Sir John Seymour of Wulfhall
(1475 - 1536)
He was the High Sheriff of Somerset. ________________ Sir John Seymour (1474–1536)(Redirected from Sir John Seymour (1474-1536)) Sir John Seymour, KB (c. 1474 – December 21, 1536), a member of the Engl...
Margaret Brandon
(c.1752 - 1844)
Adélaïs de Breteuil, Countess of Shrewsbury
(1048 - 1116)
Adelais de PuisetParents: Erard [I] Comte de Breteuil, Vicomte de Chartres & HumbergeSpouse: Roger II de Montgommery (Montgomerie, Montgomery), the first Earl of ShrewsburySon: EverardLINKSADELAIS du P...
Kurfürst Johann I Cicero von Brandenburg
(1455 - 1499)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Elector of Brandenburg: Reign 1486–1499> Predecessor: Albert III Achilles Successor: Joachim I Nestor
Blanca Núñez de Lara
(1311 - 1347)
Blanca de La Cerda y LaraFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBlanca Fernanda de la Cerda y Lara (c. 1317 – 1347) was a Spanish noblewoman.She was the daughter of Fernando de la Cerda (1275-1322) and J...
Leonor de Castilla y León, infanta de Castilla y León
(1363 - 1415)
Leonor de Trastámara (¿?, 1350 - Pamplona, 1415). Infanta de Castilla, reina consorte de Navarra, desde 1403, e hija de Enrique II el de las Mercedes y de la infanta Juana Manuel.A la muerte de su padr...
Constanza de Béarn
(1239 - 1310)
Constanza de Béarn== Sources == FMG MedLands Vizcaya
Margaret of France, Queen consort of England
(1275 - 1317)
Birth: Between Jan 8 1279 and Jan 7 1280 - France, Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine, France
Death: Feb 22 1316 - Marlborough, Wiltshire, England
Husband: Edward I " Longshanks" Plantagenet King of Eng...
Kristina Knutsdotter Kurki
(1494 - 1551)
 Portrait, Auckland Weekly News 1917. This may be of a different soldier, George Thomas Riley, who was a cheesemaker from Mahoe near Stratford, Taranaki. He, however, is not recorded in an official record as having died during the war. - No known copyright restrictions.
Pte. George Thomas Riley
(1895 - 1917)
George Thomas Riley was born at Eltham in the Taranaki region of New Zealand's North Island on 29 March 1895. His parents were William George Riley (O'Riley) and Elizabeth Alice Riley (née Hawke) who h...
Moses Jacobsson
(c.1480 - c.1554)
DNA-bekräftad Bureättling längs faderslinjen. Se . Där uppskattas hans födelseår till 1490. Moses Jakobsson. Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Död i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Bonde i Bure (8), Skellefteå lfs. U...
Dordi NN
(c.1495 - c.1550)
HUOM! On ehdotettu, että Dordi olisi omaa sukua Bure puolisoksi Tämä ei ole FAKTA. Todisteita ei vielä ole. Dordin patronyymiä ei myöskään tiedetä - se ei ole Bengtintytär. OBS! Ta Dordis Bure-anor med...
Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar
(1264 - 1298)
according to Wikipedia and another website her living dates areBorn (circa) 18 June 1269died29 August 1298websites give the dates listed on this profilesuch as: one website gives another death year (bu...
John Kerry, 68th U.S. Secretary of State
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is an American politician and diplomat who served as the 68th United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. An attorney and former naval officer, Kerry ...
Elin Filpusdotter
(c.1450 - c.1495)
Asemies Herman Magnusson Flemingin vaimo. Villnäs, Askainen. Väpnare Herman Magnusson Flemings hustru. Villnäs, Villnäs, Finland. 'Squire Herman Magnusson Fleming's wife. Villnäs, Askainen, Finland Tor...
Erik Andersson Cajanus
(c.1628 - c.1691)
Taulu 3.
Aikaisemmin Cajanus-sukuun liitetty Gyllenhjerta-suku (ks. Eric Castrén, Historisk och oeconomisk beskrifning öfwer Cajanaborgs-län (1754) s. 43 "och kallades förr Gyllen hjerta") näyttää ol...
