialistischen Monatshefte, Berlin 1924
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Barkan, Regina
geborene Barkan geboren am 06. ...
Jacques Boucher
(1547 - bef.1611)
Lieux info: Perche, France (naissance,mariage,décès)
Some sources report Jacques birth on 1547 and baptism at the parish of Saint-Jean-et-Saint-Malo also in 1547. To be investigated.
Il ...
Carl Anton Rachor
(1910 - 1975)
Bad Schwalbach hies bis 1927 Langenschwalbach
Mitgliedsnummer der NSDAP: 93952 Rachor, Carl
Rachor trat der NSDAP (Mitgliedsnummer 93.952) und der SS (Mitgliedsnummer 18.753) bei, in der er mit dem ...
Spede Pasanen
(1930 - 2001)
Pertti Olavi ”Spede” Pasanen (10. huhtikuuta 1930 Kuopio – 7. syyskuuta 2001 Kirkkonummi) oli suomalainen koomikko, näyttelijä, käsikirjoittaja, elokuvaohjaaja, tuottaja, lauluntekijä ja keksijä, jota ...
Carl Zeiss
(1816 - 1888)
Carl Zeiss (11 September 1816 – 3 December 1888) was a German maker of optical instruments best known for the company he founded, Carl Zeiss Jena (now: Carl Zeiss AG). Zeiss made contributions to lens ...
 Hastings District Council
Fanny Evelyn Joll
(1870 - 1953)
Col. Oliver Willard
(1729 - 1810)
Among the founding Settlers of Hartland Vermont (then Hertford) ... along with James Nutting Willard, his 1st cousin.
See: In Sight of Ye Great River
Hertford Grand List of 1778
'Id: I555155619
 Trudy Nisbet originally shared this on 06 Sep 2010 via Ancestry.com.
Mary Coldicutt
(1834 - 1894)
Residence : Broadway Chappel Street, Great* Residence : 1841 - St Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom** Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Mar 10 2025, 6:48:53 UTC ...
Artemy Andreyevich Lebedev
Арте́мий Андре́евич Ле́бедев (род. 13 февраля 1975, Москва) — российский дизайнер, предприниматель и блогер.
Автор «Ководства» — руководства по веб-дизайну. Основатель, совладелец и генеральный директ...
Saint John Paul II
(1920 - 2005)
Jan Paweł II (łac. Ioannes Paulus PP. II), właśc. Karol Józef Wojtyła
Podróże apostolskie Jana Pawła II
Jan Paweł II wszystkie pielgrzymki do Polski
William FitzOsbern, 1st Earl of Hereford
(1016 - 1071)
William FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford. Son of Osbern de Crépon and Emma d'Ivry Married: Adelisa Richilde (no children)Children with Adelisa: 1. Guillaume (William) 2. Roger 3. Emma 4. (daughter) Illegit...
Elizabeth Roberts
(1798 - 1875)
Census : 1841 - Botallack, St Just, Cornwall, England** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Oct 7 2021, 6:09:00 UTC
Saint Adelaide of Italy
(c.931 - 999)
RUDOLF, son of RUDOLF I King of Upper Burgundy & his wife Willa [de Vienne] (-[end] 937). ...
m ( [922] ) as her first husband, BERTA of Swabia, daughter of BURKHARD II Duke of Swabia & his wife Regel...
Guillaume I, comte de Nevers
(b. - 1098)
GUILLAUME [I] de Nevers (-20 Jun 1098, bur Nevers, Saint-Etienne) Comte de Nevers, Comte d'Auxerre. Comte de Tonnerre, de iure uxoris in 1040
s/o RENAUD I Comte de Nevers & Hedwige
x c1039 ERMENGARDE C...
Priit Raik
(1948 - 2008)
Priit Raik (9. juuli 1948 Väike-Maarja – 27. jaanuar 2008 Tartu) oli eesti helilooja, dirigent ja pedagoog. õpetas 1968 klarneti erialal Tartu muusikakooli ning 1973 puhkpilliorkestri dirigeerimise ala...
Appahuah Ladner, Choctaw
Lott - Fayard Indian School Foundational Family - started when the Old Cheraw group made it over to Indian Territory area of what is now Hancock Co up to Pike Co, MS at Ft Adams; but the foundations of...
Margaret of England
(1275 - aft.1333)
Her parents are 2nd cousins through King John Longshanks and Queen Elanor (siblings).
Margaret of England1
F, b. 11 September 1275, d. 1318
Margaret of England was born on 11 ...
John Gray, of Augusta County, Virginia
(1690 - 1751)
Not Dea. John Alexander Gray, III
Was born in Ulster, Ireland and migrated to Pennsylvania, then down the Shenandoah Valley to Augusta County circa 1737. See map on werelate.org (link below) to see ...
Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony
(1156 - 1189)
Note 1: Do not confuse this profile with that of her half sister, Matilda of Barking, who never married.
Note 2: Please refrain from copy-and-pasting extensive content from other websites.
