Ermengarde de Bourgogne, comtesse de Dijon, Duchesse de Bourgogne
(c.893 - 956)
An Ermengarde was the wife of Gilbert Duc of Burgundy . For many years, she has been believed to have been the daughter of Duke Richard "the Justiciar" of Burgundy; however, recent researchers have cas...
Einion Yrth ap Cunedda, Brenin Gwynedd
(c.415 - aft.473)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4. 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 3, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarc...
Bob Dylan (Zimmerman)
Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman ; Hebrew name: Shabtai Zisel ; May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter, artist and writer, and Nobel laureate. He has been influential in popular music and...
Matti Maasikas
Matti Maasikas (sündinud 12. juunil 1967 Tallinnas) on Eesti diplomaat, Euroopa Liidu suursaadik (praegu Euroopa välisteenistuse Euroopa osakonna juhtivdirektor). Matti Maasikas lõpetas 1985. aastal Ta...
Gerberge of Burgundy
(c.965 - 1018)
Gerberge of Burgundy
Daughter of Conrad "the Peaceful", king of Burgundy and Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes
Project MedLands, SWABIA GERBERGA (-7 Jul 1018). Herimannus...
Henry IV the Great, king of France
(1553 - 1610)
Portrait of Henry IV as Hercules slaying the Lernaean Hydra by the circle of Toussaint Dubreuil French, c. 1600 oil on canvas Musée du Louvre
Added by Janet Milburn 1/31/21 (A rather humorous depictio...
Philip III, "the Bold" king of France
(1245 - 1285)
From Wikipedia, III (30 April 1245 – 5 October 1285), called the Bold (French: le Hardi), was the King of France, succeeding his father, Louis IX, and reigning from 1270 to 1285. He was a member of the...
Åsulv Skulesson
(1075 - 1150)
Lendermann Åsulv Skulesson, til Rein
Son of Jarl Skule Tostesson, på Rein and Gudrun Nevsteinsdatter, av Rein
He is mentioned as one of the lenders who, after Harald Gilles's death in 1136, support...
By Own work based on: FranceRoyale.jpg and Collier de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit.jpg; and Image from L'Etat de la France, (Page 28), 1789., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8072619
Louis I de Bourbon, count of Vendôme
(c.1376 - 1446)
Ier de Bourbon, né en 1376 et mort en 1446, comte de Vendôme (1393-1446), fils de Jean de Bourbon, comte de la Marche et de Vendôme et de Catherine de Vendôme.En 1393, à la mort de son père, sa mère l'...
Francis de Bourbon, count of Vendôme
(1470 - 1495)
Francis de Bourbon or François de Bourbon (Francis I, Count of Vendôme) (1470 – 30 October 1495), was a French prince du sang. He was the Count of Vendôme.
Francis was the son of John VIII de Bour...
MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג
(c.1525 - 1609)
Traditional genealogy revised according to modern scholarship as set forth in A. Putik and D. Polakovic (2009) 'Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Called Maharal * A study on his genealogy and biography', in P. D...
Geoffrey I, Vicomte de Porhoët
(aft.1075 - 1142)
Third son, and second to succeed to the title, of Eudo de Porhoët. Not to be confused with the later Geoffrey de la Zouche. Must have been of age by 1108, as he cosigned (or witnessed) a charter with h...
George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
(1683 - 1760)
George Augustus Hanover, *Naturalized as a British subject in 1705.*Knight, Order of the Garter (K.G.) on 4 April 1706.*1st Viscount Northallerton, co. York [Great Britain] on 9 November 1706.*1st Baro...
(c.622 - 688)
of Wessex was a member of the House of Wessex (see House of Wessex family tree). Although a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert, Ceolwald was never king. His birth and death dates are ...
Galindo II Aznárez de Aragón, conde de Aragón
(c.875 - 923)
II Aznárez fue Conde de Aragón (893-922), sucediendo a su padre Aznar II Galíndez.Patrocinó el golpe de estado de Pamplona (905), del que resultó el cambio de la dinastía pamplonesa por otra rama más f...
