Bertha Broadfoot of Laon, Queen of the Franks
(约720 - 783)
Info on Find a grave * From the English Wikipedia page on Bertrada of Laon Bertrada of Laon , also called Bertha Broadfoot (cf. latin: Regina pede aucae i.e. the queen with the goose-foot), (710/27 – J...
(约758 - 783)
Hildegard of Vinzgouw
Daughter of Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau and Emma, of Alemannia,
Hildegard, 3rd partner & 2nd wife of Charlemagne Birth, Parents & Siblings [Charlemagne] m seco...
Robert I, king of West Francia
(866 - 923)
M. Angel notes: Robert I was never a Capet (this was a family name created by Hugh Capet, based on a place name). The name of his family or dynasty was "Robertian" (from Robert Le Fort, his father). He...
Anders Garp, till Vias
(约1320 - 约1387)
Anders Toresson, Garp==till ”Viaraby” (Viianen, i Tövsala socken)* ämnes sista gången 1387. Uppträder som sigillvittne i Åbo 1373, År 1376 är Anders fogde åt Bo Jonsson i Lepistö sn i egentliga Finland...
Turlough O'Brien, High King of Ireland
(约1009 - 1086)
[ ]
TORDELBACH, son of DOMNALL of Munster & his wife --- ([1008/09]-Cenn Coradh 14 Jul 1086). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Domnall son of Brian” killed “Ua Donnocáin king of Ara” ...
Emperor Alexander III Alexandrovich Romanov
(1845 - 1894)
Alexander III Alexandrovich (Russian: Александр III Александрович, Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich)*Royal House: Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov*Married: Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark)==Links:==* The Peera...
Mythical son of Beldeg, whom Snorri Sturluson identified with the Norse god Baldur .== Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==A.D. 547. This year Ida began his reign; from whom first arose the royal kindred of the No...
 Museovirasto, Historian kuvakokoelma, HK19650812:69.
Elias Lönnrot
(1802 - 1884)
Kielentutkija, lääkäri, Suomen kielen professori. Lääketieteen tohtori, historian-filosofian kunniatohtori.
Tämän kansallisesti merkittävän suurmiehen syntymänimi oli muodossa Elias Lönroth. Kuolle...
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau
(约725 - 约790)
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau==* Son of Ruthard der Ältere van Alemannien, de Altere and Odilia (Haildis) Von Elsass Welfen, von Elsass * Warin († May 20, 774 [1] ) was a Frankish nobleman wh...
James VI/I, King of Scots, King of England & Ireland
(1566 - 1625)
James Charles Stuart*Duke of Rothesay on 19 June 1566.*Prince of Scotland on 19 June 1566.*2nd Earl of Ross [S., 1565] on 10 February 1567.*2nd Lord Ardmannoch [S., 1565] on 10 February 1567.*2nd Duke ...
Östen Eriksson Sursill
(约1533 - aft.1582)
Lue GENOS 1/2017
Tieteelllisen lehden mukaan Uumajan Tegistä ei löydy ketään nimellä Sursill, ei miltään aikakaudelta. Jousiveroluetteloista 1500-1600 luvulta ei myöskään löydy voutia Tegistä. eikä ai...
Frosti Karasson, Mythical King of Kvenland
(约240 - 约274)
Name: Frosti or Jøkull* Father: Kari Fornjotsson* Son: Snær den Gamle (Snow the Old)King of Kvenland, in modern Finland.NOTE - another Frosti, father of Skjalf, is also listed on Geni as "king in Finla...
Magnus III Olavsson Berrføtt
(约1073 - 1103)
Magnus Barefoot, King of Norway=* Son of Olaf III «the Peaceful», King of Norway and Thora Arnesdotter Låge * Magnus Olafsson (Old Norse: Magnús Óláfsson, Norwegian: Magnus Olavsson; 1073 – 24 August 1...
 Museovirasto. JOKA Journalistinen kuva-arkisto
Markku Lepolan kokoelma. JOKAMAL2A20:1
Tove Jansson
(1914 - 2001)
Tove Marika Jansson ; 9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish novelist, painter, illustrator and comic strip author. For her contribution as a children's writer she received the...
Emperor Lothair I
(约795 - 855)
-===Medilands Kings of Lotharingia ===-
LOTHAIRE , son of Emperor LOUIS I "der Fromme/le Pieux" & his first wife Ermengard (795-Kloster Prüm 29 Sep 855, bur Kloster Prüm).
Thegan's Vita Hludowici I...
