Eino Baskin
(1929 - 2015)
Eino Baskin (17. juuni 1929 Tallinn - 11. märts 2015 Tallinn) oli Eesti näitleja ja lavastaja.
Eino Baskin (17 June 1929 Tallinn - 11 March 2015) was an Estonian actor and director.
Jaanus Orgula...
Beatrice of Savoy
(bef.1223 - bef.1259)
a) BEATRIX de Savoie (before 4 Mar 1223-10 May before 1259). The marriage contract between "Alaxiam comitissam Saluciarum et Manfredum marchionem Saluciarum eius nepotem" and "Thomam comitem M...
Geoffrey Talbot, of Swanscombe
(c.1075 - 1130)
Lineage of the Talbot family from Le Sire Talebot 1066 to and including Peter Talbot of Dorchester, and Roger Talbot of Boston, Massachusetts by Talbot, Archie Lee, 1846- [from old catalog...
Valentina Kozlovskaya
Sancho Herrera de Saavedra
(1395 - d.)
Astrid Lindgren
(1907 - 2002)
Astrid Lindgren grew up in Näs, near Vimmerby, Småland and many of her books are based on her family and childhood memories and landscapes. However, Pippi Longstocking, one of her most famous books, wa...
Peder Larsson Örneklou, till Loop
(1592 - 1653)
Profiilikuvan maalasi Jacob Heinrich Elbfas öljyväreillä kankaalle 1600-luvulla. Kuva huutokaupattiin Uppsala Auktionskammaressa, Ruotsissa 3.6.2008, hinta oli n. 2000 €. Kuvan koko oli 98x79 cm. Profi...
Christina Pedersdotter Lilliesköld
(1631 - 1715)
Johan Israelinp. Alftanin almanakkamuistiinpanoista 1715:" d. 20 mars: bar jag upp Sal Ryttmesterskaan Örnklo, som begrafdes uti S. Jakobs kyrckia, etc." Genos1995-1,s. 31.
William Scott
(c.1672 - bef.1740)
William Scott
Birth 1672 Maryland, USA
Death 1740 (aged 67–68) Prince George's County, Maryland, USA
William and Mary Lucas Scott only had 2 sons Thomas and William and a daughter Mary....
Sarah de Aunus
(c.1190 - bef.1213)
From Celtic Casimir: DE AUNUS [4952]*Born: Abt 1190, Combs, Stow, Suffolk, England (Father: Eborard DE AUNUS, b. c1166)**Spouse: Robert III DE INSULA of Rampton & Nedging***1. Robert DE LISLE of Rampto...
Mercedes Párraga Paredes
(1846 - 1871)
Music Compositions by Mercedes Párraga Paredes
N.N. verch Maredudd
(c.785 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott -- -- "The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg" -- for untangling of these lines. (April 25, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg; ....
(-3073 - -2104)
Genesis 5:21, 25-27
Book of Jasher, 3:1, 13-14.
Wikipedia: Methuselah and מתושלח
Longest lived person in history. The oldest person whose age is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, given as 969 years...
Gwidolin Vitalinus ap Gloyw
(c.315 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, ...
Irena Sendlerowa
(1910 - 2008)
Irena Stanisława Sendler (née Krzyżanowska), also referred to as Irena Sendlerowa in Poland, nom de guerre Jolanta (15 February 1910 – 12 May 2008), was a Polish humanitarian, social worker, and nurse ...
Rabbi Yechiel Yehudah pre-Luria I, [of Erfurt]
(c.1370 - c.1450)
Source: sources quote different years of birth and death within 20 yrs of the quoted ones
Märta Ulfsdotter Hjorthufvud
(1319 - c.1371)
Märta Ulfsdotter Hjortufvud
Daughter of Ulf Gudmarsson (Ulvåsa) and Heliga Birgitta Birgersdotter
Birth: 1320 in Ulvaas, Östergotlands, Sweden
Marta was a Swedish court lady. As a court mistress,...
Nestor Norppa
(1929 - 2013)
Rehtori, opettaja.Nurmes.Syntyisin: Hantšakanniemi, Suojärvi. Suojärven pitäjäseuran kunniapuheenjohtaja. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Nestor Norppa syntyi Suojärven Huttulan kylän Hantšakanniemessä 17....
Perttu Pertunpoika Sarja
(1734 - 1806)
Vanhemmat Bertil Henricksson Sarja ja Walborg Mattsdotter. Sisarukset ja vanhemmat sekä näiden partonyymit käyvät ilmi Bertil Henrickssonin ja Walborg Mattsdotterin perukirjasta:
Åhr 1764: den 29. Dece...
R' Haim Babad, A.B.D. Mikulonice and Zalozhtsy
(1811 - 1898)
Fernando Gundemarez, conde das Asturias
(c.1002 - 1052)
Cristina Fernandez was the granddaughter of Alfonso V of Leon and his second wife Dona Urraca de Navarra, daughter of García Sánchez II of Navarre, born of Jimena de León (c. 1010 - 1037) and Fernando ...
Matilda Grenville
(1485 - 1550)
The descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches : also, some account of the de...
William de Clifford
(c.1390 - 1438)
William Clifford1* M, #61413, d. 1437*Father Sir Lewis Clifford b. c 1336, d. 5 Dec 1404*Mother Eleanor de Mowbray1 b. c 1330, d. b 18 Jun 1387* William Clifford married Eleanor Savage, daughter of Sir...
Capt. James Overton
(1688 - 1749)
Biography JAMES OVERTON, the youngest son of William Overton the immigrant, was the ancestor of the Overtons, of Kentucky, Tennesse, and Louisiana who through succeeding generations have meant much to ...
Arvi Maldna
(1907 - 1941)
Sünd : (Tallinna Kaarli Kogudus) Список рожденных и ...; TLA.1359.2.28; 1900-1907 (Herbert; kirjas ka uus nimi) vkj. 6. mai
Surmaakt : Saksa Julgeolekupolitsei otsusega surmamõistetud ...; ERA.R-64.1...
Elizabeth Crichton, Countess of Huntly
(1410 - 1479)
From thePeerage.com: Elizabeth Crichton was the daughter of William Crichton of that Ilk, 1st Lord Crichton. She married Alexander Gordon, 1st Earl of Huntly, son of Sir Alexander Seton and Elizabeth G...
Enoch / Idris
(-3138 - -2773)
Genesis 5:18,21-24 * Wikipedia חנוך & Enoch. Enoch in Islam:* Quran 19:56-57 .* Quran 21:85-86 .* Enoch in Islam. * Prophet Idris - The 2nd Prophet of Islam.
Thomas of Lundie
Thomas ostiary; Thomae filii Malcolmi de Lundyne, hostiarii domini regis Scotiae; Thoma de Lundin, hostiario; Thomas filius Malcolmi de Lunden, hostiarius domini Regis; Thomas Hos...
Martti Syrjä
Sukuni salat MTV3:lla 29.5.2022
Eberhard I von Berg, count of Altena
(c.1125 - 1180)
inherited the eastern territorium of County of Berg and became the 1st count of Altena from 1161-1180, and Vogt of Werden and Cappenberg (1166-1180).* Er war der sohn von Graf Adolf ll. von Berg auf de...
William d'Aubigny, II, Lord of Belvoir
(c.1130 - 1186)
concerns Either this William or his father apparently must be the same as NN d'Aubigny / de Albini . Further research is warranted.
content to clean up
William II "Le Breton" d'Aubigny, of Belvoi...
Lendmann Åsulf Guttormsson på Rein
(1145 - d.)
Åsulv Guthormson Rein =* Parents: Guttorm Åsulfsson Rein, lendermann ca 1120-1183 & Bergljot . ca 1130 =Marriages and children==Children=* Torbjørg Åsulvsdatter Rein b. in Rein.Sør-Trøndelag.Norway * R...
Krista Erika Kosonen
Krista Kosonen on suomalainen näyttelijä.==Lähteet==# MTV3 - Sukuni salat, kausi 1, jakso 1: / Viitattu 15.2.2021
Capt. James Herndon
(c.1737 - bef.1815)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor #: A054179
Find A Grave:
During the American Revolution, James Herndon commanded a company of Chatham ...
Elizabeth Sydenham
(c.1472 - 1559)
Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via brother John Audley by SmartCopy : Aug 20 2015, 12:22:26 UTC
Alexander Georg von Möller
(1830 - 1903)
Võru linnapea
Elu : Võru-Valga-Petserimaa töörahva häälekandja, 18 august 1934
sünd/geb.: Saaga EAA.1268.1.25:10?137,128,1029,365,0
Rõuge PR 1837 Saaga EAA.1268.1.99:21?147,792,192,28,0
Cynan ap Brochwel, King of Meirionydd
(c.770 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #1 Cynddelw ab Einion of Widigada; . Refer specifically to...
Margareta Bondesdotter
(c.1420 - aft.1500)
Margareta Bondesdotter (fyrdelad sköld)
C. I. Ståhle, Otte Torbjörnssons lagbok (Nationen och Hembygden V, 1949).
1:a gifte Knut Brynjulfsson, mellan ca. 1444-1455
2:o före 1456-03-23 med hövdisma...
Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester
(1532 - 1588)
A Grave Memorial #12427 Robert Dudley , 1st Earl of Leicester, KG (24 June 1532 or 1533 – 4 September 1588) was an English nobleman and the favourite and close friend of Elizabeth I from her first year...
Alexander Wright
(b. - 1911)
Alexander Wright and Susannah Hale
Alexander Wright b 1832 Russell Co VA d 9 Jul 1911; Wise Co VA; s/o John Wright and Martha Patsy McLaughlin. Alexander Wright m. 19 Oct 1853 Russell Co VA t...
George Gray
(c.1785 - d.)
When mary Bruce emigrated to New Zealand she was a widow, George died in Aberdeen, date unknown
Jorma Uotinen
Helsinki, Finland
Jorma Leo Kalevi Uotinen is a Finnish dancer, singer and choreographer. As a dancer and choreographer, Uotinen has worked both in many dance groups, both in and outside of Finland, since 1970. He has r...
Frances Drew
(1599 - c.1677)
lists her father as Capt. John Ward, not James Ward
Frances Ward married 1st: William Barker. 2nd: Robert Netherland. Robert died before 3/1/1661-2. Married 3rd: Thomas Drew.
Davis "David" Davenport, Sr.
(1661 - 1734)
Davis was first found with his son, Martin, in King William County Quit Rent Rolls of 1704, but a Davenport Plantation and Landing existed on the Mattaponi River in Pamunkey Neck in 1696. I wonder why ...
Elizabeth Rucker
(c.1665 - 1752)
The maiden name of Elizabeth, wife of Peter Rucker, is not known. Many people over the years have believed that she was a Fielding, with possible parents [
Fielding/6000000000045347636 Edward Fieldin...
Leida Tigane
(1908 - 1983)
Leida Tigane ( 21. mai 1908 Tartu – 13. veebruar 1983 Tallinn) oli eesti lastekirjanik ja prosaist. Lõpetas 1927. aastal Tartu Tütarlaste Gümnaasiumi.
Theodoric "the Great," king of the Ostrogoths
(454 - 526)
Theodoric "the Great," King of the Ostrogoths=* Son of Theodomir, king of the Ostrogoths and Ereleuva, concubine of Theodimir * Theodoric the Great (454 – 30 August 526), also spelled Theoderic or call...
Walther von Brauchitsch
(1881 - 1948)
Alfred Hermann Walther von Brauchitsch (4 October 1881 – 18 October 1948) was a German field marshal and the Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht Heer in the early years of World War II.
Deacon John Adams, Sr.
(1691 - 1761)
Buried in Hancock Cemetery Quincy Norfolk County Massachusetts, USA
John Adams (1690–1761), was a fourth-generation descendant of Henry Adams, who emigrated from Braintree, England to Massachusetts ...
Oscar I, King of Sweden and Norway
(1799 - 1859)
Kronprins Oscar lär ha varit biologisk far till läkaren Isidor Ekman (1829-1916): Isidor Ekman : Joseph François Oscar Bernadotte*Prince of Sweden*Duke of Södermanland*King of Sweden and Norway 1844*Kn...
Princess Margareta Haraldsdatter Gille
(c.1136 - c.1161)
Princess Margrethe Haraldsdatter Gille
MARGRETE Haraldsdatter. Snorre names "Harald Gille's third daughter…Margaret who was married to Jon Halkelson, a brother of Simon"[474]. m ([1155]%29 JON Halkel...
 Artist unknown. Via Familypedia https://familypedia.wikia.org/wiki/Category:Counts_of_Flanders?file=Arms_Counts_Flanders.svg.png Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
Liutgard van Vlaanderen
(c.927 - 961)
Curator (dvb) Note: per According to the necrology of the Blandinien monastery near Ghent, Liutgard died on III Kal Oct. ' (September 29) 961 and was buried there. In Elten 's Necrologium she is featur...