Muirchertach Mac Toirdelbach Mor Ua Briain, High King of Ireland
(c.1050 - 1119)
Ua Briain (c. 1050 – c. 10 March 1119), son of Toirdelbach Ua Briain and great-grandson of Brian Bóru, was King of Munster and later self declared High King of Ireland.BackgroundMajor political divisio...
Magdalene of Brandenburg, Landgravine of Hesse-Darmstadt
(1582 - c.1616)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Holbek * Wikipedia: English Deutsch === GEDCOM Source
Sir Hugh Willoughby, the Navigator
(1495 - 1554)
Sir Hugh Willoughby the Navigator of Risley, Derbyshire was born about 1495 and died in 1554, frozen in his ship.Father: Henry Willoughby died: ABT 1528 and Ellen Egerton, daughter of John Egerton, Hen...
Hernando Siles Reyes
(1882 - 1942)
Hernando Siles Reyes (* Sucre, 1882 - †, 1942), fue un político y jurista boliviano, Presidente de la República de Bolivia (1926 - 1930).Nació en Sucre en 1882. Hijo de Adolfo Siles y de Remedios Reyes...
Lucia de Provence, comtesse consort de Razès
(c.978 - d.)
Lucie's birth date must be wrong, since her daughter Mahaut Alamburge Atles was born about 1052. That would make Lucie 74 years old when she gave birth.
St. William of Gellone, count of Toulouse
(c.755 - bef.815)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page (including his parents and brother's family): &
THEODERIC' [I], son of --- (-[791/15 Dec 804]). The origin of Comte Theoderic is not known. An inter...
Mary MacLeod
(1867 - 1963)
Mary Smith was the daughter of Donald Smith and Mary MacAulay. She is the maternal grandmother of U.S. President Donald John Trump.
She married to Malcolm MacLeod on 23 Apr 1891 at Back Stornoway (St...
Lagmann Gunnbjørn Toresson Tengs
(c.1420 - c.1486)
Foreldre : Gunnbjørn er muligens sønn av Tore Gardsson og Ragnhild Eyvindsdotter. Gunnbjørn er ikke nevnt med farsnavn i kildene, og det eneste holdepunktet er eiendommer. Det synes mulig å følge Bakke...
Dr. Phillip “Pincas Camasov” Kamish
(1925 - 2010)
Obituary for Phillip Kamish as published in the Shreveport Times [Louisiana] on Dec. 22, 2010, borrowed from FindaGrave:
Col (USAF-ret) Phillip Kamish, DDS, 85, passed away Saturday, December 19, 2...
Tauno Luiro
(1932 - 1955)
äinen Luiro nousi kuuluisuuteen 19-vuotiaana talvella 1951. Nuorten sarjan Suomen mestarin hyppy Oberstdorfin lentomäestä kantoi maailmanennätyspituuteen 139 metriä. Aiemmin ei kukaan suomalainen ollut...
Mary Wright
(c.1730 - 1808)
Biography William Grant shortly drops from the records and John Grant (c. 1704 - 1762) became the acting exrcuter and guardian of Elizabeth Grant and Mary Grant only children and infant daughters of Wi...
Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich Romanov
(1897 - 1981)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #2331 * Wikipedia
William Lighthouse Strong
(1782 - 1859)
Rev. William Lighthouse Strong
Find A Grave Memorial ID # 40931379
Admor Menachem Mendel Morgenstern, Kotzker Rebbe
(1787 - 1859)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Morgensztern of Kotzk , better known as the Kotzker Rebbe (1787-1859) was a Hasidic leader. Born to a non-Hasidic family in Goraj near Lublin, Poland, he became attracted to Hasid...
Heinrich Mereküla ← Pavlovsky
(1880 - 1938)
TLA.1358.2.2 ; Vaderid: Nicolai Makarow, agent Stanislaw Pawlowsky, Marie Pihlakas.
Antti Tuisku
Helsinki, Finland
Antti Tapani Tuisku (s. 27. helmikuuta 1984 Rovaniemi) on suomalainen poplaulaja. Hän tuli tunnetuksi Idols-televisio-ohjelman ensimmäisenä kautena vuonna 2003, jolloin hän sijoittui kolmanneksi. Antti...
Ruchama Nechama Perels
(c.1665 - 1745)
, Stammbaum des R. Eleasar Fleckeles, Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Volume 37, p. 384 (1893)
Count Axel Oxenstierna, to Södermöre
(1583 - 1654)
Michael Franti
Franti was born the son of Tom Hopkins, a black man, and Mary Rodrick, who is white, in Oakland, California, on April 21, 1968. Unable to cope with the scorn of a racist family, Roderick gave her son u...
John Gordon, Lord Gordon
(c.1477 - 1517)
Kinloss Abbey is a Cistercian abbey at Kinloss in the county of Moray, Scotland. The abbey was founded in 1150 by King David I
The County of Moray or Morayshire, called Elginshire until 1919,
JOHN ...
Françoise Le Mercier
(c.1607 - d.)
Abu Al-Nasr Sayf ad-Din Al-Ashraf Qaitbay, 18th Burji Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
(c.1416 - 1496)
Sultan Abu Al-Nasr Sayf ad-Din Al-Ashraf Qaitbay (Arabic: السلطان أبو النصر سيف الدين الأشرف قايتباي; c. 1416/1418 – 7 August 1496)[a] was the eighteenth Burji Mamluk Sultan of Egypt from 872 to 901 A....
Rhys ap Rhydderch
(c.1205 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (September 27, 2020; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #5 Rhys Chwith; . (Steven Ferry, September 10, 2019.)
 Erected 2000 by Department of Historic Resources. (Marker Number K-242.)
Capt. Nathaniel Basse
(bef.1589 - 1654)
Biography Updated 11 March 2025
Capt. Nathaniel Basse was born before December 19, 1589 in London, Middlesex , England and was baptized on December 19, 1589 in St Gabriel Fenchurch, London, Middlese...
Robert Thomas Flowers, Sr.
(1748 - 1831)
Geoffroi I, Count of Gâtinais
(c.864 - 952)
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File Search Results | Print --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Geoffrey Viscount Of ORLEANS Compact Disc #...
Dr. Chaim Azriel Weizmann
(1874 - 1952)
Chaim Azriel Weizmann, Hebrew: חיים עזריאל ויצמן, (27 November 1874 – 9 November 1952) was a Zionist leader, President of the Zionist Organization, and the first President of the State of Israel. He w...
Mór ingen Gilla Brigte O'Brien
(c.990 - c.1018)
Vladislav II, King of Bohemia
(1456 - 1516)
Vladislaus II, also known as Vladislav,[1][2] Wladyslaw[3] or Wladislas[4] (Hungarian: II. Ulászló; 1 March 1456 – 13 March 1516), was King of Bohemia from 1471 to 1516 and King of Hungary and of Croat...
Pope Leo XIII
(1810 - 1903)
Sources=* Pope Leo XIII, Wikipedia Em 1888, o Papa Leão XIII, na encíclica In Plurimis, dirigida aos bispos do Brasil, pediu-lhes apoio para o Imperador D. Pedro II e a sua filha a princesa D. Isabel, ...
Ferdinand Laja
(1889 - 1956)
Ferdinand Laja (5/17. aprill 1889 Meeksi vald, Võrumaa – 2. jaanuar 1956 Tartu) oli eesti loomaarstiteadlane.
Meeksi kirikuraamatus oli sulgudes Christfried-Emil
Esimene Eesti veterinaariaprofess...
Capt. Wellington Carrington
(1813 - 1890)
Taranaki Herald 7 January 1890
Arrival of the Barque 'Cuba' at Wellington
Taranaki Herald, 10 February 1890, Page 2
Taranaki Herald, Wednesday 12 Febru...
Rudolf Seppar
(1899 - 1942)
Sündis 27.08.1899 Narvas Johannes Seppari ainsa lapsena. Viidi Sosvasse, Sverdlovski oblastis asuvasse Sevurallagi, kus talle 12.03.1942 surmaotsus langetati ja 24.04.1942 maha lasti.
Vabadussõja aja...
Elisabeth Oldenburg, Herzogin zu Mecklenburg-Güstrow
(1524 - 1586)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia
Emory Tate
(1958 - 2015)
Emory Andrew Tate Jr. (December 27, 1958 – October 17, 2015) was an American chess International Master, described by grandmaster Maurice Ashley as "absolutely a trailblazer for African-American ches...
