1790 United States Federal Census results for Lipscomb Name Home in 1790 # Slaves # of All Persons Northern States Samuel Liscum Clinton, Dutchess, New York 0 5 Elias Lisscomb Brook Haven, Suffolk, New York 0 4 John Liscomb New Windsor, Ulster, New York 0 4 Samuel Liscomb New Windsor, Ulster, New York 0 5 Nathaniel Liscum Bristol, Bristol, Rhode Island 0 3 Thos Liscomb Pomfret,...
Began 18 Jun 2023 (Atorrey52) Today 3 Nov 2024 BACKGROUND For decades, there has been a confusion between 2 Harvey families who settled in Bryan County Georgia after 1780. What further complicated matters were that both Harveys had wives named Elizabeth. Though the present assumption is that both Harveys are from the same family which a Y-test might resolve. There are several proofs that have...
Dedicated to the memory of 400 years of a Jewish community that was brutally annihilated by the Nazis, in WWII. A sub-Project of Jewish Communities of Mozavia District, Poland This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Radom, Poland. Radom, Poland JewishGen We Remember Jewish Radom Zchor Radom Jewish Community Yivo Radom Ghetto Wikipedia Radom Hol...
Stevens County is a county located in the U.S. state of Washington along the Canada–US border. At the 2020 census, its population was 46,445. As of July 2021, the population was estimated to be 47,426. The county seat and largest city is Colville. The county was created in 1863 and named after Isaac Stevens, the first governor of Washington Territory. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Washington ...
Лайсской Рождества Богородицкой церкви Laiuse Jumalaema Sündimise kirik oli õigeusu kirik tänases Jõgeva maakonnas Laiusevälja külas, mida kasutas Laiuse Jumalaema Sündimise kogudus. Laiuse puidust õigeusu kirik rajati 1864. aastal umbes ühe kilomeetri kaugusele Laiuse ordulinnusest Põltsamaa–Mustvee tee äärde Laiusevälja külla ehk Kirikukülla. Kirikut remonditi põhjalikult 1893. ja 1913. a...
West York Cemetery, previously known as Bradbury Cemetery , is located on the farm of Ed H. Mehler, in Hutsonville Township, Crawford County, Illinois. Find a Grave
A group for the descendants of R-FT239204 , which so far seems to have its descendants coming from the British Isles. Only two members have been identified so far, so if this is your clade please join. It will help greatly.
Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan Yläsommeen kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiYläsommee eli Sverdlovo (ven. Свердлово) on maaseututaajama Johanneksen kaupunkikunnassa Viipurin piirissä Leningradin alueella, Viipurin kaupungin eteläpuolella. Yläsommee kuuluu Suomen Neuvostoliitolle sodan jälkeen luovuttamiin alueisiin. Suomelle kuuluessaan Ylä...
Tämä projekti on Johanneksen pitäjän Rokkalan kylän kyläprojekti luovutetun Karjalan alueella. Tilat: 1. Rokkala Perustettu 8.12.2020 / Toni NäppiProjekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin.Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen projektialueella syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta.Rekiste...
u organizaciji Grada Metkovića, Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku i Sveučilišta u Zadru planira se održavanje stručno-znanstvenog skupa „METKOVIĆ 600 godina“ - povodom šestote godišnjice prvog spomena imena grada Metkovića 1422. godine. Općina Metkovići uspostavljena je u Trstu, 30. studenog 1811. dekretom guvernera Ilirskih pokrajina Henri-Gratiena Bertranda ( Count Henri Gatien Bertrand ). Do tada je...
Islamic Philanthropy : This refers to charitable giving based on Islamic principles and values. The core concept is that wealth is a trust from God, and Muslims are encouraged to use it for the benefit of others and society. Key Tools for Islamic Philanthropy: Zakat : This is one of the five pillars of Islam. It's a mandatory form of charity similar to an alms tax. Muslims calculate a speci...
This is a village project of Toikkala in old locality Luumäki and Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala === Luumäki Lappee Lappeenranta Lemi Savitaipale Säkkijärvi
KATZ SURNAME>* Katz-geni-profiles >* Katz Surname DNA Research Group FamilyTree DNA>* Katz Surname Wikipedia>* Katz Name >>Katz is a common German surname. It is also one of the oldest and most common Ashkenazi Jewish surnames.>>THE OLDEST SURNAME IN WORLD IS KATZ (INITIALS OF THE TWO WORDS KOHEN TSEDEK). EVERY KATZ IS A PRIEST DESCENDING IN AN UNBROKEN LINE FROM AARON THE BROTHER OF MOSES 1300...
The scope of this project is Europe during the Middle Ages; a period that began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and ended during the European Renaissance in the 14th century. THIS IS AN INDEX - PLEASE ATTACH ONLY PROJECTS, NOT PROFILES Discussion Link for Curators who want to help by taking on Medieval Profiles as MPs Link to an Interactive Medieval Map of Europe in 144...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Vara kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Maetu otsing Haudi andmebaasis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Projektiga liituda on võimalik nupu "Tegevused" alt v...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Villegas Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (celebrities) in various fields. Find more surnames at the master project page, Families of the Philippines ....
This is a place to add profiles of individuals who were named in a will as the recipient of an enslaved person.
Tämä Geni- "projekti" on syntynyt automaattisesti sen seurauksena, että liitin FTDNA BigY tulokseni Geniin v. 2020. Sen seurauksena Genissä olevat Valkjärven Kekkosten mieslinjaiset profiilit tulivat automaattisesti mukaan tähän projektiin aina kymmenenteen esipolveen asti. Mutta valitettavasti yhtä vanhinta tunnettua kantaisää Lauri Kekkosta sekä hänen lähimpiä jälkipolviaan en pysty tähän pro...
Tromsø Locality Project =Genealogy project for Tromsø, Norway== Tromsø village projects ==No village projects yet.== Regional Locality Projects == Finnmark: Alta I Berlevåg I Båtsfjord I Gamvik I Hammerfest I Hasvik I Karasjok I Kautokeino I Kvalsund I Lebesby I Loppa I Måsøy I Nesseby I Nordkapp I Nord-Varanger I Polmak I Porsanger I Sør-Varanger I Sørøysund I Talvik I Tana I Vadsø I Vardø Kol...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Mambusao, Capiz, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Dumarao, Capiz, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Balete, Aklan, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Cuartero, Capiz, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .