Sir Fulk III FitzWarin
(c.1160 - aft.1250)
Fulk FitzWarin III Baron FitzWarin (The tale of Fulk FitzWarin has been noted for its parallels to the Robin Hood legend.)
Fulk III FitzWarin (c. 1160–1258) (alias Fulke, Fouke, FitzWaryn, FitzWarren,...
Tarja Halonen, 11th President of Finland
Tarja Halonen is a Finnish politician who served as the 11th President of Finland, and the first woman to hold the position, from 2000 to 2012. She first rose to prominence as a lawyer with the Central...
Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga"
(c.629 - c.700)
Then [king] Rorik ... set up Orwendel and Feng as rulers in Jutland. The king gave Orwendel his sister, for the good work he'd done. With her he had a son called Amblothe. Then Feng killed Orwendel out...
Richard FitzGilbert, Lord of Clare
(1094 - 1136)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRichard FitzGilbert de Clare. 1st Earl of Hertford (1094–15 April 1136) was the son of Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare and Alice de Claremont also known as Adeliza de...
George IV, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
(1762 - 1830)
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch ===*George Augustus Frederick Prince of United Kingdom und Hannover*1st Earl of Carrick on 12 August 1762.*1st Baron Renfrew on 12 August 1762.*1st Lord of the ...
 Otto II von Berg, bishop of Freising (1145-1220)
Otto I, Holy Roman emperor
(912 - 973)
Bron Link:
Wikipedia English Deutsch
King of Germany (formally King of East Francia, auf deutsch "Ostfränkischer König") Reign 2. July 936 – 7. May 973 Coronation 7. August 936 Aachen C...
Bernard, King of Lombardy
(c.797 - 818)
Find-a-Grave memorial #66394545, located at: >>> A3.B4.C1 Bernard ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio) . Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[...
Appahuah Ladner, Choctaw
Lott - Fayard Indian School Foundational Family - started when the Old Cheraw group made it over to Indian Territory area of what is now Hancock Co up to Pike Co, MS at Ft Adams; but the foundations of...
Guy, Count of Nantes
(c.759 - 814)
or Guido (died before 819) was appointed to replace the late Roland as Warden of the Breton March after his death at the Battle of Roncesvalles in 778. Guy no more effectively exercised control over Br...
Ira Drukier
Biography Ira Drukier is an American hotelier and philanthropist. He co-owns BD Hotels, a hotel chain in New York City.
Early life
Ira Drukier grew up in Rego Park, a neighborhood of Queens in New Yo...
Marion Boyd
(1477 - bef.1559)
A lady is always referred to with her own familyname, not her married surname so this has been corrected even if Margaret Boyd was legally married to John Mure of Rowallan.
Alix de France, Comtesse de Vexin
(1160 - c.1213)
Adèle de France (1160-1221)[Medlands] ALIX [Adelaide] de France ([4 Oct] 1160-after Jan 1213). Robert of Torigny records the death in 1160 of "Constantia regina Franciæ" while giving birth to a daughte...
Martti Ahtisaari, 10th President of Finland
(1937 - 2023)
Suomen 10. Presidentti. Nobelin rauhanpalkinto 2008. '10th President of Finland. Nobel Peace Prize 2008. a Finnish politician, the tenth President of Finland (1994–2000), Nobel Peace Prize laureate and...
Ragnhild Olofsdotter Tavast
(1360 - 1433)
ään omistaneen perintötilan Piikkiön Rungossa, jonka hän miehensä kanssa lahjoitti vuonna 1423 Pyhän Ruumiin alttarille Turun tuomiokirkossa. Avioliitto Mårten Djeknin kanssa solmittiin ilmeisesti vuod...
Toroa, Captain of the Mataatua Waka
(c.1375 - d.)
"As well as being linked to Ngāpuhi in the north, the Mataatua is said to have landed in the Bay of Plenty. According to the traditions two visitors, Hoaki and Taukata, arrived on the Hīnakipākau-o-te-...