William I, count of Eu
(aft.975 - 1057)
FitzRichard de Normandie, Comte d'Hiémos et Comte d'Eu.Parents: Richard 'Sans-Peur' I & a mistressSpouse: Lesceline, daughter of Turchetil de Tourville1. Robert d'Eu2. Guillaume 'Busac' d'Eu3. Hugues d...
Janet Borthwick
(1396 - aft.1470)
JANET BORTHWICK It has been claimed that Janet Borthwick, here treated, is the daughter of Sir William Borthwick of Catcune, 1st of Borthwick
Marriage Janet Borthwick was granted a papal dispensatio...
Patrick James Kennedy, II
(c.1770 - c.1835)
Robert Fossard
(c.1138 - 1194)
Elizabeth Andrews
(1410 - bef.1474)
Primary Sources Will of Dame Elizabeth Andrews, dated on the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist [18 October], 1474 and proved 11th December 1474.
"My body to be buried in the Chancel of the Church of St...
 Unknown photographer. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shirleytemple.jpg
Shirley Temple
(1928 - 2014)
Shirley Jane Temple Black (born Shirley Jane Temple ; April 23, 1928 – February 10, 2014) was an American film and television actress, singer, dancer, and one-time U.S. ambassador to Ghana and Czechosl...
Sir Henry "Harry" Stradling
(1423 - 1477)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 2 (May 5, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 1 (May 4, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Elizabeth Vaux
(1465 - bef.1508)
From thePeerage.com:
Elizabeth FitzHugh was the daughter of Henry FitzHugh, 5th Baron FitzHugh and Alice Neville. She married Sir William Parr, son of Sir Thomas Parr and Alice Tunstall. She died be...
Duncan MacDuff, 4th Earl of FIfe
(b. - 1154)
1. GILLIEMATHIL [Gilliemichael] Macduff, son of --- (-before [1135]). Earl [of Fife]. "…Gillemichel Mac duf…" witnessed a charter dated to [1128] by which "David… Rex Scottorum" made grants to the chur...
Robert de Washington, Jr.
(c.1296 - 1348)
ROBERT de WASHINGTON II of Carnforth ABT 1296 - ABT 1348 RESIDENCE: England BIRTH: ABT 1296, Westmoreland DEATH: ABT 1348Father: ROBERT de WASHINGTON Mother: JOAN de STRICKLANDFamily 1 : AGNES le GENTY...
Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
(1295 - 1385)
Reference: "Divrei ha-Yamim le-Bnei Yahya,( דברי הימים לבני יחייא )" , by Eliakim Carmoly, Printed in Frankfort am Main/Rodelheim, Published by: Isak Kaufman, 1850. Genealogy of, and biographical work ...
Hayy "Hiyya" ibn Ya'ish ibn Ya'ish ben ben David al-Daudi, HaNasi
(1085 - c.1154)
From 969 to 1071, the Fatimid caliphs of Egypt ruled Palestine. Most scholars are convinced that during this period the Fatimids considered the gaon of the Palestinian yeshiva to be the head of the Jew...
Marguerite de Blois, comtesse de Blois et de Chartres
(c.1170 - 1230)
Margaret, Countess of BloisFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaof Blois (died 1230) (French: Marguerite d'Avesnes), was countess of Blois from 1218 to 1230.She was daughter of Theobald V of Blois and ...
 Conrad of Lorraine - a Tribute to my Great Grandfather | art by James Cunningham
Conrad "the Red", Duke of Lorraine
(c.922 - 955)
der Roteaus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheKonrad der Rote (* um 922; † 10. August 955) aus der Familie der Salier war 944 bis 953 Herzog in Lothringen. Er trug im Jahr...
Elias Simonis
(c.1530 - 1584)
Simonis (K noin 1584). Elias Simonsson Paraisten kirkkoherra 1558, jolloin oli mukana rovastinkäräjillä ja kuittasi viljakymmenykset Paraisten pappilassa 12.8. Kuitin mukaan Elias Simonis oli kantanut ...
 Photo by the U.S. State Department. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arthur-miller.jpg
Arthur Miller
(1915 - 2005)
Arthur Asher Miller was an American playwright and essayist. He was a prominent figure in American theatre and cinema for over 61 years, writing a wide variety of dramas, including celebrated plays suc...
Thomas Patton, Jr.
(1786 - 1856)
Thomas is the son of Margret Horine
Lilli (Caroline) Suburg
(1841 - 1923)
Lilli Suburg (1. august (vkj 20. juuli) 1841 Uue-Vändra vald – 8. veebruar 1923 Valga) oli eesti kirjanik, ajakirjanik, haridustegelane ja naisõiguslane.* Lilli Suburgi aegumatu sõnum
Kaja Korsvold
Kaja Korsvold (født 18. september 1950) er en norsk, pensjonert journalist og litteraturkritiker.
Hun arbeidet[2] i mange år som kulturjournalist i Aftenposten, der hun særlig skrev om bøker og bokb...