Peter Wolf
Peter Wolf (born Peter W. Blankfield; March 7, 1946) is an American rhythm and blues, soul and rock and roll musician, best known as the lead vocalist for the J. Geils Band from 1967 to 1983.Family bac...
Thomas Ballard Smith
(aft.1705 - 1778)
Not the same as Capt. Thomas Smith, of Rockingham County who married Elizabeth Witt
Not the same as Thomas Smith, II who married Eleanor Lily Smith
Biography Retrieved from and then edited.
George V, King of the United Kingdom
(1865 - 1936)
George V ( George Frederick Ernest Albert ) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of British Raj India (Never Portuguese Goa), from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936.
Knut I Ericsson, King of Sweden
(1145 - 1196)
Knut Eriksson, död 1196, kung av Sverige ca 1167-1195, son till Erik den helige och drottning Kristina.Då fadern dräptes, flydde Knut troligen ur riket. Han återkom omkring 1167, dödade Karl Sverkersso...
Gamle Olof
(c.1390 - bef.1480)
Eftersom Anders Olofssons farfader enligt en muntlig källa hette Herse, så måste Olof Hersesson ha existerat, men finns ej i källorna. Han benämndes 'Gamle Olof' av ättlingarna. (Since the paternal gra...
William I, count of Eu
(aft.975 - 1057)
FitzRichard de Normandie, Comte d'Hiémos et Comte d'Eu.Parents: Richard 'Sans-Peur' I & a mistressSpouse: Lesceline, daughter of Turchetil de Tourville1. Robert d'Eu2. Guillaume 'Busac' d'Eu3. Hugues d...
Nicolaus Nicolai Ulopolitanus
(c.1605 - c.1676)
Nicolaus Nicolai UlopolitanusNicolas Nicolai Ulopolitanus oli syntyjään oululainen ja siitä juontaa tuo nimikin Ulopolitanus eli Oululainen. Hän opiskeli Oulussa ja vanhemmat ilmeisesti kuuluivat Nicol...
Philip II of Spain
(1527 - 1598)
Felipe II von Habsburg, Rey de España1
b. 21 May 1527, d. 13 September 1598
King Philip II of Spain
Felipe II von Habsburg, Rey de España was born on 21 May 1527 at Valladolid, Ca...
Beata Markusdotter
(c.1564 - c.1624)
Beatan vanhempien sukupuu perustuu seur. lähteisiin:# # Aarno Raittila Karkun Rainion talon sukuhistoria 1500-1600 luvulla 29.10.2014 # #
Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Constru-centro. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_Jackson_Dangerous_World_Tour_1993.jpg
Michael Jackson
(1958 - 2009)
Michael Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century. Over a four-decade career, ...
Jimeno I de Pamplona "El Fuerte"
(c.745 - c.805)
Biography Jimeno or Ximeno , called the Fort1 or Pamplona, (ca. 745-805?) was a character who appears in the chronicles at the end of the seventh century (c. 781) as a tycoon or military chief of Navar...
Heikki Ollinpoika NN
(aft.1520 - bef.1591)
Perusti Höökin talon (nimi tulee ilmi paljon myöhemmin), joka tuli veroluetteloihin 1562 Pedersören Alajärvenjoenkylään. Heikki Ollinpojan syntyperä tai edes tulosuunta ei ole toistaiseksi selvinnyt ke...
Knud IV "the Holy" Svendson, King of Danmark
(c.1042 - 1086)
Fyens.dk * Ing.dk * Den Store Danske * Danishnet * Archive.org
Saint Bridget of Sweden
(1303 - 1373)
St. Birgitta Birgersdotter Lejon Till Finsta
Daughter of Birger Persson (Finsta) and Ingeborg Bengtsdotter Lejon, Folkungaätten
Birth: December 31, 1303 in Sköldnoragård (Skällnora), Upplands Väsby...
