Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in the city of Lubbock, Texas. Official Website History Lubbock is the county seat of Lubbock County. Lubbock was the heart of Comancheria, the shifting domain controlled by the Comanche. Lubbock County was founded in 1876. It was named after Thomas Saltus Lubbock, former Texas Ranger and brother of Francis Lubbock, governor of Tex...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Lubbock County, Texas. Official Website The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1891. It is named for Thomas Saltus Lubbock, a Confederate colonel and Texas Ranger (some sources give his first name as Thompson). Adjacent Counties Hale County Crosby County Hockley County Lamb County Terry County Floyd County G...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Wabash County, Indiana. Official Website Wabash County, along with Delaware County, was originally formed Jan. 1820 because it was the Wabash River drainage area. The name "Wabash" is an English spelling of the earlier French name for the river, Ouabache. French traders derived the French version from the Indian name for the river...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Delta County, Texas. Official Website The county was founded in 1870 and is named for its triangular shape, much like the Greek letter delta. Adjacent Counties Lamar County Red River County Franklin County Hopkins County Hunt County Fannin County Cities Commerce (part) Cooper Pecan Gap (part) Other Commun...
English: occupational name for a watchman or guard from Middle English ward ‘watchman guard’ (Old English weard used as both an agent noun and an abstract noun). English: occupational name from Middle English warde ‘armed guard’ (Old English weard ‘watching guarding’) with the same meaning as 1 above. Irish: shortened form of McWard an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Bhaird ‘son of the poet’. ...
English and Scottish: nickname from Middle English stel(e) ‘steel’ perhaps used for someone considered as hard and durable as steel or for a foundry worker. English: variant of Stile . Scottish: habitational name from one or more of the places called Steel(e) or Steill in Ayrshire Berwickshire and Dumfriesshire from Scots steel ‘steep bank spur of a ridge’. Americanized form (translation into E...
English Scottish Dutch and North German: patronymic from the personal name Peter . This surname (mainly of German origin) is also found in Sweden Denmark France (Alsace and Lorraine) and some other European countries. In North America it has absorbed various cognates and their derivatives from other languages such as Albanian Pjetraj and Pjetrushi patronymics from the personal name Pjetër ‘Pete...
English: from the Middle English Old French personal name Eliot a pet form of the Old Testament name Elijah rendered in Greek as Ēlias and in Old French as Élie + the diminutive suffix -ot; compare Ellis . The name Aylett may in some cases also have been confused with or absorbed into Elliott. Scottish: late variant of Elwood . Scottish (of Breton origin): perhaps as some members of the Elliott...
Roxas is derived from a Spanish word which means "red". This study also covers Rojas, de Rojas, de Roxas. This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Roxas Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (cele...
--under-construction--2020-mei-12-di-11:21-GMT-lente--jMVu--collegae welkom!==Verplegenden & verzorgenden in de familie =====boegbeeld: Florence Nightingale ("The Lady with the Lamp") ‧ 1820-1910 ‧ ======bronnen ‧ documentatie ‧ informatie* zoektermen: verpleger ‧ verpleging ‧ * ...aanvulling welkom! ======bekende Nederlandse verpleegsters* ======profielen in Geni▷ nog niet verbonden m...
This projects seeks to collect representative profiles of all of the Jewish families from Kondrac (o. Benešov) in the Czech Republic.
The Mensheviks (Russian: меньшевики́, romanized: mensheviki, from меньшинство, menshynstvo, 'minority') were a left-wing socialist faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) within the Russian socialist movement. The other significant faction were the Bolsheviks. The factions emerged in 1903 following a dispute within the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) betwee...
Location Information==From the centre of Stratford, take Regan Street (SH 43) towards Ohura. Kopuatama cemetery is about 4.5 kilometres along Regan Street on the right hand side.Also spelt Koputama Cemetery.==Historical Information==This cemetery is the current operating cemetery for the Stratford District with the first burial recorded in July 1906. It became a lawn cemetery in the 1950s.There...
