Saint Dareca
(约340 - 387)
Darerca verch Calpurnius1Father Calpurnius of Britain b. circa 370Mother N. N. of Wales b. circa 378 Darerca verch Calpurnius was the daughter of Calpurnius of Britain and N. N. of Wales. Darerca verch...
Tudwal ab Ednyfed
(约355 - ?)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Anwn Dynod ap Maxen Wledig; . (Steven Ferry, February 13, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859;...
Robert 1er "Grandbois" d’Estouteville
(约1040 - aft.1106)
Curator Note This person had many aliases, among them: Robert "Estout Le Danois" d'Estouteville (de Verdun), Robert Stoutrvilla, Grandbois, Grand de Bord, Guerin-de-Boeuf, Grondeboe, Grondeboef, Frontd...
William McKinley, 25th President of the USA
(1843 - 1901)
Wikipedia Biographical Summary:== William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his assassination in September ...
Eremburge de Bricquebec
(约930 - 1003)
comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 950 at an unspecified location.Date and place of death have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 955 at an unspec...
Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor
(约1175 - 1218)
IV. (HRR)aus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheOtto IV. und Papst Innozenz III. reichen sich die Hände (aus Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 19-23, um 1450)Wappen Ottos IV.Das ...
Adèle, comtesse suo jure de Bar-sur-Aube
(1012 - bef.1053)
According to FMG Medieval Lands database :
as daughter of Nocher [II] :
AELIS ([1020/25]-11 Sep 1053) .
The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of St Simon de Valois records that "Rodulpho (S...
Cynreou (?) (1)M, #150361Last Edited=3 Feb 2006 Cynreou (?) is the son of Centwine (?). (2)Child of Cynreou (?)-1. Bassa (?)+ (2)Forrás / Source:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
(1933 - 2020)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born Joan Ruth Bader ; March 15, 1933) was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ginsburg was appointed by President Bill Clinton and took the oath of off...
Baldwin II, count of Clermont
(约990 - 1042)
FMG Franks, Carolingian Nobility (28 Nov 2020) Family of Enguerrand Comte de Paris
m LANDRADA, daughter of ---.
The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensis names " Chrodegangus antistes…ex pago Ha...
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony
(约1020 - 1071)
Ulvhilda Olavsdotter, Duchesse of Saxony= av Norge of Norway Ulfhilde Olavsdotter av NorgeStammor til fyrstehusene Oldenborg og GluckburgNotes for Ulvhild Olavsdatter (Spouse 1)
William Graham, 2nd Earl of Montrose
(约1492 - 1571)
According to this page ( ):
The Estate [AIRTHREY CASTLE] passed to the Second Earl of Montrose who was one of the peers to whom John Duke of Albany and Regent of Scotland during the minority of King J...
Reinfrid de Taillebois, Prior of Whitby Abbey
(约1019 - 1105)
Reinfrid is not confirmed as a Taillebois, nor is it known whether he had any family before taking to religion."A certain Reinfrid, who had been a most valiant soldier of William the Conqueror, moved b...
Maud of Gloucester, Countess of Chester
(1120 - 1189)
of Gloucester, Countess of Chester (died 29 July 1190), also known as Maud FitzRobert, was an Anglo-Norman noblewoman, and the daughter of Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester, an illegitimate son of King He...
Geoffroi I, comte de Provence
(? - 约1061)
of Raymond IV Comte de Toulouse--Etiennette(-[Feb 1061/62]). "Geiriberga comitissima et filii mei Vuilelmus et Fulco sive Josfredus" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille by charter dated 1018[...
Simon III "le Chauve" de Montfort, comte d'Evreux
(约1128 - 1181)
Simon III "le Chauve", Seigneur de Montfort et de Rochefort, Comte d'Evreux (d. 12/13 Mar 1181)--son of Amaury I de Montfort (Seigneur de Montfort and Comte d'Evreux) and second wife Agnes de Garlende-...
Tutankhamun, Pharaoh of Egypt
(aft.-1342 - 约-1323)
Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled ca. 1332 BC – 1323 BC in the conventional chronology), during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. He is popularly ref...
Adelisa of Huntington
(aft.1073 - aft.1126)
ADELISA of Huntingdon ([1073/76]-after [1126]). Her parentage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis, who also records her marriage and names her two sons and indicates she had "several daughters" without nami...