Malcolm "Calum" MacLeod
(1866 - 1954)
Malcolm MacLeod was a crofter, fisherman, and compulsory officer (truancy officer), as well as the maternal grandfather of 45th United States President Donald J. Trump.A croft is a fenced or enclosed a...
Theodor Herzl, Father of modern political Zionism
(1860 - 1904)
בנימין זאב, תיאודור, (תיוודאר בהונגרית) הרצל Theodor Herzl (Hebrew: תֵּאוֹדוֹר הֶרְצְל; Hebrew name given at his brit milah: Binyamin Ze'ev (בִּנְיָמִין זְאֵב) also known in Hebrew as חוֹזֵה הַמְדִינָה...
Foulques IV "le Réchin" de Château-Landon, Comte d'Anjou
(1043 - 1109)
COMTES d'ANJOU 1060-1189 (COMTES de GATINAIS) GEOFFROY [II] de Gâtinais, son of HUGUES du Perche Comte de Gâtinais & his wife Beatrix de Mâcon (-30 Apr [1043/47]).
m ([1035]%29 as her first husband, E...
Ada or Ida de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
(c.1120 - c.1178)
Ada de Warenne==From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAda de Warenne (or Adeline de Varenne) (c. 1120–1178) was the Anglo-Norman wife of Henry of Scotland, Earl of Northumbria and Earl of Huntingdon. Sh...
Skule Torstigson
(c.1052 - 1090)
Skule Tostigsen kongsfostre , jarl
Skule Kongsfostre (født 1052 i Wessex, England, død 1090 i Norge) hevdes å være sønn av Toste Godwinsson, jarl av Northumbria, som var bror av kong Harald II Godwins...
Catherine II "The Great" of Russia
(1729 - 1796)
Sophie Friederike Auguste princess of Anhalt-Zerbst
By marriage Ekaterina Alexseivna Romanov
Catherine II(Russian: Екатерина II Великая, Yekaterina II Velikaya), also known as Catherine the Great (...
Judge Richard Ward
(1636 - bef.1682)
- transcriptions from many records in colonial Virginia related to Richard Ward. He was an immigrant to Virginia, from the Port of London, England, United Kingdom. He was brought by ship's Captain John...
Héribert II, count of Vermandois
(c.880 - 943)
Heribert II de Vermandois, comte de Meaux, de Soissons et de VermandoisParents: Heribert I & his wife LiedgardisSpouse: Adèle de Neustrie, de France (daughter of Robert I King of France.)Children:1. Od...
Béatrice de Vermandois
(c.880 - c.931)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on France Capetian Kings :The name of Robert's first wife is not known. However, as King Robert's known wife Béatrix de Vermandois could not have been th...
Sibyl de Chaworth
(c.1090 - c.1147)
Her married name was Sibyl of Wiltshire. Sybil died before 1147Sybil was our ancestor through two distinct descent lines--through her son Patrick and through her daughter Sybil, each of whom was indepe...
Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu
(aft.979 - 1040)
Update and disambiguation by Pam Wilson (15 May 2013): Need to distinguish Gilbert Crispin de Bec from Gilbert de Brionne (Comte d'Eu) , whose identities are frequently conflated. There is a great deal...
Juho (Jöns) Tervonen
(c.1565 - c.1645)
Jöns "Juntti" Tervonen, s. n. 1565 Savossa. Uudistilallinen, Paltamo, Jaalanka. Muutti 1500 - luvun lopulla Savosta. Maanviljelijä. Uudisasukas.Paltamo Jaalanka TervolanniemiKuollut noin 1645 Tervolann...
(911 - bef.940)
This is Sprota de Senlis or de Bretagne: do not confuse with Sprote de Bourgogne, possible partner of Bernard 'the Dane'. This Sprota was partner of William Longsword, Count of Rouen and ruler of Norma...
Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond
(1430 - 1456)
Please see Peter Bartrum: St. John 1; & Marchudd 13 (A); (Steven Ferry, December 24, 2024.)
"Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond (1430 – 1 or 3 November 1456), also known as Edmund of Hadham (Welsh: Ed...
Rothard von Metz
(bef.745 - bef.800)
ROTHARD [Chrothard] (-after 9 Dec 771). Settipani names Rothard as son of Hardrad[653] but does not cite the primary source on which this is based. Graf. With estates in Alsace and Lorraine, ...
Guigoëdon de Vannes
(c.980 - 1043)
See "My Lines"( )from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA( )
Prince Diles Heiguer Chebre de Cornouaille
(c.890 - 930)
Diles Heirguor Chebre, Prince of Cornouaille, is known by the Cartuliary of Landevennec.Diles married his third cousin Alava de Cornouaille, daughter of Louvenan, Prince of Cornouaille, before 910.He w...
Andrew Fraser, 2nd Lord Fraser
(b. - bef.1658)
ANDREW FRASER, LORD FRASER The Scots peerage IV: 114-117
Andrew, second Lord Fraser (born to Andrew, First Lord Fraser, d. 10 Dec. 1636, with his first wife, Elizabeth Douglas, youngest daughter of R...
Cutha Cathwulf
(c.594 - 679)
CUTHA5 (Cuthwine4, Cealwine of WESSEX3, Cynric2, Cerdic1), son of (4) Cuthwine4 _____, was born between 575 and 585, and died between 634 and 694. [82, 28]aka CuthulfChildren:1. CEOLWALD6, d. after 688...
Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone
(c.812 - 908)
Esposa de Sunifredo de UrgelWife of Sunifred of Urgel
Gwrddwfin ap Cwrrig
(c.160 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Brian Boru, High king of Ireland
(c.941 - 1014)
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:BRIAN Boroma, son of CEINNÉITIG & his wife --- ([941]-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of Ulster record the birth in 941 of "Brian son of Cennéitig”[...
Gotfrid, duke of the Alemannians
(651 - 709)
(?-709), Duke of the Alemannians. His parentage is speculative, but he is known to have belonged to the Agilolfings. Some sources call him the 13th Merovingian Duke of Alemannia, which seems to be a wi...
David Creekmore, Sr.
(c.1729 - 1787)
Parents unknown. Not the son of Edmond Creekmore, Jr
Bernard Plantapilosa, Count of Toulouse
(841 - bef.886)
Bernard II Plantevelue Comte d'Auvergne 1
Alias: Bernard Comte d'Autun
Born: 22 MAR 840/41 in Uzes, Languedoc, France 2
Died: 886 in Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France 1
Father: Bernar...
William MacLeod
(c.1803 - 1869)
Biography William MacLeod was born about 1803 at Back, Parish of Stornoway, Ross-shire, Scotland, and died 12 November 1869 in Vatisker, Parish of Stornoway, Ross-shire, Scotland. He was the son of Ken...
John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury
(c.1392 - 1453)
John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, 1st Earl of Waterford, 7th Baron Talbot John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury and 1st Earl of Waterford KG (1384/1387 Blakemere, Shropshire – 17 July 1453 Castillon, ...
Margaret Pollard
(1455 - 1501)
A view of Devonshire in MDCXXX, with a pedigree of most of its gentry (1845)* , of Way and Horewood, esq. — Arms. — Argent, a chevron sable, between three escalops gules. *John Pollard, of Way and Hore...
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
(1870 - 1924)
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (alias Lenin ) was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He served as head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from...
Faye Dunaway
From her English Wikipedia page: Faye Dunaway (born January 14, 1941) is an Academy Award-winning American actress who rose to prominence in the late 1960s with the films Bonnie and Clyde and The Thoma...
Guy I, Comte de Ponthieu
(c.1047 - 1101)
Guy I of Ponthieu Guy I of Ponthieu (died 13 October 1100) was born sometime in the mid to late 1020s. He was the son of Count Enguerrand II and the grandson of Hugh II.