Vali Myers
(1930 - 2003)
Vali Myers
a/k/a Vali, "Witch of Positiano."
Myers was an Australian artist, dancer, bohemian and muse whose coverage by the media was mostly in 1950s and 1960s in Europe and the Un...
Major Ronald Ivor Ferguson
(1931 - 2003)
Ronald Ivor Ferguson (10 October 1931 – 16 March 2003) was a polo manager, initially to the Duke of Edinburgh and later, for many years, to the Prince of Wales. His daughter, Sarah, Duchess of York, is...
Princess Joséphine Charlotte of Belgium
(1927 - 2005)
Name/title: Joséphine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Maria Josepha/Marie-José Margarethe/Astrid Princess of Belgium.*By marriage Grand Duchess consort of Luxembourg==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Joh...
Íñigo Lopez Ezquerra, Conde y 1er. señor de Vizcaya
(b. - 1076)
Note: Íñigo López was not the son of a Lope Muñoz, as has been suggested, known dates do not coincide. Íñigo López aka Eneko López died c. 1076 at Bizkaia, Basque CountryConde de Vizcaya, first documen...
William Byron Way
(1858 - 1934)
Karin Olofsdotter Svärd
Francois Joubert
(bef.1706 - c.1761)
Baptism 1706 says Elizabeth not Francois Pierre Joubert * Lamotte d'Aigues in die Franse provinsie, Provence c. 1664 † 30.6.1732 a. met die boot Berg China wat Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat en op 4.8....
Pēteris Laķis
(1952 - 2003)
 By Not recorded - H.F. Helmolt (ed.): History of the World. New York, 1901.\r\n\n\rCopied from University of Texas Portrait Gallery., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2152
Kmdt.-Genl. Petrus Jacobus Joubert
(1831 - 1900)
===Burger Deaths ABO=== Added by AR Swanepoel
Database ID: 1607
Surname: JOUBERT
First Name: Petrus Jacobus, Cmdt-Gen
Age: 69
Address: Pretoria
Commando: N/A
Battle: Pretoria
Date: 27/03/1900
Buried: ...
 Signature taken from his marriage certificate: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:HB3X-GDT2
Original file: https://ibb.co/8401pzM5 or https://imgbox.com/Ve5xqtaG or https://pixhost.to/show/731/573523562_antonio-hate-escudero-s-signature.jpg
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Antonio_Hate_Escudero%27s_signature.svg
This signature is believed to be ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it falls below the required level of originality for copyright protection both in the United States and in the source country (if different). In this case, the source country (e.g. the country of nationality of the signatory) is believed to be Philippines.
Antonio H. Escudero
(1915 - d.)
Antonio H. Escudero was a Filipino politician. He served as mayor of Casiguran, Sorsogon, and provincial board member of Sorsogon.
Marriage certificate
Peter Bauman
(1726 - 1805)
Peter was married three times: 1) S. B., died in 1775 2) Anna Speigel 3) Elizabeth 1757-1832 Birth date is approximate.* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Aug 31 2021, 21:48:05 UTC
Johann Hansz Kotze
(1652 - 1712)
"B" generation established in accordance with research done by Scott H. Kotze (Hans Jurgen Kotze - Die verlore seun), and which was published in GENESIS Edition 39 of 31 Mei 2013, p13-16. Sources used ...
Bryachislav Izyaslavich of Polotsk
(c.997 - 1044)
Bryachislav Izyaslavich (Belarusian: Брачыслаў Ізяславіч, Russian: Брячислав Изяславич) (c. 997 – 1044) was the prince of Polotsk between 1001 and 1044. His name, possibly. He was son of Izyaslav Vladi...
George IV, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
(1762 - 1830)
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch ===*George Augustus Frederick Prince of United Kingdom und Hannover*1st Earl of Carrick on 12 August 1762.*1st Baron Renfrew on 12 August 1762.*1st Lord of the ...
Jeanne de la Mere
(c.1562 - 1603)
Place of death for her husband needs correction. All locked up like Robben Island Incorrect parents attached needs removal or correction.
Would not have used surname of her husband.
From Juna Malhe...