Catherine II "The Great" of Russia
(1729 - 1796)
Sophie Friederike Auguste princess of Anhalt-Zerbst
By marriage Ekaterina Alexseivna Romanov
Catherine II(Russian: Екатерина II Великая, Yekaterina II Velikaya), also known as Catherine the Great (...
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia
(-356 - -323)
Alexander III of Macedon , popularly known as Alexander the Great (Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας or Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος, Mégas Aléxandros; 356–323 BC), was an Ancient Greeki[%E2%80%BA] king (basileus) of Mace...
King Thorri Snærsson, of Kvenland
Thorri var en navngjeten konge som rådde over Gotland, Kvenland og Finland. Til ham blotet kvenene for å få snø og godt skiføre. Dette var deres beste tid. Blotet skulle være midt på vinteren, og derfo...
Christopher Plunkett, 10th Baron Dunsany
(约1621 - 1668)
Christopher, 10th baron (son of the Hon. Christopher Plunket, by Catherine, 4th dau. of Randal, 1st Earl of Antrim), at whose decease unm. the barony devolved upon liis brother,
Burke, Bernard, Sir...
Bertha, Margravine of Tuscany
(863 - 925)
- ) BERTA ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca, Santa Maria). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[67]. "Berte" is also named as mother o...
Guy de Craon, I
(约1078 - 约1121)
Niall of the Nine Hostages, King of the Connachta
(约361 - 452)
There are arguments to be made for Niall as an historical figure, but the father assigned to him in the genealogies comes from a long line of legendary kings; his profile can be found here: Eochaid mac...
Knight Peder Fleming
(约1330 - 1406)
Riddare. Danmark och Sverige. Fleming-släktens äldste med full visshet kände stamfader. Ritari. Tanska ja Ruotsi. Fleming-suvun vanhin varmuudella tunnettu kantaisä. 'Knight. Denmark and Sweden. The ol...
George V, King of the United Kingdom
(1865 - 1936)
George V ( George Frederick Ernest Albert ) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of British Raj India (Never Portuguese Goa), from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936.
Edward II, king of England
(1284 - 1327)
A short summary from Wikipedia:
Edward II
King of England
Reign: 7 July 1307 – 20 January 1327
Coronation: 25 February 1308
Predecessor: Edward I Longshanks
Successor: Edward III of Windsor
Dustin Hoffman
Lee Hoffman (born August 8, 1937) is an American actor with a career in film, television, and theatre since 1960. He has been known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and vulnerable characters....
Vesa-Matti Loiri
(1945 - 2022)
Wikipedia: Vesa-Matti (Vesku) Loiri 4. tammikuuta 1945 Helsinki, k. 10.8.2022, oli suomalainen näyttelijä, koomikko, laulaja ja muusikko. Häntä pidetään yhtenä Suomen laaja-alaisimmista viihdetaiteilij...
Tommy Cash
Tommy Cash (mõnikord kirjapildiga TOMM¥ €A$H , sünninimega Tomas Tammemets ; sündinud 18. novembril 1991 Tallinnas) on Eesti räppar, kontseptuaalkunstnik, tantsija ja moedisainer.
Tomas Tammemets (bo...
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom
(1841 - 1910)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Duke of Rothesay on 9 November 1841
Duke of Cornwall on 9 November 1841.
1st Earl of Chester [U.K.] on 8 December 1841.3
HRH ...
Nils Olofsson Tavast
(约1355 - 约1433)
Hollolan kihlakunnantuomari. Porkkalan kartano, Lammi. Häradsdomare i Hollola. Porkkala gård, Lampis. HUOM! Nils Olofsson Tawastilla oli kaksi vaimoa: (1) N. N. Knutsdotter, josta ei tiedetä kuin että ...
Uchtred "the Bold", Earl of Northumbria
(971 - aft.1016)
Uhtred of Bamburgh (Uhtred the Bold ... sometimes spelled "Uchtred"; died ca. 1016), was ruler of Bamburgh and the Ealdorman [Earl] of Northumbria from 1006 to 1016.
Uchtred the Bold of Northumbria
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov
(1890 - 1986)
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov was a Soviet politician and diplomat, an Old Bolshevik , and a leading figure in the Soviet government from the 1920s, when he rose to power as a protégé of Stalin .
Harald V, King of Norway
Oslo, Oslo kommune, Oslo, Norway
H.M. Kong Harald V , født 21. februar 1937. * Sønn av Kong Olav V og Kronprinsesse Märtha . * Etterfulgte sin far som Norges Konge 17. januar 1991. * Signet i Nidarosdomen 23. juni 1991.*Barn: Prinsess...