1. HUGUES, son of --- (-4...
Photo by PythonProfessor, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eric_Idle_with_Guitar.jpg
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Eric Idle
Eric Idle is an English actor, comedian, songwriter, musician, screenwriter and playwright. He was a member of the British comedy group Monty Python and the parody rock band the Rutles. Idle studied En...
John Garde
(1608 - 1665)
John (Garde) Gard I (1618 - 1665)
John Gard I formerly Garde
Born 8 Nov 1618 in Bideford, Devon, England
Died 7 Aug 1665 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Son of Roger Garde and Philipa (Gist) ...
Hawise (Hedwig) de Blois, comtesse de Guingamp
(c.1064 - 1133)
Her parentage is identified in Morin, Stéphane (2010). Trégor, Goëlo, Penthièvre. Le pouvoir des Comtes de Bretagne du XIIe au XIIIe siècle (in French). Presses Universitaires de Rennes., referenced in...
Olof Tyrgilsson
(c.1480 - c.1548)
Talollinen. Salon emäseurakunta (Pohjanmaa, nyk. Saloinen).
DNA: I-M253
Lainaus Juhan suku-uutiset -blogista ( Hourun sukua, 13.9.2012 ):...
Isabel de Clare, heiress of Pembroke
(c.1172 - 1220)
Isabel and WIlliam Marshall had 10 Children:William Normandy [1190]-Fawley, Buckinghamshire 6 Apr 1231, bur 15 Apr 1231 Temple Church, LondonMatilda ([before 1195]-1/7 Apr 1248)Richard (-Kilkenny Castl...
Charles V Habsburg King of Spain & Holy Roman Emperor
(1500 - 1558)
Charles V (Spanish: Carlos I or Carlos V, German: Karl V., Dutch: Karel V, French: Charles Quint, 24 February 1500 – 21 September 1558) was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire from 1519 and, as Cha...
Hans Trumpfheller
(1623 - 1697)
Johann Jacob Trump
Birth: 1623 Kallstadt, Bad Dürkheim, Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany
Christening: 01/02/1625 Schmalfelden, Schmalfelden, Gerabronn, Württemberg, Deutschland
Death: 1697 Kallstadt, Bad D...
Bertha, Margravine of Tuscany
(863 - 925)
- ) BERTA ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca, Santa Maria). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[67]. "Berte" is also named as mother o...
Basil I, Byzantine Emperor
(827 - 886)
Medlands Basil I, called the Macedonian (Greek: Βασίλειος ὁ Μακεδών, Basíleios hō Makedṓn; 830/835 – 29 August 886) was a Byzantine emperor of Armenian origin, who reigned from 867 to 886. Born a simpl...
Peder Hermansson Svärd
(bef.1360 - c.1400)
(Leif Tennare) "Relativt lite finns dokumenterat om Finlands förste riddare, Nils Olofsson till Suontaka. Som Anthoni skrev i sin bok [1], ”Om Nils Olofssons härstamning veta vi intet”. Han har ändå an...
Rozala of Italy
(952 - bef.1004)
(27 languages)
Rozala of Italy (also known as Rozala of Lombardy , Rozala of Ivrea or Susanna of Ivrea ; c. 950–960 –1003) was countess consort of Flanders by marriage to Arnulf II of Flanders, and...
Ingibjörg Finnsdóttir
(c.1030 - c.1069)
Ingibiorg Finnsdottir (Standard Old Norse: Ingibjörg Finnsdóttir) was a daughter of Earl Finn Arnesson and Bergljot Halvdansdottir (Halfdansdottir), a niece of the Norwegian Kings Saint Olaf and Harald...
Torberg Arnesson Giske
(c.990 - c.1050)
Torberg Arnesson, of Giske
Parents: Arni Arnmodsson Giske & Tora Thorsteinsdotter
Torberg was probably his father's oldest son. In 1025 he became a lover at Møre, where he was succeeded by his son,...