Lt. James McDowell, of Derry Township
(1709 - 1746)
Apparently James son of Ephraim has been conflated with James son of John. See
Not the same as James McDowell, of Augusta County
Lt James McDowell, of Derry Township
Gender: Male
Birth: Octob...
Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell
(1857 - 1941)
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell OM, GCMG, GCVO, KCB, also known as B-P or Lord Baden-Powell, was a lieutenant-general in the British Army, writer, and founder of the Scout ...
Gabrán mac Domangart, Rí na Dál Riada
(c.507 - c.559)
Gabhran mac Domangart King of Dál Riada
Born: Abt 490
Marriage: Ingenach
Died: Cir 559 about age 69 1468
Gabhran (Scottish Gaelic: Gabhran mac Domangart) was king of Dál Riada, in mod...
Roger "Pincerna" d'Aubigny
(c.1036 - aft.1084)
ROGER "Pincerna" d'Aubigny = Son of William (Guillaume) "Of The Isles" d'Aubigny, Seigneur de Saint-Martin-d'Aubigny (d'Albini) and Adeliza FitzOsulf le Freyne du Plessis, Heiress of Belvoir From FMG M...
Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland
(c.340 - d.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Lands Called Garthmadryn; . (Steven Ferry, may 4, 2021.)
ON WIKIPEDIA < "He is said to have ruled from Tara , the seat of the High Kings of Ireland"
Konstantin Päts
(1874 - 1956)
Konstantin Päts VR I/1 ja III/1 (10./22. veebruar 1874 Tahkuranna vald – 18. jaanuar 1956 Kalinini oblast, Buraševo) oli Eesti riigitegelane, elukutselt jurist. Ta oli Eesti Vabariigi esimene president...
HaRav Shabty Ashkenazi HaCohen Katz, the "SHaCH"
(1622 - 1663)
Eli Handel - The wives and children of this profile are NOT well merged, so it would seem that additional Shach trees should NOT be merged onto this one until someone who knows the genealogy of the Sha...
Kristina Christersdotter Frille
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter 1:3 Frille, s. 227-234.Paavin kirje 1470:13.9.1470 Rome The layman Klaus Henriksson and Kristina Kristiansdotter Frille103, from the diocese of Turku, request dispensation, ...
Concar Cheronnog ap Gradlon, Prince of Cornouaille (Brittany)
(c.660 - d.)
Totalt wrong hos grandfather is
Judicael of Armorik of cornwall King of Bretons
606- 658
And his father is Alain 11 ,630 - 690 this tree is wrong
Alain II DE CORNOUAILLE, Roi de Cornoua...
Angharad verch Meurig, of South Wales, Queen of Ceredigion & Deheubarth
(c.835 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Wikipedia's Lame Biogra...
King Aun "The Aged" Jörundsson, of Uppsala
(c.509 - c.590)
Ane, On, One, Auchun or Aun the Old (Audhun, the same name as the A-S name Edwin) was the son of Jorund and one of the Swedish kings of the House of Yngling, the ancestors of Norway's first king, Haral...
Juha Mieto
Juha Iisakki Mieto is a Finnish former cross-country skier. He competed in the 1972, 1976, 1980 and 1984 Olympics and won five medals, including a gold medal in the 4×10 km relay in 1976. He was fourth...
Giséle of Cysoing
(aft.819 - 874)
Princess Gisella "Saint Eberhard" Duchess-Consort of Friuli , Queen-Consort of Italy, Margravine-Consort of Friuli.
GISELA ([819/822]-after 1 Jul 874, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus). The Gen...
Lewis / Levie van Gelder
(1822 - 1907)
Bron geboorte-gegevens Stadsarchief Amsterdam adressenarchief: [van] Gelder, Levie David. geboorteplaats: Londen. straatnaam: Wijdegang. straatnaam in bron: Wijdegang. buurtcode: S. buurtnummer: 136. b...
Isabella of England, Holy Roman Empress, Queen consort of Sicily
(1214 - 1241)
Isabella of England, Holy Roman Empress; Queen consort of Sicily
Isabella of England , also called Elizabeth (1214 – 1 December 1241) was an English princess and, by marriage, Holy Roman Empress, Ger...
 AlexD. Via Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1062#/media/File:Wales_1039-63_(Gruffudd_ap_Llywelyn).svg Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Gruffydd ap Llewelyn, King of Wales
(c.1011 - 1064)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Minimum Age for Welsh Kingship in the 11th Century; . (Steven Ferry, October 5, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott:...
Harold de Vaux
(c.1010 - 1086)
Harold was a mesne-lord in Norfolk in 1086 (Domesday Book). Also possessed manor at Dalston, Cumberland, England. (1)
Disputed origins Harold is an English name, and unlikely for a Frenchman in this ...
Rohese Giffard de Longueville
(1034 - c.1113)
Rohese Giffard (Note: The French Gautier is, in English, Walter) [i]
ROHESE Giffard (-after 1113, bur [Colchester]).
Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gautier-Giffard 1er" & his wife had sever...
Anne Frank
(1929 - 1945)
Anne Frank , Author, Holocaust Victim, named in Time Magazine's icons of the 20th century on their list The Most Important People of the Century.
Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Frankfurt am Main in...
Magdalena Östensdotter Sursill
(c.1580 - aft.1650)
Magdalena Östenintytär Sursill , ( isä Östen Sursill) s. noin 1580 Umeå, Sverige, k. 1650 Kalajoki. Yksi Östen Erikinpojan seitsemästä tyttärestä, joista Sursillin suku on saanut alkunsa. Calamnius-suv...
Oslac, Ealdorman of the Isle of Wight
(c.785 - c.846)
Osburga is described as the daughter of Oslac, pincerna (Chamberlain) of Æthelwulf's royal household. Oslac is described as a descendant of the fictitious Jutish kings Stuf and Wihtgar, and is also asc...
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland
(1599 - 1658)
comments Given name has also been reported to be Oliverus .
links Cromwell's death and funeral order
Diary of Thomas Burton esq
No. VII. [supra, p. 480.]
The Death, Funeral Order, and Procession, o...
Lilli (Caroline) Suburg
(1841 - 1923)
Lilli Suburg (1. august (vkj 20. juuli) 1841 Uue-Vändra vald – 8. veebruar 1923 Valga) oli eesti kirjanik, ajakirjanik, haridustegelane ja naisõiguslane.* Lilli Suburgi aegumatu sõnum
Henrik Klasson Horn
(1512 - 1595)
Henrik Klasson Horn, född ca 1512 i Halikko, död 21.6.1595 på Kankas i Masko. Föräldrar riksrådet Klas Henriksson Horn och Kristina Christersdotter Frille. Gift 1544 med Elin Arvidsdotter Stålarm, 1578...
 KTombDugdale67. via Wikimedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Swynford#/media/File:KTombD... Creative Commons 3.0
Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster
(1350 - 1403)
"Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster (also spelled Synford), née (de) Roet (also spelled (de) Rouet, (de) Roët, or (de) Roelt) (probably 25 November 1350 – 10 May 1403), was the daughter of Sir Pa...
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
(1194 - 1250)
Upon his request, Pope Gregory IX absolved Béla of his oath he had taken to the Holy Roman Emperor during the Mongol invasion on 21 August 1245. Shortly afterwards, Duke Frederick II of Austria, who di...
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
(984 - c.1045)
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda * Parents: Malcolm II of Scotland (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) and his wife* Spouse: Crínán of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl* Children: ** 1. Duncan I, King of Scotland**...
Theobald, count of Arles
(b. - 887)
Theobald, count of Arles, was a Frank from the Bosonid-family. He was son of Hucbert and he married Bertha - an illegitimate daughter of Lothair II, King of Lotharingia - that was renowned for her...
Rob Roy MacGregor
(bef.1671 - 1734)
Used his mother's maiden name, Campbell.
Rob Roy or alternately Red MacGregor, was a famous Scottish folk hero and outlaw of the early 18th century, who is sometimes known as the Scottish Robin Hoo...