Ragnhild Hrólfsdóttir
(约834 - 892)
Ragnhild 'Hild' Hrólfsdóttir Nefia (Nefja), married to Ragnvald Mørejarl.(NB: These are Norwegians, and NOT from Orkney. Ragnhild was born in Vestfold, Norway, and died in Norway. OBS: There is NO SUCH...
Klaus Kurki
(约1425 - 1478)
Uusimmat kuulumiset Kurki-suvun ja Laukon kartanon maista. Ylen ohjelman 2017 Menneisyyden metsästäjien tavoitteena oli löytää vesilahtelaisen Laukon kartanon mailla olevalta Pohdon saarelta merkkejä M...
Katarina Fincke
(约1335 - ?)
Ritari Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimo. Riddare Olof Jönsson Tawasts hustru. 'Knight Olof Jönsson Tawast's wife. HUOM! Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimon alkuperä ei ole tiedossa. Hänen nimensä oli todennäköises...
Euddolen ab Afallach
(约-35 - ?)
In the Welsh genealogies, he is given as the son of the deity Afallach, whose profile can be seen here: Afallach ap Beli, {Fictional, “Urien and Modron”} Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath i...
Mieszko I
(约930 - 992)
Mieszko I w Wikipedii po Polsku Mieszko I on Wikipedia in English Mieszko I was a Duke of the Polans from about 960 until his death. He was father of Bolesław I the Brave, the first crowned King of Pol...
King David of Israel
(约-1042 - 约-971)
King David (דוד, داوُود ) c. 1040–970 BCE, his reign over Judah c. 1010–970 BCE. David is an important figure to members of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths. Depicted as an acclaimed courageo...
Mary Anne Trump
(1912 - 2000)
Mary Anne (MacLeod) Trump was the Scottish-born American mother of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump.* Wikipedia: Mary Anne MacLeod Trump ==Sources==* Bannerman, Alexander, Julie He...
Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
(约780 - 824)
concerns This Ivar is son of Halvdan 'Gamle' Sveidasson. He is NOT the son of Harald Eivindsson or Halvdan Eysteinsson.
This Ivar is the same as:
Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
Ivar Halfda...
Valdemar II "The Victorious", King of Denmark
(1170 - 1241)
King Valdemar "The Victorious" Valdemarson of Denmark Jelling, II=* Son of Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark and Sophia of Minsk * Valdemar Sejr ( Valdemar 2. ( May / June 1170 in Ribe - March 28, 12...
Sir William Wallace of Craigie
SIR WILLIAM WALLACE OF CRAIGIE Sometime Tutor of Craigie (1527)
William Wallace of Craigie, here treated, is not the same person as William Wallace of Elderslie
William Wallace of Craigie, here ...
George VI, King of the United Kingdom
(1895 - 1952)
George VI (Døpt Albert Frederick Arthur George , og endret navnet da han ble konge) was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 until his death. H...
 Official White House photo. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joe_Biden_presidential_portrait.jpg
Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the 46th and current president of the United States. Ideologically a moderate member of the Democratic Party, he pr...
Knight Klas Pedersson Fleming
(约1360 - 约1427)
Valtaneuvos, laamanni, ritari. Riksråd, lagman, riddare. Fleming-suvun ensimmäinen jäsen Suomessa. V.1386 F. Kallundborgissa Tanskassa tunnustaa saaneensa Margareeta kuningattarelta osan tälle lainaami...
Robert I "the Magnificent", Duke of Normandy
(1000 - 1035)
Robert the Magnificent (French: le Magnifique; 22 June 1000 – 1–3 July 1035) was the duke of Normandy from 1027 until his death in 1035.
Henry I "The Fowler", king of Germany
(876 - 936)
King of Germany (formally King of East Francia) Reign 24. May 919 – 2. July 936 Coronation none
Predecessor: Conrad I Successor: Otto I
Duke of Saxony Reign 30. Novem...
Robert III, King of Scots
(1337 - 1406)
Robert III "The Lame King" of the House of Stewart , King of Scots was born c. 1337 in Dundonald Castle, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland . He died 4 April 1406 at Rothesay Castle, Isle of Bute, Sc...
Gospatric, Earl of Dunbar
(aft.1040 - 1080)
Gospatric ('Gwas Patric, servant of Patric'), who probably was named after his mother's half-brother, the son of Earl Uchtred of Northumberland by another wife. He was allied to noble lineage on both s...