Theodoric of Ringelheim
(c.872 - 916)
1. --- (-before 908). The name of the husband of Mathilde is not known but, if the chronicler Widukind is to be believed, he was a descendant of Duke Widukind[43]. This appears corroborated by the tran...
Arnvid Konge Thorarensson
(c.913 - c.1000)
Arnvid Thoarensson
Legendary Norwegian nobleman out of the "Arnmødinga saga".
Norsk sagafigur, fra Armødinga saga.
f. 913 Arnvid var sønn av Thoraren bullibak
Hans kone er ukjent. Han hadd...
Princess Adelais of Italy and Lombardia
(c.798 - aft.826)
A3.B4 Carloman, renamed Pippin (April 777–8 July 810)], King of Italy [ . CARLOMAN [Pepin] (777-Milan 8 Jul 810, bur Verona, San Zeno Maggiore). King Pepin had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1): >...
Liudolf I "the Great", Duke of Saxony
(b. - 866)
Ben M. Angel's summary:Relationships:Known Parents: Graf Brunhart von Engern/Angaria (Mittelalter Genealogie), all other information unknown or unconfirmed (spouse unknown)Siblings: UnknownSpouse: Oda ...
Frederik X André Henrik Christian de Laborde de Monpezat of Denmark, King of Denmark
Fredensborg, Danmark
Frederik André Henrik Christian, Hans Majestæt Kongen, greve af Monpezat, er født den 26. maj 1968. Kongen er søn af H. K.H. Dronning Margrethe og afdøde H.K.H. Prins Henrik af Danmark.
Saint Itta of Nivelles
(c.592 - 652)
Saint Iduberga ( Itta , Ittaberga , Yduberga , Ida ) (592-652 at Nivelle). After the death of her husband Pépin , on the advice of the missionary Bishop of Maastricht Saint Amand, she founded the Bened...
Juhan Liiv
(1864 - 1913)
Juhan Liiv , ka Johannes , ka Liiw (ukj 18./30.04.1864 Alatskivi - 18.11./01.12.1913 Kavastu-Koosa) oli eesti luuletaja ja proosakirjanik.
Sünd vkj 18 aprill
LIIV Kodavere kogudus Personaalraamat...
Aino Aalto
(1894 - 1949)
Aino Maria Marsio-Aalto (born Mandelin ) was a Finnish architect and designer. She began her studies in architecture in 1913 at the Helsinki University of Technology , and graduated in 1920. In 1924 sh...
Ragnhild Hrólfsdóttir
(c.834 - 892)
Ragnhild 'Hild' Hrólfsdóttir Nefia (Nefja), married to Ragnvald Mørejarl.(NB: These are Norwegians, and NOT from Orkney. Ragnhild was born in Vestfold, Norway, and died in Norway. OBS: There is NO SUCH...
Roger I le Vieux de Comminges, comte de Carcassonne
(930 - c.1011)
[I] de Comminges "le Vieux", son of ARNAUD Comte de Comminges et de Couserans & his wife Arsinde de Carcassonne ([930/40]-after Apr 1011). "Arnaldus et uxor mea Arsindis, et Rodgarius et Odo filiis nos...
Vesa-Matti Loiri
(1945 - 2022)
Wikipedia: Vesa-Matti (Vesku) Loiri 4. tammikuuta 1945 Helsinki, k. 10.8.2022, oli suomalainen näyttelijä, koomikko, laulaja ja muusikko. Häntä pidetään yhtenä Suomen laaja-alaisimmista viihdetaiteilij...
Hans Larsson Siniluoto
(1579 - 1645)
G. S. n. 2344, 4. sukupolvea"Mahdollisesti lähtöisin Saloisista ja Siniluodon talosta. Porvari Oulussa."
Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale
(c.1195 - bef.1245)
ROBERT [IV] de Brus (-[1 Apr] 1245) Lord of Annandale
s/o WILLIAM de Brus & Christina
x ISABEL of Huntingdon d/o DAVID of Scotland Earl of Huntingdon & Matilda of Cheshire (1206-1251, bur Sawtrey Abb...