Halfdan the Valiant
(c.590 - c.650)
Halfdan the Valiant==* Halfdan, sagokung av Skåne - multiple call-names, including "the Valiant", "Snälle", "Kloke" (Hversu).* Halfdan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century?) was a legendary Scani...
Guillame "le Blanc" Turstain du Bec, Seigneur du Bec
(c.918 - c.1000)
Wife's name is unknown. Some say she was Bertha de Vermandois, supposed daughter of Heribert II, but evidence is lacking.The following is based on very controversial material and represents only one ve...
Lady Margaret Jane Stewart
(c.1497 - 1578)
Kilmarnock, industrial town, East Ayrshire council area, historic county of Ayrshire, southwestern Scotland.
MARGARET STEWART Margaret Stewart is the bastard daughter of James IV, King of Scots, and...
Alberto Giacometti
(1901 - 1966)
Alberto Giacometti (Borgonovo di Stampa, 10 ottobre 1901 – Coira, 11 gennaio 1966) è stato uno scultore, pittore e incisore svizzero[1] di lingua italiana.
Woody Johnson
New York, New York, United States
Robert Wood Johnson IV, nicknamed Woody Johnson, is the owner of the National Football League's New York Jets. He bought the Jets from the estate of Leon Hess in 2000. Johnson purchased the team for $6...
Reginar I "Longneck", Duke of Lorraine and Count of Hainault
(c.850 - bef.916)
concerns Reginar du Louvaine, (I) looks like he is supposed to be the same as this Reginar. Are they supposed to be the same person? Further research is warranted.
content to clean up Reginar I "...
Gunnor, Duchess of Normandy
(936 - 1031)
Parents unknown, but often pretended to be a fictitious Herbastus de Crepon. See Todd A. Farmerie, Robert de Torigny and the family of Gunnor, Duchess of Normandy (Dec. 1996). According to Robert de To...
Maria von Hohenstaufen
(1201 - 1235)
FYI: Prior to 3/19/19 Photo image is actually Adelheid van Bourgondië not Maria von Hohenstaufen Janet Milburn
Maria von Hohenstaufen is my 23rd great grandmother.
Halvdan Sigurdsson
(995 - 1047)
Halvdan Sigurdsson * Father: Sigurd Halvdansson «sow» Syr , mother Åsta (Astrid) Gudbrandsdotter .Halvdan av Stein (999 -) gift Ukjent (okänd), deras barn: Berglijot Halvdansdr (1016 -) gift Finn Arnas...
 Unknown photographer. Via http://www.caithness.org/caithness/castles/photogallery/index.php?gallery=14&image=7 No known copyright issues.
Sir William Sinclair of Roslin
(c.1283 - 1330)
Sir William Sinclair or Saint Clair (d. 1330), of Roslin, friend of Robert Bruce, was the son of Sir Henry Sinclair of Roslin [see under Sinclair, Sir William, (fl. 1266–1303)] by Alicia de Fenton. Acc...
(aft.380 - 463)
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==The Winchester (or Parker) Chronicle has Cynric, son of Cerdic, son of Elesa, son of Gewis, son of Wig, son of Freawine, son of Frithugar, son of Brand, son of Beldeg, son of Wo...
Albert, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom
(1819 - 1861)
Wikipedia links:== Afrikaans , العربية , Български , Bosanski , Česky , Dansk , Deutsch , English , Español , Français , עברית , Magyar , Bahasa Indonesia , Italiano , 日本語 , 한국어 , Nederlands , Norsk (b...
Heinrich III 'the Fat' Duke of Saxony-Werra & Margrave of Friesland & Count of Northeim
(c.1055 - 1101)
Hendrik van Northeim , bijg. de Vette, (- 10 april 1101) was een zoon van Otto I van Northeim. Hij volgde zijn vader op als hertog in Saksen-Werra en graaf van Northeim. Hij kreeg ook Friesland en...
Sancho I, o Povoador, rei de Portugal
(1154 - 1212)
Sancho I de Portugal Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. . Sancho I de Portugal (11 de Novembro de 1154 - 26 de Março de 1211), cognominado 'o Povoador' (pelo estímulo com que apadrinhou o povoame...