The Southern Cemetery in the New Zealand city of Dunedin was the first major cemetery to be opened in the city. The cemetery was opened in 1858, ten years after the founding of the city in an area known as "Little Paisley". This area lies at the southern end of Princes Street, one of the city's main streets, close to the suburbs of Kensington, Maryhill, and The Glen (part of Caversham).The ceme...
Dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject verzamelt de genealogische en historische gegevens van personen die actief betrokken zijn geweest bij (georganiseerde) verzetsactiviteiten in de provincie Noord-Holland ten tijde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In de Legenda treft u de geraadpleegde bronnen. Een goed startpunt voor verder onderzoek zou het Neerlandsch Verzetsmonument kunnen zijn voor de nodige e...
INCHINNAN: The 565 ton "Inchinnan" left London on 14 January 1852 and left Portland 14 days later on 28 January 1852 under Captain T Innes with members of the Royal New Zealand Fencibles Corps. Passengers included 78 Pensioners, 68 Women and 113 Children who arrived in Auckland on 27 May 1852. As well as a medical surgeon, Dr Henry Rickards, the ship had a hospital assistant. There were 10 birt...
Hamburg to New York 25 May 1866 - 16 Jul 1866 Voyage Information Ship Name Kenilworth aka Volant (1853-1864) Vessel Type Ship Departure 25 May 1866 from Hamburg Arrival 16 Jul 1866 at New York Source SMR, 1866 pp. 1-18; Customs #804 (FHL #175,624) (source abbreviations) Church Leader Samuel L. Sprague
Stalag VII-A (in full: Kriegsgefangenen-Mannschafts-Stammlager VII-A) was Germany's largest prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, located just north of the town of Moosburg in southern Bavaria. The camp covered an area of 35 hectares (86 acres). It served also as a transit camp through which prisoners, including officers, were processed on their way to other camps. At some time during the w...
Historic Gloucestershire History of the County of Gloucestershire - England Image right - Gloucester Cathedral. Tomb and Effigy of Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy ; Photo - Geograph © Copyright Roy Hughes and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence . The purpose of this project is to give a historic background to Gloucestershire, to provide information about those individuals ...
Links FamilyTreeDNA Public Haplotrees - mtDNA Haplotree Haplogroup - T2b SNP Tracker - mtDNA Path to T2b YFull MTree - T2b Maternal Lineages with Haplogroup T2b in Geni In Finland: Margareta Påvelsdotter (b ca 1645 in Parainen, County of Piikkiö, Province of Turku and Pori, d aft. 1708) – FTDNA mtDNA test results (1 person) already uploaded to Geni Lisa Jöransdotter / Liisa Yr...
NEWS! - ENG At the calendar pages of Muhu Vald / Muhu Parrish now preliminary Schedule of 2025 events is published. Main event will be Muhu Days 2025: Thu 21.08.2025 – Sun 24.08.2025 During these 4 days different activities will take place – Muhu Parrish 35th Anniversary (of re-establishment), excursions, exhibitions, fair/marketplace, concerts, meetings etc. All museums, restaurants, shops, ...
Tämä projekti on H45a mitokondrio-DNA Haploryhmän edustajille. Käyttäjät tässä ryhmässä jakavat sukupuun keskenään. He voivat löytää päällekkäisyydet ja yhdistää päällekkäisiä profiileja, laajentaa Genin sukupuuta ja löytää näin uusia sukulaisia. Liity myös mukaan mt-H45a sisarprojektiin ja FTDNAn H45a projektiin.
Sinology is the academic study of China primarily through Chinese language, literature, and history, and often refers to Western scholarship. >>>>>>>== List of sinologists ===Australia* Rafe de Crespigny , Geni Private (born 1936)* Charles Patrick Fitzgerald (1902- 1992)* Colin Mackerras (born 1939)* Robert Henry Mathews (1877-1970)* John Minford * Robert Henry Mathews (1877–1970)
Battle of Savo Island 8–9 August 1942