Sigismund von Luxemburg
(1368 - 1437)
von Luxemburg= Zsigmond magyar király = Lucemburský= , Holy Roman Emperor=Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor; King of the Romans, Bohemia, Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Dalmatia.
Esa Pakarinen
(1911 - 1989)
Feliks Esaias ”Esa” Pakarinen oli suomalainen näyttelijä, hanuristi, laulaja, kansantaiteilija ja viihdyttäjä. Hän kuului sotien jälkeisen rillumarei-viihteen keulakuviin.
Esa Pakarinen syntyi 1911 R...
Hananiah ., 5th Exilarch
(b. - c.-440)
1 Chronicles 3:19.
Abarbanel – undated handwritten manuscript from the collection of the late Rabbi Shmuel Gorr, held by Chaim Freedman.
Reference was made to “Elef Margaliot” 1993, Meir Wunder.
Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
(aft.857 - 921)
BIOGRAPHY Ludmilla was born about 850, the daughter of Slawibov, prince of Psov (near Melnik in Bohemia). She married Borziwoy I, duke of Bohemia, the founder of the Bohemian dynasty of Premyslid. They...
Esbern Snare
(bef.1130 - 1204)
Osbern de Bolbec, Lord of Giffard, seigneur de Longueville-sur-Scie
(c.945 - 1035)
Son of Geoffrey (Bolebec) de Bolebec and Beatrice (Arques) de Bolebec
[sibling%28s%29 unknown]
Husband of Wevia (Crépon) de Bolebec — married 0976 [location unknown]
Osbern I de Bolebec
Spouses: ...
 Source: https://familysearch.org/service/tree/tree-data/person/GSR6-PLW/all?locale=en
Edwina 'Sunny' (Sundholm) Lynch
(1919 - 2004)
OBITUARY for Edwina Lynch, nicknamed Sunny; recent residence: Riverside, CA. LYNCH, EDWINA "SUNNY" Age 85, died June 26, 2004 as a result of an auto accident. She was born on April 28, 1919 to Edward a...
King Gudraud "the old", of Hedmark
Gudrød den gamle' av Hedmark Han var sønn til kong Sølve. Gudrødskone er ukjent, de hadde datteren Hild"Raum den gamle fikk senere Hild, datter til Gudrød den gamle, sønn til kong Sølve, som først rydd...
Henri I de Blois 'le Libéral', count of Champagne & Brie
(1127 - 1181)
Wikipedia Medlands Henry I of Champagne (died March 17, 1181), known as "the Liberal", was count of Champagne from 1152 to 1181. He was the eldest son of Count Thibaut II of Champagne (who was also Cou...
Lady Agnes Dunbar
(1335 - 1378)
Not the same as Agnes , wife of Sir Patrick Hepburn of Hailes, Kt.
Comments Stirnet Genealogy, Peter Barns-Graham, Dunbar01
”There is some confusion with this lady. She may have been daughter of...
Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester
(c.1375 - 1447)
From Medlands: HENRY Beaufort (-Wolvesey Palace, Winchester 11 Apr 1447, bur Winchester Cathedral). A late 15th century/early 16th century manuscript records that “post mortem Constancie secunde uxoris...
Enna, King of Leinster
(c.1080 - 1126)
>>>b) DONCHAD , son of MURCHAD King of Leinster & his wife --- (-1115). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “the son of Murchad, son of Diarmait, son of Máel na mbó” wo...
Agneta Klemetsdotter Esping
(c.1530 - 1619)
Agneta Klemetintytär Esping k. leskenä Turku 1619 ja vietiin haudattavaksi Paraisille 5.3.1619, vanh Paraisten pitäjän kasööri, aatelismies Klemet Matinpoika (Esping) ja Kristin Tavast. Agneta oli saan...
Uta, Herzogin von Kärnten
(c.1080 - 1153)
Wife of Engelbert, Duke of Carinthia.
Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. ...
R' Elisha Halberstam, Admir of Gorlice
(1859 - 1941)
Biographies of Rabbis Perished in the Holocaust ר' ברוך האלבערשטאם מרידניק וגארליץ זצ"ל וביתו אחריו Manny Getzler, who is 85 (2016), was in Siberia during WWII. He recalls the death of the Gorlitzer Re...
Adard de Loches
(830 - 864)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: ADALHARD . m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known. Adalhard & his wife had two children: 1. Garnier (married Tescenda)2. Adalhard (became a Bishop)T...
Bertha, Margravine of Tuscany
(863 - 925)
- ) BERTA ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca, Santa Maria). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[67]. "Berte" is also named as mother o...
Peter Wessel Tordenskiold
(1690 - 1720)
Peter Wessel Tordenskiold, ble født 1690 i Trondheim og døde 1720. Han var sønn av rådmand , kjøpmann og skipsreder Jan Wessel og hans 15 år yngre kone Maren Schøller. Hun ble gift som 15 årig og fikk ...
Mary Washington
(1708 - 1789)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor #: A121971
Mary Ball was the mother of President George Washington. The father of our country.
Mary Ball Washington
Mary Ball Was...
Daeng Selili
(b. - 1766)
Hugh II, comte de Ponthieu
(c.1005 - 1052)
Hugues II, Comte de de Ponthieu (de Montreuil)
Family From
Hugh II of Ponthieu was count of Ponthieu and lord of Abbeville, the son of Enguerrand I of Ponthieu. Evidently Hugh II was the half broth...
Enguerrand I, "Isembart" comte de Ponthieu
(aft.970 - 1046)
Medlands (30 Mar 2023) "Northern France: Amiens, Montreuil, Ponthieu"
" ENGUERRAND (-1045, bur Saint-Riquier). The Chronique de Saint Riquier names "Angelran" as son of Hugues, commenting that he c...
St Magnus Erlendsson, Orknøyjarl
(c.1076 - 1115)
Den hellige Magnus Erlendsson ble født ca 1076 på Orknøyene nord for Skottland og var av norsk ætt. Hans far het Erlend og han styrte Orknøyene sammen med sin tvillingbror Pål etter faren Torfinns død ...
William Payne Harmon
(c.1485 - 1547)
William (Harmon) Harman was born in 1488-1494 in Elam, Crayford, Kent, England. He married Margaret Butler Or Boteler in 1518-1519 in Elam, Crayford, Kent, England. Another (Internet source) gives Will...
Gunhild Svendsdatter
(aft.970 - 1015)
Conclusion: Gunhild born ca. 965 can not be the daughter of Svend Haraldsen, born 960, so what ever changes that have been done are simply wrong. But she can still be the mother of those 3 children, Gu...
Mathilde von Sachsen
(c.920 - d.)
Leslie Apatow
Leslie Mann (born March 26, 1972) is an American actress best known for her roles in comedic films such as The Cable Guy (1996), George of the Jungle (1997) The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005), Knocked Up (2...
Nieves Lepp
Nieves LEPP on eesti laulja ja näitleja
Bela IV, king of Hungary and Croatia
(aft.1205 - 1270)
ÉLA IV 1235-1270, BÉLA V 1304-1308BÉLA, son of ANDRÁS II King of Hungary & his first wife Gertrud von Andechs-Merano (Nov 1206-Margaret Island, near Buda 2/3 May 1270, bur Esztergom). The Chronicon Dub...
Bava von Wassenberg
(c.993 - d.)
Constance of Antioch
(c.1127 - 1164)
of Antioch, daughter of BOHEMOND II Prince of Antioch & his wife Alix of Jerusalem ([1127]-[1163/67], bur St Mary, Josaphat). Her name and parentage are recorded by William of Tyre[123]. The Lignages d...
Delmore Schwartz
(1913 - 1966)
Delmore David Schwartz
Schwartz was an American poet and short story writer.
Schwartz was born in 1913 in Brooklyn, New York, where he also grew up. His parents, Harry and Rose,...
Boleslaus I the Cruel, Duke of Bohemia
(c.907 - 972)
BOLESLAV of Bohemia, son of VRATISLAV I Duke of the Bohemians & his wife Drahomira ze Stodor ([908/10]-15 Jul [967]). The Chronica Boemorum names "Wincezlaum…et Bolezlaum" sons of Wratislav and ...
Esthra .
1 Chronicles 3:19-20. The division of Zerubbabel's children into two lists implies that he had two (or more) wives.
I would love to find an actual source!