Vazul "the Bald"
(976 - bef.1037)
Wikipedia: A magyar nyelvű cikkből
Vazul Ellenőrizve: 2013. szeptember 17.
Élt: 970 körül–1037
Apa: Mihály, Taksony fejedelem fia
Anya: bizonytalan-vitatott
bolgár hercegnő ((Mihá...
Vsevolod of Smolensk, Rurikids of Smolensk
(c.1195 - c.1238)
князь псковский (1213),князь новгородский (1218-1221),князь смоленский (ок.1238—?) 45. ВСЕВОЛОД БОРИСОВИЧ († после 1225) ........................................... ........................... 34Между ...
Penda "the Strong", king of Mercia
(575 - 655)
Penda (died 15 November 655) was a 7th-century King of Mercia, the Anglo-Saxon kingdom in what is today the English Midlands. A pagan at a time when Christianity was taking hold in many of the Anglo-Sa...
Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca
(c.740 - bef.823)
His ancestry is unknown, He was probably a Frank sent to Bavaria by Pépin the Short about 750.
Many Internet genealogies call him a son of Richbold . - Boniface I (died 823) was appointed governor of ...
Jarl av Møre Arnmod Arnvidarsen Arnvidsson
(c.945 - 986)
Arnmod Arnvidsson til Giske Jarl på Møre Stamfar for Arnmødlingene.
ca 945 Arnmod var muligens født på Giske sønn av Arnvid
Hans kone er ukjent. Han hadde sønnen Arne
986 Arnmodn falt for Vagn...
Halvdan Gudrødsson «the Black» Svarte
(aft.797 - c.862)
Read about why Halvdan The Black's family on Geni is not entirely the way it was written by Snorre Sturlasson in Heimskringla under the biography of his son Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway
Penelope Stout
(1622 - 1732)
Penelope (van Princis) Stout emigrated in 1644 from Amsterdam, Netherlands to the New Netherland Colony with her first husband, John Kent. They were shipwrecked at Sandy Hook on the New Jersey shore, t...
Franz II/I Joseph Karl von Habsburg-Österreich, last Holy Roman Emperor, 1st Emperor of Austria
(1768 - 1835)
Archduke of Austria 1768 - 1792*Holy Roman Emperor 1792 - 1806*Emperor of Austria 1792 - 1835*Was the last Holy Roman Emperor===Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch=== Links: * The Peerage * Geneal...
Otto II, duke of Bavaria
(c.1015 - 1083)
Otto von Northeim (c1020 - 11 January 1083), Count of Northeim, Count in Rittegau, Vogt of Cowey, and Duke of Bavaria (1061-1070). He was made Duke of Bavaria by the Empress Agnes, but removed in 1070 ...
Maud Lowthropp
(c.1556 - bef.1588)
Not the same as Mary Lathroppe
Maud ***** , who was buried on 6/Jan/1587(1588) in Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England, was the 2nd wife of Thomas Lowthroppe of Cherry Burton, East Riding of ...
 Sodacan, Creative Commons, via Wikimedia.
John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
(1373 - 1410)
"John Beaufort, 1st Marquess of Somerset and 1st Marquess of Dorset, later only 1st Earl of Somerset, KG (1373 – 16 March 1410) was the first of the four illegitimate children of John of Gaunt, 1st Duk...
(c.910 - 990)
Gräfin von Arneburg -Nach Lex. MA und H. Ludat Tochter des Harzgrafen Volkmar I.Hirsch Siegfried: Band I Seite 456************** "Jahrbücher des Deutschen Reiches unter Heinrich II." Excurs VDes Bruno ...
Robert, Count of Mortain
(1031 - 1090)
Robert de Mortain, came to England with William The Conqueror.
Parents: Herlève de Falaise and Herluin de Conteville
Spouses: 1. Mathilde Montgommery 2. Almodis
Ædburh, often called 'Eadburh of Mercia'
"Eadburh, from the royal stock of the king of the Mercians."