Alice de Essex
(aft.1093 - aft.1185)
From MedLands: =a) ADELISA ([1105]-after 1185). Leland quotes a Vere manuscript which names "Albericus de Ver pater meus…Adeliza filia Gilberti de Clare" and "Adeliza de Estsexa, filia Alberici Ver et ...
Amos Frink
(1740 - ?)
Birth: July 22 1740 - Voluntown, New London, Ct
Parents: Zachariah Frink, Elizabeth Frink (born Gallup)
Siblings: Zachariah Frink, Zephaniah Frink, Uzzial Frink, Joshua Frink, Mattathias Frink, Rachel ...
John Witt
(1645 - 1715)
John Witt , b. 1645, d. 1715, Charles City Co., VA; m. 1669, Albemarle, Charles City, VA to Ann Daux , daughter of Walter & Mary (Unknown)(Plaine) Daux , b. ca. 1650, Charles City, VA.John & Ann (Daux)...
Richard Whitt, Sr.
(aft.1680 - 约1764)
Richard Oney Whitt Sr was born between 1680/1690 in Charles City County, Virginia [ALT: Goochland Co,VA] and died in 1769 in Burke Co?,NC. He was also known as Richard Olney Witt.
Parents: John Whi...
Bruce Dern
MacLeish Dern (born June 4, 1936) is an American actor, often playing supporting villainous characters of unstable nature. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for Coming Ho...
Tova (Toybe) wife David the Katvan, Shach dau.#3
(bef.1650 - 1717)
: I67170 Name: Toyba COHEN Sex: F Name: Toybe KATZ 1 Birth: ABT 1660 Death: 1717Father: Shabtai (Rabbi) "SHaCH" ben Meir COHEN b: 1621
(约250 - aft.325)
Eutropia was the (second?) wife of Emperor Maximian, second mother-in-law of Emperor Constantius Chlorus, and also second mother-in-law of Constantius Chlorus’ son Emperor Constantine I. Her ancestry i...
Jöns Fordell (Pohjanmaan haara)
(1450 - 1520)
Aggressive and Violent Peasant Elites in the Nordic Countries, C. 1500-1700
Lieutenant Morgan Morgan
(1746 - 1826)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of LIEUTENANT. DAR Ancestor # A080530 Capt Morgan “Morg, Mod” Morgan BIRTH 20 Dec 1746 Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, West Virginia, USA D...
Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi
(约1579 - 约1642)
Meir Ashkenazi in Hebrew Books
Hebrew Books ספר ״גבורות אנשים״ ב
Pupil of Jesue Falk (Sema) and of Maharam Lublin. Instructed his famous son in his early Talmudic learning (iv 5).
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
(1415 - 1493)
Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * King of Germany (King of the Romans) Reign 2 February 1440 – 19 August 1493, Coronation 17 June 1442> Predecessor: Albert II Successor: Max...
Aubert I de Cambrai
(约720 - 767)
Baldwin IV, count of Hainaut
(1108 - 1171)
Bron: IV de HainautUn article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. IV de Hainaut, né en 1108, mort le 8 novembre 1171, comte de Hainaut de 1120 à 1171, fils de Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut, et de Yola...
Bretislav I, duke of Bohemia
(aft.1004 - 1055)
Links:==* Wikipedia * Holbek The Přemyslids (Czech: Přemyslovci, Polish: Przemyślidzi), were a Czech royal dynasty which reigned in Bohemia (9th century–1306) and in Poland (1300–1306). The Czechs name...
Izyaslav II, Grand Duke of Kiev
(1097 - 1154)
Iziaslav II Mstislavich ( Изяслав II Мстиславич in Russian), born about 1097, died November 13, 1154.Prince of Pereyaslav (1132), Princ of Turov (1132–1134), Prince of Rostov, (1134- )Prince of Vladimi...
Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine
(约1070 - bef.1111)
Gertrudis van Vlaanderen (1080-1117) was een dochter van Robrecht de Fries, graaf van Vlaanderen, en van Geertruida van Saksen. Zij werd de echtgenote van Hendrik III van Leuven. In een eigentijdse g...