Cristina Jonsdotter (Rickeby)
(aft.1348 - aft.1378)
Cristina Jonsdotter (Rickebyätten)
Daughter of Jon Nilsson Stierna (Rickeby) and Märta Sunesdotter (Bååt)
Royal Family of Vaasa Nils Kettilsson to Björnö , † after 1378. Lordship in Frötuna. (bla...
(c.1586 - d.)
Royal, T. C. (1991). Hua noa nei te ua i aku kamo he whakaputanga whakaaro mō te wiata: Kia whitia e Tama-nui-te-rā kia Puhia e ngā Pōtiki-a-Tāwhirimātea. Te Whare Wānanga o Manawatū Te Papa-...
Rabbi Nehemiah Menahem Nahum Trebitsch
(1779 - 1842)
Familiant Population Register:
Nahum Trebitsch (Nehemiah) (August 14, 1779, Prague - July 4, 1842, Prague) was a Czech rabbi.
Maud Peverell, Lady of Whitting
(1075 - 1178)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Welsh Origins of the Peverel Family; . (Steven Ferry, April 15, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Other "Sir Roger of Powys"; . (Steven Ferry, July 3, 2020.)
Nathan Brittain
(bef.1740 - 1776)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A014671
Nathaniel Brittain enlisted in the 8th Virginia Regiment on March 4, 1776 and died while in service ...
Robert Lawrence, of Ashton
(c.1430 - 1485)
The Magna charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna charta of ...
 Portrait of Angeles City Mayor Carmelo "Pogi" Lazatin Jr.
Source: https://angelescity.gov.ph/
Author: Government of Angeles City
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Carmelo Lazatin Jr.
Carmelo Lazatin Jr. is a Filipino businessman and politician. He is currently serving as mayor of Angeles City since 2019. He also served as councilor of Angeles City from 2013 to 2019.
R' Naftali Zvi Horowitz, Admor Ropczyce
(1760 - 1827)
from Wikipedia Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Ropczyce (1760–1827) was born on the day that the Baal Shem Tov died, to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rubin of Linsk. His mother Beila was the daughter of Rabbi Y...
Rehoboam ., 1st King of Judea Kingdom
(c.-972 - c.-913)
רחבעם בן שלמה - הראשון למלכי ממלכת יהודה
1 Kings 12:1-24
1 Kings 14:21-31
1 Chronicles 3:5, 10.
2 Chronicles 9:31 , 2 Chronicles 10-12
Wikipedia: Rehoboam & רחבעם
Melka .
(-2200 - d.)
Jubilees 11:6-7.
 New Zealand Herald (11 September 1941, p. 10).
Thomas Harvey Garland
(1914 - 1996)
WW2 POW - Greece List of 2NZEF POW
WW2 POW - Stalag XVIII-A, Wolfsberg, Austria
Bruintje Israels Olmans
(1744 - 1827)
Meijer Isaak
Bruintje Israels
Bruids zijde
Eliazer Israel
Bruids zijde
Salomon Abraham Levij
Bruidegoms zijde
Samuel Victor
Bruidegoms zijde
Joseph Jacob
Huw. contract
Lady Agnes Stanley
(1435 - 1520)
See Peter Bartrum, Stanley 1 (May 10, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
From Magna Carta Ancestry:
12. WILLIAM STANLEY, Knt., of Hooton (in Wirral), Roveacre, and Storeton, Cheshire, and Stanley, Staff...
Victoria Silvstedt
Victoria Silvstedt (born 19 September 1974) is a Swedish model, actress, singer, and television personality.Early lifeBorn in Skelleftehamn, Silvstedt was raised in a family of five in Bollnäs, having ...
Gideon Jacobus Rossouw, b9c3d1e9
(bef.1796 - 1853)
"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Cape Town > image 44 of...
Sir Henry ll de Hastings, of Ashill
(1235 - 1269)
Henry de Hastings (c. 1235 – c. 1269) was created Baron in 1264 by Simon de Montfort.
From Wikipedia
He led the Londoners at the Battle of Lewes, where he was taken prisoner, and fought at the Batt...
Dr. Isaac Daniel Roosevelt, II
(1790 - 1863)
Daniel Roosevelt (September 29, 1790 – December 24, 1863) was an American businessperson, and the paternal grandfather of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.BiographyHe was born in Hyde Park, New Yor...