Daughter of Coenwulf, King of Mercia. Wife of Æthelred Mucel, ealdorman of the Gaini. Mother-in-La...
Henry V, king of England
(1387 - 1422)
PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT REGARDING HIS BIRTH DATE;"Henry was born in the tower above the gatehouse of Monmouth Castle and for that reason called Henry of Monmouth, son of Henry of Bolingbroke, later He...
Judith von Öhningen
(c.950 - 1033)
ID: I28961# Name: Von Dagsburg# Surname: Von Dagsburg# Prefix: Mrs.# Sex: F# Birth: ABT 0940 in of Dabo, Moselle, France# Ancestral File #: HRK6-82# _UID: E5CA7592EDBDD611BF694445535400009F36 1# Change...
 Source: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/34935080/albert-bailey
John Tandy Bailey
(1797 - 1881)
John Tandy Bailey
28 Feb 1797
Hawkins County, Tennessee, USA
12 Mar 1881 (aged 84)
Madison County, Arkansas, USA
Dunaway Cemetery
Madison County, Arkansas, USA
Show MapGPS-Latitude: ...
Geoffrey IV "Ferréol", count of Gâtinais
(aft.1000 - c.1045)
Attention: shifted numbering.
Wikipedia: Geoffrey II, Count of Gâtinais
Please NOTE: Geoffroy II was NOT the son of Geoffroy I Comte de Gâtinais. Rather, his mother, Beatrix, was first married to Ge...
Adala of Bavaria
(c.960 - aft.1020)
Adala von Bayern * (um 960; † 7. September nach 1020) war Pfalzgräfin von Bayern sowie Gräfin im Chiemgau. Sie war die älteste Tochter von Pfalzgraf Hartwig I. und Wichburg von Bayern. Sie war mütterli...
 Halga seducing his own daughter Yrsa, by Jenny Nyström (1895).Published in "Ekermann, A. (1895). Från Nordens forntid : Fornnordiska sagor bearb. på svenska / Med orig. teckn:r af Jenny Nyström-Stoopendaal. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halga#/media/File:Helgi_and_Yrsa.jpg
Hailaga Halfdansson, {Legendary}
(bef.500 - 565)
, Helgi, Helghe or Helgo was a legendary Danish king living in the early 6th century.Scholars generally agree that he appears in both Anglo-Saxon (Beowulf) and Scandinavian tradition (Norse sagas and D...
Thomas Rogers, of Stratford-upon-Avon
(1537 - bef.1611)
brief biography Thomas ROGERS was born 1540 in Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, England. He died Feb 1611 in Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, England and was buried 20 Feb 1611 in Stratford on Avon, Wa...
Turlough O'Brien, High King of Ireland
(c.1009 - 1086)
[ ]
TORDELBACH, son of DOMNALL of Munster & his wife --- ([1008/09]-Cenn Coradh 14 Jul 1086). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Domnall son of Brian” killed “Ua Donnocáin king of Ara” ...
Polina Gribanova
William Grant, Jr.
(1702 - 1732)
William Grant William was born in 1702. He was the son of William Grant and Elizabeth. He died in 1732.===Will[1] In the name of God, Amen. I, William Grant Jun., being (*) weak yet in perfect (*). Fir...
Marie Capet de France, comtesse de Champagne
(1145 - 1198)
Please don't copy-and-past much or entire content from other websites into Geni Overviews.
Source Links
Medlands "France, Capetian Kings" — To assist in ongoing research by The Foundation for Medi...
Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancellor of the German Empire)
(1815 - 1898)
Otto von Bismarck ;
Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), simply known as Otto von Bismarck, was a German statesman who unified numerous German sta...
Richard Champernoun, of Modbury
(1260 - 1299)
Pedigree Stirnet - Champernowne01
'Champernowne1'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Champernowne of Bere Ferers, Champernowne of Clist, Champernowne of Insworth, Champernowne of Modbury...
Queen of Saxland Ulla Sigmundrsdotter, {Legendary}
(c.540 - 569)
Wanting a spouse, Helgi went to the Saxons wanting to woo their warlike queen Oluf. She was, however, not interested and humiliated Helgi by shaving his head and covering him with tar, while he was asl...