Prince Chernigovsky Vsevolod Chermnui Svyatoslavich
(1158 - 1215)
IV of Kiev From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Vsevolod Svyatoslavich the Red-haired (Russian: Все́волод Святосла́вич Че́рмный) was Svyatoslav III's eldest son who ruled Novgorod-Seversky in 1202–120...
Magnus III of Sweden
(约1241 - 1290)
: 892 Utfärdat: 12690531, Löing Innehåll: Hertig Magnus bortbyter till Peter Israelsson (Finstaätten) jord i (Eds socken, Sollentuna härad) mot jord i Väsby (Munsö socken, Färentuna härad).
Adard de Loches
(830 - 864)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: ADALHARD . m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known. Adalhard & his wife had two children: 1. Garnier (married Tescenda)2. Adalhard (became a Bishop)T...
John Churchill, of Munston
(约1512 - bef.1557)
The name is of MUSTON, not Munston and it's very easily checked anywhere. There is no such a thing as Churchill of Munston.
Here one:
Here another:
2.John CHURCHILL of Dorchester was born about 15...
Muirchertach mac Muiredaig - King of Ailech
(约466 - 534)
Muirchertach I, High King of Ireland (1) M, #150053, d. 534Last Edited=9 Jul 2005 Muirchertach I, High King of Ireland was the son of Muiredach (?). (1) He died in 534. (1) Muirchertach I, High King of...
Count Egilmar II von Oldenburg, Graf zu Oldenburg und im Lerigau
(1075 - 1142)
de.wikipedia.org... ;
Egilmar II. (Oldenburg)
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche
Graf Egilmar II. (Sohn von Egilmar I.), urkundlich b...
Christian I "der Streitbare" von Oldenburg, Graf
(约1110 - 约1167)
Links==* Geneall * Wikipedia * Count of Oldenburg 1143–1167> Predecessor: Elimar II Successor Maurice I
Christian III, Graf von Oldenburg
(约1230 - 1285)
Michael Monroe
Turku, Finland
Matti Antero Kristian Fagerholm , best known by his stage name, Michael Monroe , is a Finnish rock musician and multi-instrumentalist who rose to fame as the vocalist for the glam punk band Hanoi Rocks...
William Churchill, of Dorset
(aft.1490 - bef.1583)
From Collin's Peerage William Churchill, his Heir and Successor, who married Mary, eldest Daughter to Richard Creuse of Wicroft-Castle in the County of Devon, Esq; and by her he had three Sons, Roger o...
Immed III. von Westsachsen, Graf in Westsachsen
(约900 - 954)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony: [I] . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[40]. According to the German Wikipedia page on Ri...
Sir William Wallace of Craigie, 12th of Craigie
(? - 1538)
The Book of Wallace: 44
Stirnet: Wallace 03
Research Notes Sir William Wallace of Craigie (b c1507, d 1538) son of Sir William Wallace of Craigie and Ri...
N.N. ferch Ceris
(约280 - ?)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Britain's Royal Roman Family; . (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
Pelayo, rey de Asturias
(约685 - 737)
Seen as son of Luibigotana
Pelayo, rei das Astúrias
PELAYO ([685/90]-Cangas de Onís 737[29], bur Santa Eulália) . "Pelagium, filium quondam Fafilani ducis ex semine regio" de acordo com a Crônica de...
Friedrich, count of Sülichen
(约1010 - ?)
William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey
(约1071 - 1138)
Sandal Castle (Wakefield) was built in the early 12th century by William, second Earl Warenne, after receiving the manor of Wakefield from Henry I for his support at the battle of Tinchebrai in 1106.
Lennart Meri
(1929 - 2006)
Lennart Georg Meri ( 29. märts 1929 Tallinn – 14. märts 2006 Tallinn) oli Eesti kirjanik, tõlkija, filmitegija, diplomaat ja poliitik, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia liige (alates 2001), Eesti president 1992...
Thomas de Londres
(约1081 - 约1131)
Spurious Pedigree
A former Lord Lindsay claimed that Eschina of London was the daughter of Thomas de Lundoniis, Hostiarius or "Door-ward" of Scotland, although no proof was offered...
Isaac Newton
(1606 - 1642)
Father of Sir Isaac Newton."The psychological strangeness of (Sir Isaac) Newton is mentioned, his extreme introversion, and the trauma of his mother abandoning him as a child, with his father already d...
Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony
(1156 - 1189)
Note 1: Do not confuse this profile with that of her half sister, Matilda of Barking, who never married.
Note 2: Please refrain from copy-and-pasting extensive content from other websites.
Mel Gibson
Wikipedia this is well known information posted by Janet Milburn 10/26/19Born Mel Colmcille Gerard Gibson January 3, 1956 (age 63) Peekskill, New York, U.S. Occupation Actor, director, producer Years a...
 Via Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pam_Bondi_official_photo_(cropped).jpg (link accessed November 21, 2024).
Pam Bondi, U.S. Attorney General
Pamela Jo Bondi (born November 17, 1965) is an American attorney, lobbyist, and politician who served as the 37th Florida attorney general from 2011 to 2019. A member of the Republican Party, she was t...
Douce I de Gévaudan, comtesse de Provence
(? - 约1127)
1112 recibe el condado de Provenza por herencia materna. Ese mismo año contrajo matrimonio en Arlés con el conde de Barcelona, y en 1113 cedió a su marido los derechos sobre el condado de Provenza, el ...
Jakob Ronne
(bef.1401 - bef.1479)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 122-126.Jakob Ronne Deken Ägde godsen Harme, nu Harm, och Neuenhof i Koskulls, nu Kosch, sn samt gods i Jördens sn i Harrien i Estland (a. a., nr 116, 119, 195), vid...
Anne Hoo, of Hastings
(约1425 - 1484)
Anne Hastings1,2,3,4
F, #15411, b. circa 1420, d. 1484
Father Sir Thomas Hoo, Lord Hoo & Hastings, Sheriff of Bedfordshire & Buckinghamshire, Chancellor in France & Normandy2,3,5 b. b 1398, d. 13 F...
Seela Sella
Seela Maini Marjatta Sella (née Virtanen, b. 30 December 1936) is a Finnish film actress.[1] She was born in Tampere, Finland.
During her career, which has spanned more than 60 years to date, Seela S...
Zerachiah Gracian-Hen haLevi of Girona (Ba'al haMaor)
(约1115 - 约1185)
Rabbi Zarchiya Halevi from Gerona זרחיה הלויcalled the ReZaH, RaZBI or Baal Ha-Maor (author of the book Ha-Maor) was born about 1125 in the town of Gerona, Spain – hence the name Gerondi – and died aft...
John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
(1924 - 1992)
John "Johnnie" Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer, MVO, styled Viscount Althorp until 1975, was a British peer and the father of Diana, Princess of Wales.Lord Spencer was born Edward John Spencer, Viscount Alth...
William Davis, of Roxbury
(约1617 - 1683)
William Davis, of Roxbury
Gender: Male
Birth: circa April 01, 1617 England (United Kingdom)
Death: December 09, 1683 (62-70) Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Colonial Amer...
Rabbi Shraga Zvi Tannenbaum, ABD Mezocsat
(1826 - 1891)
רבי שרגא צבי טעננענבוים הנטע שורק מטשאטה
Rabbi Shraga Zvi Tannenbaum, zt"l (1826-1897),
Chahter (Mezcsát) Rav, and author of "Neta Soreik".
Av Beit Din Mezocsat (Tchata) Borsod, born in Szendo and ...
William X, Duke of Aquitaine
(1099 - 1137)
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: GUILLAUME d'Aquitaine (1099-Santiago de Compostela 9 Apr 1137, bur Santiago de Compostela). The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence records the birth in 1099 of "Willelmo comi...
Boleslaus II, duke of Bohemia
(约928 - 999)
The information in this profile is wrong. Boleslav II married Emma, daughter of Konrad of Burgundy. They had 4 children: Vaclav, Boleslav, Jaromir and Oldrich (d. 1034)
Boleslaus II of Bohemia
William FitzOsbern, 1st Earl of Hereford
(1016 - 1071)
William FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford. Son of Osbern de Crépon and Emma d'Ivry Married: Adelisa Richilde (no children)Children with Adelisa: 1. Guillaume (William) 2. Roger 3. Emma 4. (daughter) Illegit...
Aube Ermengarde d'Auvergne, Abbess of Sauxillanges
(约865 - 约893)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Carolingian Nobility:The precise relationship between the following family sub-group and Hugues [Duke of Burgundy] (their "propinquus", see below) has...
Dr. Manahi Nitama (Doc/Nahi) Paewai
(1920 - 1990)
Manahi (Doc) Nitama Paewai OBE OStJ (8 June 1920 – 10 October 1990) was a New Zealand doctor, rugby player, local politician and community leader. A Māori from the Ngāti Kahungunu and Rangitāne iwi, he...
Dr. Ben Roberson
(1922 - 2009)
Obituary : BEN B. ROBERSON Age 87, of Rancho Mirage, CA, passed away on October 23, 2009, in Palm Springs, CA. He was born April 29, 1922, to Alexander Roberson and Florence Gregory, in Lemoore, CA. He...
Robert de Massey
(约1260 - 约1298)
Progenitor of the Massey's of Sale:"The second Hamon had issue Hamon, a son and heir, and Robert Massey, from whom sprang the Masseys of Sale. This is probably the Hamon Massey who is noticed in one of...
Johan Georg Meyer SV/PROG
(1726 - 1798)
Johan Georg Meyer (a1) Gebore op 11 Oktober 1726. Hy kom vanaf die dorpie Beblenheim in die Alsace-provinsie, Duitsland, in 1762 in die Kaap aan. Dit wil voorkom dat hy kort na die dood van sy 80-jarig...
Sancho IV el Bravo, rey de Castilla y León
(1258 - 1295)
Infante don SANCHO de Castilla y León, son of ALFONSO X "el Sabio" King of Castile and León & his wife Infante doña Violante de Aragón (Valladolid 12 May 1258-Toledo 25 Apr 1295, bur Toledo, Cat...
Piast the Wheelwright
(约820 - 约875)
Piast w Wikipedii po Polsku Piast on Wikipedia in English Piast Kołodziej (kołodziej means wheelwright) is a semi-legendary figure from the prehistory of Poland (8th or 9th century AD), reputed founder...
John Scott of Brabourne
(约1290 - aft.1348)
John le Scot, of Brabourne, Kent, was the son of William Scot, of Brabourne, Kent. His son was Sir William Scot of Brabourne, whose son was Michael Scot, who married Emma.He was not the son of John de ...
Claudius II, Roman Emperor
(约214 - 约270)
Claudius IIFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchClaudius II Emperor of the Roman Empire Claudius II on a coin celebrating his equity (AEQUITAS AUGUSTI) Reign 268 - January, 2...
Adeliza de Vere
(约1091 - 1163)
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adeliza (Alice) De CLARE (AFN: 8XJS-R4) Pedigree Sex: F Family ----...
Juliana de Dunbar
(约1115 - 约1201)
Juliana de Dunbar
Father: Gospatric II Earl of Dunbar (~1062-1138)
Mother: Sybil Morel
Married: 1Ralph de Merlay Lord of Morpeth Birth1098, Morpeth, Northumberland Co., England Death1160, Morpeth...
Selyfiaun ferch Selyf
(约365 - ?)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859; . (Steven Ferry, March 11, 2021.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Family of Emyr Llydaw; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
Emma de Blois-Champagne
(约1080 - 约1127)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Herbert Family Pedigree; . (Steven Ferry, April 21, 2020.)The Hyde Register lists "Herbertus camerarius, Arnulfus filius eius, Emma uxor eius" immediately after the name...
Agnes of Babenberg
(1111 - bef.1163)
Agnes of Babenberg (1111 – January 25, 1157) was the daughter of Leopold III, Margrave of Austria from 1095 to 1136, and his wife, Agnes of Germany, daughter of Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
Agnes of ...
William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas & Mar
(约1323 - 1384)
BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas
Born 1327 Scotland
Died May 1384 Douglas, South Lanarkshire
Buried 1384 Melrose Abbey[1]
Father Sir Archibald Douglas
Mother Beatr...
Mathilde van Brabant
(1224 - 1288)
de Brabant, née en 1224, morte le 29 septembre 1288, était fille d'Henri II, duc de Brabant et de Marie de Hohenstaufen.Elle épousa en premières noces à Compiègne le 14 juin 1237 Robert Ier d'Artois (1...
Alice Corbet
(约1225 - 约1267)
Date of birth has also been reported as circa 1219 in Caus.
Lady (Baroness Corbet?) of Caus
Alice de Corbet was born to Thomas de Corbet and Isabel de Valletort de Corbet. Alice married ...
Wulfnoth Cild, Earl of Sussex
(? - 约1014)
Cild (died 1015) was an Anglo-Saxon nobleman who is thought to have been the father of Godwin, Earl of Wessex and thus the grandfather of King Harold Godwinson . Earl Godwin's father was certainly name...
Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia
(1171 - 1230)
Alfonso IX de León (15 August 1171 – 24 September 1230) was King of Galicia and the last King of León as an independent kingdom from 1188 until his death in 1230. His son Ferdinand III of León and Cast...
Nathaniel Loomis, Sr Kg.Philip's War Vet.
(1626 - 1688)
Nathaniel Loomis
BIRTH 1626 Braintree District, Essex, England
DEATH 19 Aug 1688 (aged 61–62) Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
BURIAL Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford County, Con...
Sir William Hay, 1st Earl of Errol, 2nd Lord Hay, Constable of Scotland
(1423 - 1462)
The title Earl of Erroll is an ancient one in the Peerage of Scotland. It was created in 1453 for Sir William Hay. See .
The subsidiary titles held by the Earl of Erroll are: Lord Hay (created 1449) a...
Lucy de Tregoz
(约1210 - 1294)
Lucy de TREGOZ, daughter of Robert I de TREGOZ 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 1202 in Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire, England. She died 1294 in Knockin, Shropshire, England. Lucy married Sir John III le STRANGE Knig...
Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
(1901 - 1918)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia (Russian: Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна Романова, Velikaya Knyazhna Anastasiya Nikolayevna Romanov...
(256 - ?)
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==A.D. 547. This year Ida began his reign; from whom first arose the royal kindred of the Northumbrians. Ida was the son of Eoppa, Eoppa of Esa, Esa of Ingwy, Ingwy of Angenwit, A...
Robert de Stafford
(约1220 - 1261)
Father: Hervey de Stafford b: Abt 1160-1170
Mother: Petronilla De Ferrers b: Abt 1170
Marriage 1 Alice Corbet b: 1228
"Knights of Edward I," Publications of the Harleian Society, Vol. 83 (1931),...
Josceline ‘de Torfulus’
(约975 - aft.1068)
Joscelina "de Torfulus" (probably de Saint-Vaase-Equiqueville) b. circa 975, d. after 1068 (death also center 02/07/1050)
Note: two generations of Montgommery's married two women named Josceline from ...
Otto I 'der Rotkopf', Herzog von Bayern-Wittelsbach
(约1117 - 1183)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Familypedia * ADB in Deutsch * Holbek in Danish * Wikipedia
Willie Nelson
He is an American country singer-songwriter, author, poet, actor and activist. He reached his greatest fame during the outlaw country movement of the 1970s, and remains iconic, especially in American p...
Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn
(1194 - 1251)
From Medlands:=== of Llewellyn ap Iowerth and unknown misress)GWLADUS Ddu ("the Black") (-Windsor 1251). The Annals of Dunstable record that “Reginaldus frater eius” (referring to “Ægidius Herefordensi...
Elizabeth Yates
(1718 - ?)
Not the same as Elizabeth Yates
Is she somehow this woman? Elizabeth Eppert
The 1 May 1779 will of John Yates of Caswell County, NC lists:
4 sons: 1) William 2) Thomas 3) John and 4) James
Joosep Kristenbrun
(1839 - 1917)
Käsmu purjelaevastiku grand old man Joosep Kristenbrun sündis 7. veebruaril, 1839.a. Käsmus kõige suurem laevaomanik ümbruskonnas. Laevade ehitaja, Käsmu merekooli asutajaid ja hoolekandekomitee kaua-a...
Humbert II, count of Savoy "the Fat"
(约1065 - 1103)
(23 languages)
Humbert II (Italian: Umberto II), nicknamed the Gat (c. 1065 – 19 October 1103[1]), was Count of Savoy from 1080 until his death in 1103. He was the son of Amadeus II of Savoy.
He w...