 Photo from New Philippines: A Book on the Building Up of a New Nation (1934), by Felixberto Bustos and Abelardo Fajardo (p. 366): https://www.elib.gov.ph/downloadfile.php?uid=e9778fbba5630a8827d249eb81858d57
Original file: https://ibb.co/h1qxYv4 or https://imgbox.com/A4QyUd1x or https://pixhost.to/show/1184/364790907_leopoldo-aguinaldo.jpg
This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1928 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart and the copyright renewal logs. Note that it may still be copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works (depending on the date of the author's death), such as Canada (50 years p.m.a.), Mainland China (50 years p.m.a., not Hong Kong or Macao), Germany (70 years p.m.a.), Mexico (100 years p.m.a.), Switzerland (70 years p.m.a.), and other countries with individual treaties.
Leopoldo Aguinaldo
(1885 - 1958)
Leopoldo Aguinaldo was a Filipino businessman.
New Philippines: A Book on the Building Up of a New Nation (1934), by Felixberto Bustos and Abelardo Fajardo (p. 376-378)
Encyclopedia of the Philippi...
Emory Tate
(1958 - 2015)
Emory Andrew Tate Jr. (December 27, 1958 – October 17, 2015) was an American chess International Master, described by grandmaster Maurice Ashley as "absolutely a trailblazer for African-American ches...
Rabbi Dr. Boruch Aaron (Bernard) Poupko
(1917 - 2010)
Rabbi Bernard A. Poupko - Oral History Interview Rabbi Dr. Baruch A. Poupko , born in Velizh, Russia, (a town north of Mogilev) to Rabbi Eliezer and Pesha Poupko, was an American multi-lingual scholar,...
Tassilo II, duke of Bavaria
(b. - c.719)
From Wikepedia: Tassilo II (died c.719) was a ruler in southern Germany.He was the son, probably third, of Theodo of Bavaria and Folchaid. Sometime before 715, Theodo divided his duchy and associated w...
Philip Herbert, 5th Earl of Pembroke
(1621 - 1669)
Philip Herbert, 5th Earl of Pembroke
Son of Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke, 1st Earl of Montgomery and Susan de Vere, Countess of Montgomery
Philip Herbert, Son of Philip, Earl of Pembroke is...
Lyon Hyman Green
(1915 - 1987)
Lorne Greene (February 12, 1915 – September 11, 1987), was the stage name of Lyon Hyman Green , OC, a Canadian actor. His television roles include Ben Cartwright on the western Bonanza , and Commander ...
Francois Joubert
(bef.1706 - c.1761)
Baptism 1706 says Elizabeth not Francois Pierre Joubert * Lamotte d'Aigues in die Franse provinsie, Provence c. 1664 † 30.6.1732 a. met die boot Berg China wat Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat en op 4.8....
John Adams, of Barton St. David
(1555 - c.1604)
John Adams was born in 1 Jan 1555 in Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset, England, and was christened there. He died on 22 Mar 1604 in Compton Dundon, Somerset, England and was buried on 22 Mar 1604 in Bar...
Elizabeth Scriven
(1492 - 1568)
Please see Peter Bartrum: Salter of Oswestry; (Steven Ferry, December 25, 2024.)
Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici
(1360 - 1429)
Founder of the Medici dynasty and bank
Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (c. 1360 – February 20/28, 1429) was an Italian banker, a member of Medici family of Florence, and the founder of the Medici Bank...
Catharina Opklim, SM
(bef.1669 - c.1714)
Conflicting information!==Sometimes confused with Groote Catrijn (Catharina van Bengale), who was a slave from Bengale born about 1631. Groote Catrijn was a criminal, pardonned and sent as a slave to t...
Chief Rabbi Israel Shachna
(c.1525 - 1598)
רבי ישראל היה בן יחיד לאביו רבי שלום שכנא שהיה אב"ד ור"מ בלובלין.רבי ישראל היה ממלא מקום אביו בישיבה בהיות המהרש"ל האב"ד שמה כמובא בספר שו"ת הרמ"א סימן כ"ד.) מקור שושלת הזהב עמוד 75
James Roosevelt, Sr.
(1828 - 1900)
Descendant of Mayflower passengers John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley James Roosevelt, Sr. (July 16, 1828 – December 8, 1900) was a businessman and father of the President of the United States Franklin ...
Pauline Kenk (Trummal)
(1933 - 2015)
Kenk (Trummal), Pauline Peeteri t Tartu ülikooli üliõpilase isiklik toimik 28.07.1952-08.01.1963, 74 lehekülge Tartu riikliku ülikooli matemaatika-loodusteaduskonna geograafi diplom.