Jarl Bengt Snivel
(1110 - 1175)
BENGT Folkason "Snivel"=* Son of Folke The Thick, Earl of Östergötland (Folkunga) and Princess Ingegerd Knutsdotter, of Denmark == Project MedLands, Sweden Nobility BENGT Folkason "Snivel", son of FOLK...
Anna Östensdotter Sursill
(约1553 - 约1618)
Anna Östenintytär Sursill s. noin 1553 Umeå, Västerbotten, Sverige, k. Laihia, Vaasa, Finland. Annasta polveutuvat suvut Wilander, Simelius, Hallonblad, Borg, Rislachius, Törnudd, Bergroth, Bergbom,Ten...
Elizabeth I of England
(1533 - 1603)
"Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called "The Virgin Queen", "Gloriana" or "Good Queen Bess", Eli...
P. E. Svinhufvud, 3rd President of Finland
(1861 - 1944)
Sääksmäki - Syntyneet 1849-1874 (TK397-398) Kuva 165, Födde och Döpre barn i Sääksmäki församling.
Pehr Evind Svinhufvud af Qvalstad III was the third President of Finland from 1931 to 1937.
Thomas Metcalfe, of Nappa
(约1424 - 1504)
Ann Elizabeth? Cleypoole was not a known daughter of Thomas Metcalfe, of Nappa and Elizabeth Metcalfe
Thomas Metcalfe (courtier)
Thomas Metcalfe was the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster betwee...
Marilin Vikat
(1985 - 2025)
Regarde of Bavaria
(约700 - ?)
As of 3 Feb 2019, Medlands does not list this person as Gotfrid's daughter.
Regarde von Alemannien
Fødselsdato: estimert mellom 656 og 706 Død: (Dato og beliggenhet ukjent) Umiddelbar Familie: ...
Máel Coluim Mac Cináeda, Rí na h'Alba
(约954 - 1034)
Share some things about.......
Máel Coluim mac Cináeda , Malcolm II, King of Scots
Parents: Kenneth II and his wife the Lady of Leinster
Spouses: (name unknown - sometimes named as Ælfgifu "Edi...
Theodoric of Ringelheim
(约872 - 916)
1. --- (-before 908). The name of the husband of Mathilde is not known but, if the chronicler Widukind is to be believed, he was a descendant of Duke Widukind[43]. This appears corroborated by the tran...
Lafracoth ingen Muiredaig Ó Brian
(1076 - 1135)
Princess of Ireland ingen Muiredaig de Montgomery (born Ó Briain), 1076-1135 Lafracoth Princess of Ireland ingen Muiredaig de Montgomery (born Ó Briain) was born in 1076, at birth place, to Muirchertac...
Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland
Stockholm, Sverige
kungahuset.se: Vigsel mellan Prins Carl Philip och fröken Sofia Hellqvist Bröllopet mellan prins Carl Philip och Sofia Hellqvist ägde rum den 13 juni 2015. Vigseln genomfördes i Slottskyrkan i Stockhol...
Anna Rowley
(1738 - 1799)
Anna Richmond (listed under Richmond, Richman and Richmen) - [dau. of Benjamin and Mary] b. Feb. 8, 1737/8 Lebanon Vital Records Volumn 1, page 269. Anna Richmond Rowley who was born about ...
Guillaume 'Tête d'étoupe' d'Aquitaine, III duc d'Aquitaine, I comte de Poitou
(约915 - 963)
Son of Ebles II Manzer, duc d'Aquitaine and Émilienne of Poitou
Project MedLands Aquitaine GUILLAUME de Poitou, son of EBALUS "Mancer" Comte de Poitou & his [second wife Emill...
William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
(1146 - 1219)
"William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke (1146 or 1147 – 14 May 1219), also called William the Marshal (Norman French: Williame le Mareschal), was an Anglo-Norman soldier and statesman. He served five En...
Bishop Magnus Olofsson Tavast
(1357 - 1452)
Suomen piispa. Turku.
Finlands biskop. Åbo, Finland.
Finlands bishop. Turku, Finland.
Magnus II Tavast (suomennettuna Maunu) (n. 1357–9. maaliskuuta 1452 Mynämäki) oli Suomen keskiajan huomatta...
Matilda of Ringelheim
(约896 - 968)
- : Theoderic (d. 8 November 917, possible second great grandson of Duke Widukind)*Mother: 2 possibilities**1. Reinhild, daughter of Gotfrid the Dane and Gisela [Carolingian] (from the Europäische Stam...
Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", 1st Margrave of Flanders
(aft.837 - 879)
Baldwin I , byname Baldwin Iron-arm , French Baudouin Bras-de-fer , Flemish Boudewijn De Ijzere Arm (died 879), the first ruler of Flanders. A daring warrior under Charles II the Bald of France, he fel...
Tore Garper
(约1300 - 约1373)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148.Tore Garper, panttasi kiinnityksen 1367 Ahvenanmaalla, maatilaan Uudellakirkolla. Oli läheinen sukulainen, isä tai veli Anders Garpille. Garp, Kosken suku. Keski...
Anne Boleyn
(1501 - 1536)
"Anne Boleyn (/ˈbʊlɪn/, /bəˈlɪn/ or /bʊˈlɪn/); (c. 1501 – 19 May 1536) was Queen of England from 1533 to 1536 as the second wife of Henry VIII of England and Marquess of Pembroke in her own right.
Otto von Friesen
(1870 - 1942)
Otto von Friesen (Filolog) Otto von Friesen var en svensk lingvist, runolog och professor i svenska språket vid Uppsala universitet 1906-1935 samt ledamot av Svenska Akademien 1929-1942 (stol nr 9).
Pépin II, lord of Péronne
(约817 - 约848)
He was Seigneur de Senlis, de Peronne and de Saint-Quentin, and a Lay Abbot. He was living in Italy until 834 when he went to France to the court of Louis the Pious. In 840 he was a count in the Paris ...
Richilde of Arles
(约822 - 883)
Richilde (?) (c825-893), possible daughter of Boso and Engeltrude , married (1) Bouin, King of Provence; and (2) Eckhard, seigneur de Perracy. She held Jully-les-Buxy in the Chaunois after the death of...
John Tyler, 10th President of the United States
(1790 - 1862)
Which President was buried with a Confederate flag?
Tyler died in Richmond, Virginia on January 18, 1862 of a stroke. Tyler's death was the only one in Presidential history not to be officially recogni...
Foulques IV "le Rechin", comte d'Anjou
(1043 - 1109)
COMTES d'ANJOU 1060-1189 (COMTES de GATINAIS) GEOFFROY [II] de Gâtinais, son of HUGUES du Perche Comte de Gâtinais & his wife Beatrix de Mâcon (-30 Apr [1043/47]).
m ([1035]%29 as her first husband, E...
Roger II, 1st Earl of Shropshire
(1022 - 1094)
Roger II 'The Great' de Montgomery==* Son of Roger de Montgomery, I Seigneur de Montgomery and Josceline Tofulus de Turqueville * Earl of Arundel & Shrewsbury, Governor of Normandy* Roger de Montgomery...
Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
(约970 - 1020)
Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
Daughter of småkonge Gudbrand "Kula" Olavsson Breid and Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
Åsta Gudbrandsdatter was a Norwegian royal mother who lived in the late 900s and ...
Haakon II
(937 - 995)
Haakon II Sigurdsson Jarl (Old Norse: Hákon Sigurðsson, Norwegian: Håkon Sigurdsson), (died 995) was the son of Sigurd Haakonsson, Earl of Lade, and thus Trøndelag. Haakon claimed descent from the divi...
Deborah Wing
(约1589 - 约1653)
Not the daughter of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of Hampton & Ann Batchelder
Biography Updated 13 February 2025
"Deborah Wing, along with her father, Rev. Stephen Bachiler, and her four sons, John,...
Peeter Mihkel Varep
(1914 - 1984)
Peeter Varep ( 03. mai 1914 Paikuse, Taali vald – 16. märts 1984 Tallinn) oli eesti matkategelane, alpinist ja ehitusinsener.
2014 artikkel Reisiajakiri Gotravel: Raamidest väljas. PEETER VARE...
Wikipedia:Freawine, Frowin or Frowinus figures as a governor of Schleswig in Gesta Danorum and in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as an ancestor of the kings of Wessex, but the latter source only tells that ...
Adelaide of Tours
(约819 - 882)
FMG "Alsace" , update 24 Aug 2022
b) ADELAIS (-after 866).
The Miraculis Sancti Germani name " Adheleid " as wife of " Chuonradus princeps ", noting that she was “ primorum et ipsa natalium pe...
Albert Edelfelt
(1854 - 1905)
Helsingin ruotsalais-suomalaisen seurakunnan arkisto - I C:11 Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1851-1855, jakso 218: 1854/7; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 7.7.2024
Hämeenlinna kaupun...
Andris Andrisson, af Bolstaholm
(约1270 - ?)
Bolstaholm, Ahvenanmaa.Bolstaholm, Åland.
Llewelyn "The Great" ap Iorwerth, King of Gwynedd, Prince of Wales
(约1172 - 1240)
source: the Greatborn Llywelyn ap IowerthPrince of Wales, Gwynedd, and Powys Wenwynwyn; Prince of Aberffraw and Lord of Snowdon 1218-1240; Last held by Rhys ap Gruffydd, Successor Dafydd ap LlywelynPr...
Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland
(1296 - 1316)
MARJORIE BRUCE Note about imagery: Though many web sites present this as a portrait of Marjorie Bruce, it isn't. This is the princess from Jost Haller's "St. George Slaying the Dragon," from c. 1445...
Joseph Stalin
(1878 - 1953)
იოსებ სტალინი, Иосиф Сталин, იოსებ ბესრიონის ძე სტალინი, Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Jossif Vissarionovitš Stalin, Ioseb Džugašvili, იოსებ ჯუღაშვილი, Ioseb Jughashvili, Ио...
Olof Palme
(1927 - 1986)
Statsminister 1969-1976, 1982-1986, s. 30.1. 1927, k. 28.2. 1986 Stocholm. P. föddes i en högborgerlig och konservativ miljö i Stockholm; fadern dog när P. endast var fem år. Under sina juri...
Håkon IV, king of Norway
(1204 - 1263)
(complete English text at bottom)* = English =King Håkon IV of Norway lived from 1204 to 16 December 1263. He is also referred to as Haakon or Haco or Haquinus, or Håkon the Old. Born into a Norway tor...
(约852 - 905)
Ealhswith was a Mercian princess who married Alfred, Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex. She was never called queen and she never witnessed any charters during Alfred’s administration. But she was the mother o...
Philip II Augustus, king of France
(1165 - 1223)
Huoching of the Alemannians
(约675 - 约744)
Houching, Duke of Alamannia
d. before 709
Father Godefroy, Duke of d. 709
Huoching (c675-c744), an Alemannian nobleman, and a brother of Dukes Lantfrid and Theutbald .
Biography Huoching of A...
King Halvdan "The Gray" Sigurdsson
(约924 - 1018)
Today's historians assume that Snorre's sagas are not historical facts when it comes to the kings living before 11th century, therefore his link to his ancestors has been deleted. ABT 0935 - ____
Waldrada of Wormsgau
(832 - 869)
- . [WALDRADA (-9 Apr after 868). One manuscript of the Gesta Treverorum names "Waldradam sororem…Guntheri Coloniensis archiepiscopus" when recording her adulterous relationship with King Lothaire II[1...
Col. Daniel Boone
(1734 - 1820)
Family Col. Daniel Boone was born on November 2, 1734 (New Style dating) in log cabin in Birdsboro near Reading, in the Oley Valley of Berks County in Pennsylvania. His parents were Squire Boone, I and...
Constantine I, king of the Picts and Scots
(约836 - 877)
Please see Dr. J White-Phillips: Rhun ap Arthgal and His Family; . (Steven Ferry, June 26, 2021.)
Please see Dr. J White-Phillips: Who Was 'Greg, King of the Picts'? ; . (Steven Ferry, June 27, 2021.)...
Vsevolod Yaroslavich, Grand Prince of Kiev
(约1030 - 1093)
Всеволод I dead linkVsevolod I Yaroslavich (Ukrainian and Russian: Всеволод I Ярославич), (1030 – 13 April 1093) ruled as Grand Prince of Kiev from 1078 until his death. From the Russian History in Por...
William Shakespeare, Bard of Avon
(1564 - 1616)
Widely regarded as the greatest writer of all of the English language, William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare, an alderman and a successful glover originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Ar...
George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
(1738 - 1820)
Predecessor: George II Successor: George IV ==================================================================================George III (George William Frederick; 4 June 1738– 29 January 1820) was Kin...
Christiern Håkansson Frille
(约1400 - 约1472)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter 1:3 s. 227-234.*
Antti Isotalo (Hanhimäki)
(1831 - 1911)
Antti Heikinpoika Isotalo eli Isoo-Antti (30. elokuuta 1831 Alahärmä – 8. elokuuta 1911 Alahärmä) oli härmäläinen maan-viljelijä ja puukkojunkkari, joka syntyi Alahärmässä, Hanhimäen kylässä. Yhdessä A...