Hedwig of Nordgau
(937 - 992)
Hedwig van Nordgau (922 - 993) was de dochter van graaf Eberhard IV van de Nordgau en Luitgard van Lotharingen. Zij trouwde rond 950 haar oom (broer van haar moeder) Siegfried van Luxemburg, de...
Åslaug Sigurdsdatter, {Ragnars Saga}
(765 - 842)
Aslaug is a mythological person currently in the historical tree. She corresponds to Áslaugr Sigurðardóttir in Hversum Noreg byggdist , and to the fictional Áslaugr Sigurðardóttir in Volsunga saga .Int...
Áed Uaridnach
(530 - 612)
Hugh of the AgueAodh Uariodhnach High King and King of Aileach, Ireland.
Frederick Augustus Morgan
(1807 - 1886)
Convict Records:
Frederick Morgan; Middlesex Gaol Delivery; Marquis of Hastings 19/8/1825 - 3/1/1826; to NSW
Mount Morgan, Historic Township: "The Morgan Brothers"; part article. Frederick Morg...
John Wright
(c.1775 - 1860)
Family John Wright and Martha Patsy McLaughlin
John Wright b 1775 Frederick Co VA f abt 1870; m. 23 Jan 1810 Wise Co VA to Martha Patsy McLaughlin b 1795 Rockbridge Co VA.
Children of John Wright...
Alice of Chester
(1094 - aft.1141)
ALICE of Chester From Medlands: of RANULF Vicomte du Bessin "le Meschin" & his wife Lucy --- . Guillaume de Jumièges records that Richard married "la sœur de Ranulfe le jeune comte de Chester"[690]. Th...
Constantius II, Roman Emperor
(317 - 361)
Konstantin II (februar 317-340) var romersk keiser fra 337 til 340. Han var Konstantin den stores første sønn med sin andre kone Fausta. Konstantin II ble allerede som svært ung utpekt som en mulig ett...
Olev Subbi
(1930 - 2013)
Olev Subbi (7. märts 1930 Tartu – 19. august 2013) oli eesti kunstnik.* Eestikeelne Vikipeedia * Eesti kommunismiohvrid 1940–1991 * *
Albrecht III Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg
(1414 - 1486)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach Reign 1440–1486> Predecessor: Frederick I of Brandenburg Successor: Frederick I of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Heinrich I "der Kahle" von Stade, Graf von Stade, Graf im Heilangau
(929 - 976)
[LOTHAR [II] von Stade (-killed in battle near Lenzen an der Elbe 5 Sep 929). No proof has been found that Lothar [II] was the son of Lothar [I] but this looks likely. Thietmar records the death of two...
Lars Kristian Relander, 2nd President of Finland
(1883 - 1942)
Biografiskt leksikon för Finland: Lauri (Lars) Kristian Relander was the second President of the Republic of Finland from 1925 to 1931. Läs mer på länken...
💙 Lauri Kristian Relander, 2nd President of...
Pagan (Pain) Peverell, Lord of Whittington
(c.1060 - 1133)
Please see Darrell Wolcott : Welsh Origins of the Peverel Family; . (Steven Ferry, April 15, 2020.)
Pagan/Payne ([born c.1073], son of Ranulph & Ingelrica Maud). He was feudal Lord of Bourn, Cambs, fe...
King of Agder (Legendary) Gard Norsson
(c.650 - d.)
Legendary king of Norway, according to "Hversu Noregr byggdist".Son of Nor Thorrison, father of seven sons: Hord, Rugalf, Thrym, Vegard, Freygard, Thorgard and Grjotgard.Quote:"Beite sjøkonge var far t...
Hildur "Hevor" Heidreksdatter
(c.572 - c.612)
Hildur Heidreksdatter, dronning i Skåne Hun var datter av til den mytiske goterkongen Heidrek Ulveham og Amfida. Gift med Valdar. de hadde barna Halvdan og GudrødValdar den gavmilde Hroarsønn, var gift...