Võru kalmistu
Elizabeth d'Aubeney
(c.1465 - 1510)
Elizabeth Arundell , 1465-1513+, was the daughter of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne (January7, 1421-November 12, 1473) and Catherine Chideock (1423-April 10, 1479). She married Giles Daubeney, later bar...
 Unknown artist. Copyright issues unknown.
Ivarr Gudrodson, king of Dublin
(c.815 - bef.874)
Ívarr Gudrødsson , Viking king of Dublin and perhaps also of York. He sacked Dumbarton in 870.* Father: King Godhfraidh (Gudrød)* Mother: Unknown* Children:** Baird (died 881)** Sigfrith (died 888)** S...
Author Duvel
(c.1590 - 1636)
Kauppias. Oli rikas turkulainen kauppias, mutta kuoli rutiköyhänä Oulussa. Haudattu Turussa. Handelsman. Han var rik handelsman i Åbo, Finland, men dog utfattig i Uleåborg, Finland. Begravd i Åbo. 'Mer...
Ralph / Ranulf fitz Grimbaldus, I
(c.1110 - 1144)
Sebastião de Freitas
(c.1568 - 1644)
Genealogia Paulistana* * Luiz Gonzaga da Silva Leme (1852-1919)* * Vol VII - Pág. 168 a 223* * Tit.* === Freitas===* Pág. 168===Sebastião de Freitas===, natural de Alagoa da cidade de Silves no Algarve...
Aymer de Villiers
(1078 - 1105)
Jakob Puss
(1894 - d.)
Abielu 1920
Kihlatute nimekirjast: Saaga EAA.1250.1.101:16?178,1732,2334,228,0
Mattfried II, Graf von Eifelgau
(c.820 - aft.882)
Matfrid II (Manfred VI), Graf von Eifelgau- Son of - Matfrid I (Manfred V), Graf von Eifelgau-Orleans ===It took a while and many hours of frustration, prayer and persistence. Many times you want to th...
Dr. Regina Barkan
(1880 - aft.1942)
Ph. D Jena 1923
Barkan, Regina, Nietzsche der Imperialist
Verl. der sozialistischen Monatshefte, Berlin 1924
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Barkan, Regina
geborene Barkan geboren am 06. ...
Philippe II "Sans Terre", duc de Savoie
(1438 - 1497)
- II (5 February 1438 – 7 November 1497), surnamed the Landless, was the Duke of Savoy for a brief reign from 1496 to 1497.[1] BiographyPhilip was the granduncle of the previous duke Charles II, and th...
Euphemia Reidheugh
(1488 - d.)
Walter Stewart married Euphemia Reideugh (aka "Ruddock"), daughter of James Reideugh of Cultobraggan,[1] comptroller of the household of King James IV.
"Red Book of Scotland Volume ...
Kongsønn Bjørn Haraldsen Ironside
(1100 - 1134)
örn Ironside Haraldsson was one of Harald Kesja's 15 sons. Björn married Katarina Ingesdotter the daughter of King Inge I of Sweden. Björn was the father of Christina Bjornsdatter, a Swedish queen. Bjø...
Mael ap Bleddyn, of Llys Bradwen, in Meirionydd
(c.1035 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, the Pedigree of Cynddelw Gam, for the untangling of these lines: (March 1, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator).
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of Cynddelw Gam of Ystrad Alun; ; [#2...
Katherine Neville, Baroness Hastings
(1435 - 1504)
Katherine Neville, Baroness Hastings== Katherine Neville, Baroness Hastings (1442 – between January and 25 March 1504), was a noblewoman and a member of the powerful Neville family of northern England....
Dirk I, graaf van Kinhem
(c.875 - 939)
The Dutch Wikipedia calls him ‘Dirk I’ and his son ‘Dirk 1bis’.
Dirk, Graaf van Kennemerland, Graf vom Rheinland, Graaf van Holland
Dirk of Thidericus Fresonie (rond 8?? - rond 923 of 939) was een...
Lauri Kiikka
(c.1480 - d.)
Ilmajoen Peuralan kylässä kirjattiin 1500-luvun puolivälin tienoilla neljä isäntää, joiden patronyymi oli Laurinpoika. Heidän keskinäinen sukulaisuutensa ei ole tiedossa .
- Mikki Laurinpoika Käräjäsaa...
Nils Johannessen Bergum
(1826 - d.)
Nils Johannesson Bergum
1854 ekteskap
1867 utvandra til Minnesota