Adelaide of Burgundy
(c.851 - 929)
Adélaïde d'Auxerre (abt 849 - abt. 929)
daughter of Conrad II of Auxerre Count of Auxerre, Marquis of Transjurania [Welf] and Waldrada
married Richard 'le Justiciar' Duke of Burgundy
1. ...
Wulfhard, count of Flavigny
(c.803 - aft.832)
Saier de Quincy, Earl of Winchester, Surety for the Magna Carta
(c.1155 - 1219)
Saher/Saier/Saer Quincey, 1st Earl of Winchester Saher de Quincey 1155 - 1219 1st Earl of Winchester and Crusader died in Palestine's. m Margaret de Beaumont in 1173.
Their children included:
Lady Joanna Trafford
(1358 - 1405)
The First royal bloodline in the Booth family tree appears with the birth of Sir Robert Booth (B. 1390) , he is the son of Sir John Booth and Lady Joanna Trafford whose family name is more famous today...
Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
(aft.857 - 921)
BIOGRAPHY Ludmilla was born about 850, the daughter of Slawibov, prince of Psov (near Melnik in Bohemia). She married Borziwoy I, duke of Bohemia, the founder of the Bohemian dynasty of Premyslid. They...
Bill Gates
Medina, King, WA, United States
William Henry "Bill" Gates , III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, humanitarian, and principal founder of Microsoft Corporation. During his care...
Lords of Zottegem_Ancient
Alix of Zottegem
(bef.1203 - aft.1256)
16. ALEYDE.(curator note, her elder half brother Walter was lord of Wolvertem)
1219, August (NDTournai, cartul. A, fo 98 vo-99 ro) -1238, July 16 (B.C.R.H., IVth Series, Vol. III, pp. 85-86).
x Siger, ...
Juice Leskinen
(1950 - 2006)
Laulaja-lauluntekijä, sanoittaja, runoilija ja kansantaiteilija. Tampere.Juhani Juice Leskinen (vuoteen 2006 Pauli Matti Juhani ”Juice” Leskinen, 19. helmikuuta 1950 Juankoski – 24. marraskuuta 2006 Ta...
Odo II, count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres
(983 - 1037)
Eudes II de Blois Parents: Eudes I Comte de Blois & Berthe de Bourgogne Spouses: 1. Matilde de Normandie (no children) 2. Ermengarde Children: *1. Theobald III, who inherited the county of Blois and mo...
Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale
(1210 - 1295)
ROBERT [V] de Brus (-Lochmaben Castle 31 Mar 1295, bur 17 Apr Gysburne/Gisborough Priory) 1245 Lord of Annandale.
s/o ROBERT [IV] de Brus "the Noble" Lord of Annandale & Isabel of Huntingdon
x May 1240...
Graaf Dirk (Dirk II) van Masaland, Kinhem en Texla
(c.932 - 988)
Dirk II Count in Frisia Reign 928/944 – 988 Predecessor Dirk I Successor Arnulf Born 920/930 Died 6 May 988 Egmond, West Friesland, Duchy of Lower Lorraine Burial Egmond, West Friesland, Duchy of Lower...
Mauger, Count of Corbeil
(c.963 - 1040)
concerns== This Mauger is the same as Count of Corbeil Mauger to clean up==Mauger de Normandie, Comte de Corbeil de Normandie, son of RICHARD I "Sans-Peur" Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnor...
William Crockett, of Bantry Bay
(1709 - d.)
Not related to David Crockett, the Elder .
Note This profile was previous a 'mash-up' of at least three different William Crockett families. They have largely been untangled. We've left this profile ...
Aubry II, count of Dammartin
(1135 - 1200)
- [updated Aug 2018]AUBRY [II], son of AUBRY [I] & his wife --- (-Lillebonne 20 Sep 1200, bur Jumièges). Seigneur de la Ferté-Alais. Comte de Dammartin. "Amalricus...Silvanectensis episcopus" confirmed...