USS Trenton (CL-11) was an Omaha-class light cruiser, originally classified as a scout cruiser, of the United States Navy. She was the second Navy ship named for the city of Trenton, New Jersey. She spent most of her pre-war career moving between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Trenton joined the Special Service Squadron in 1934, for a good-will tour of Latin America. In May 1939, she would join ...
USS Forster (DE-334) MACH Edward William Forster
USS Astoria (CL/CA-34)
USS Strickland (DE-333) : ENS. Everett C. Strickland
Fellowship of the British Academy (post-nominal letters "FBA") is an award granted by the British Academy to leading academics for their distinction in the humanities and social sciences. The categories are: Fellows – scholars resident in the United Kingdom Corresponding Fellows – scholars resident overseas Honorary Fellows – an honorary academic title (whereby the post-nominal letters "Hon FB...
The project seeks to assemble all of the Jewish families from the small town of Čkyně in Southern Bohemia. JewishGen Čkyně page Synagogue in Ckyne Ckyne Synagogue June 2013 Marriage permissions 1736-1783 , page 23 of Fond 291 (defunct!) Current: Židovská komise Praha Inv./přír. číslo: 12 Datace: 1718-1783 Obsah: Kniha svatebních konsensů 1718-1783, image 23/246 Current Czech Name...
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery,Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 01742 USA: Find a Grave Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Concord. It has an estimated 10,000 gravesites, many of local, national, and international interest. It was one of the first cemeteries in the United States to be designed to have a sylvan character and has also been listed in the National Register of Hi...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Melnitsa Podolskaya, Ukraine also known as Mel'nytsya-Podil's'ka, Mielnica, Mielnica Podolska, Melnitsa, Melnitse, Mielnice, Myelnitsa, Mel'nitsa-Podol'skaya, Melnycja Podilska. Gesher Galicia-Melnitsa Podolskaya Lee Ashendorf has went through the JRI, JewishGen, and Gesher Galicia scanned documents for Mielnica and c...
Please add profiles representing the "founding families" of Dedham. Profiles must be set to "public.". The resources collected on the media gallery are available for all - and please do contribute more.==Background==From the Dedham Historical Society :There was a land hunger in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, almost from the beginning. As early as 1634, the Newtown (Cambridge) folk were seeking p...
Irish Jewish Genealogical Database >== Celts one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?There is a theory that the Irish, or that Insular Celts as a whole, are descended from the Ten Lost Tribes. Proponents of this theory state that there is evidence that the prophet Jeremiah came to Ireland with Princess Tea Tephi , a member of the Israelite royal family. Proponents of this theory point to various p...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Brown County, Kansas. Official Website History From the 16th century to 18th century, the Kingdom of France claimed ownership of large parts of North America. In 1762, after the French and Indian War, France secretly ceded New France to Spain, per the Treaty of Fontainebleau. 19th century In 1802, Spain returned most of the land ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Leavenworth County, Kansas. Official Website In 1855, Leavenworth County was established and was named, as was its county seat, after Henry Leavenworth, an officer in the War of 1812. By a special act of Congress, the reservation for the U.S. Penitentiary was deeded by the War Department to the Justice Department in 1897 to build t...
The Dark Ages >>>>===circa ( 500 - 1500CE )The period is characterized by a scarcity of historical and other written records at least for some areas of Europe, rendering it obscure to historians. Originally the term characterized the bulk of the Middle Ages, or roughly the 6th to 13th centuries, as a period of intellectual darkness between the extinguishing of the "light of Rome" after the end ...
Durante mucho tiempo he pensado que era descendiente de alguna familia alemana que llegó a España en la época de Carlos III, En esa época llegaron muchas familias a Andalucía para repoblar y roturar la tierra. Cuando me pongo a investigar descubro muchos HACAR en medio mundo pero como no hablo alemán me cuesta investigar en Alemania Agradezco cualquier aportación al proyecto Saludos
Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Hirsjärven kylässä Somerolla asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Somero, Varsinais-Suomi sekä Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin Hirsjärvi sijaitsee Somerolla Paimionjoen vesistöön kuuluvaan Hirsjärven kahden puolen. Sen naapurikyliä ovat Kivisoja, Ylenjoki ja Ihamäki lännessä, Pajula pohjoisessa sekä entisen Somerniemen ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Branch County, Michigan. Official Website As one of the "cabinet counties" it was named for the U.S. Secretary of the Navy John Branch under President Andrew Jackson. Branch County was a New England settlement. The original founders of Coldwater were settlers from the northern coastal colonies – "Yankees", descended from the Englis...
Aloitettu 29.3.2018, kesken Livon kyläprojekti on tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita Pudasjärven Livon kylästä ja siellä eläneiden sukujen tutkimisesta. Tämä on osa Pudasjärvi-projektia , tervetuloa mukaan myös siihen!Projektin yhteistyökumppanina (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin) voit täydentää projektikuvausta, ja liittää Livon kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileita projektiin. S...
ATTENTION!!!! ATTENTION!!!! ATTENTION!!!! This is for HISTORICAL PROFILES only. COLLABORATORS are NOT BEING ADDED at this time, however you can still follow the project by clicking on the follow button on the upper right of the page =================================================================================================== Texas State Recognition -- On October 10, 2019 the Honorabl...
Kivijärven kyläprojektien tarkoitus on toimia työkaluna pitäjän asukkaiden tietojen systemaattisessa tallentamisessa, tietojan tarkistamisessa ja lähdeaineiston lisäämisessä.Toivomus olisi, että projekti säilytettäisiin nimenomaan työkaluna eikä sitä kasvatettaisi massa-ajoilla.
Kilde Kilde Buksnes Bygdebok av Ola Berg , Bind II, 2. Opplag _____________________________________________________ Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 9 Ballstad og GÅRDSNR.10 Ballstadøy GÅRDSNR. 20 Bolle GÅRDSNR. 16 Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 31 Bø GÅRDSNR. 37 Farstad
Coming soon
Sheffield Cemetery Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, USA Note: Jewish American Cemetery Sheffield Cemetery is the the second oldest Jewish Cemetery in Kansas City, Missouri and was founded by Congregation Tifereth Israel in 1900. Ownership of the cemetery was transferred to Congregation Beth Israel Abraham Voliner in 1920 when Tifereth merged with several other smaller congregations t...
Valkiapään taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 5.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Maironiemi, Parikkala/Saari Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Maironiemen talot 1 Poutanen 2 Valkiapää 3 Röksä